Alpha Yohimbine – Queimador de Gordura de Casca de Yohimbe
O Alpha Yohimbine é um queimador de gordura potente, formulado a partir da casca de Yohimbe, que promove a perda de peso de maneira rápida e eficaz. Cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas, oferecendo um suprimento mensal deste suplemento altamente eficaz. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, o Alpha Yohimbine é produzido sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, garantindo sua eficácia e segurança.
Uma das características mais notáveis do Alpha Yohimbine é sua comprovada capacidade de queimar gordura. Ao contrário de muitos outros suplementos para perda de peso disponíveis no mercado, o Alpha Yohimbine contém Rauwolscine, também conhecido como Yohimbine, que possui evidências científicas robustas que apoiam suas propriedades de queima de gordura. Se você está preparado para lidar com seus efeitos poderosos, o Alpha Yohimbine pode transformar sua jornada de perda de peso.
A pureza é um aspecto fundamental quando se trata de suplementos, e o Alpha Yohimbine não decepciona. A RAW Synergies tomou medidas adicionais para garantir a pureza deste produto, submetendo-o a testes de terceiros. Esses testes garantem a potência, pureza e segurança de cada cápsula, proporcionando tranquilidade ao saber que você está consumindo um produto de alta qualidade.
Outra grande vantagem do Alpha Yohimbine é sua versatilidade. Ele pode ser facilmente incorporado ao seu stack atual de pré-treino ou queimadores de gordura. Quando combinado com cafeína, a Rauwolscine cria um efeito sinérgico que intensifica a queima de gordura e potencializa seus treinos. Isso torna o Alpha Yohimbine um suplemento adaptável que pode ser ajustado às suas necessidades específicas de fitness.
1. Eficácia comprovada: Alpha Yohimbine é respaldado por evidências científicas que demonstram sua eficácia na queima de gordura.
2. Pureza garantida: A RAW Synergies realiza testes de terceiros para assegurar a pureza e segurança do produto.
3. Versatilidade: Pode ser facilmente combinado com outros suplementos, potencializando seus efeitos.
4. Fabricado nos EUA: Produzido sob altos padrões de qualidade e segurança.
5. Resultados rápidos: Promove resultados visíveis em um curto período, ajudando a alcançar objetivos de perda de peso mais rapidamente.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula de Alpha Yohimbine por dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio, cerca de 30 minutos antes do treino. É fundamental seguir as instruções de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação.
Terrence –
This product was surprisingly good. I have tried several fat burners over the years and this had a profoundly shocking effect on my energy level, focus, and I actually lost a little weight. I would probably have seen even better results if I were to take it as prescribed (twice a day). I was able to take one capsule each day and was still thoroughly impressed!
I did experience jitters while taking this, but I think it was because I was also intermittent fasting three to five days each week. I was also not able to get as much physical activity in due to Covid-19. I am looking forward to another round and plan to focus more on reaping the full benefits of this supplement.
I would highly recommend it, but would advise to start with one capsule to see how you respond to it. I would also recommend trying to get in some exercise (3-4 days), while maintaining your typical dietary habits.
Aaron –
I used this off and on for a month. mostly for working out. the tolerance for me built very fast. took it one day, felt amazing. took it the next day, noticed maybe half or less of the same effect. I ended up taking this one day on and one to two days off and it worked a bit better. though, during all of this my stomach was very angry with me. like a light switch. take it? stomach effed up. dont take it? stomach back to normal. I decided that it isn’t worth taking as I value a well functioning gut. searching for an alternative. might try a different brand as well. workouts when this stuff was working were INSANE.
note: i took this for the energy. not the fat burning.
Anthony Franklin –
I bought this was tempered expectations. I expected more than a do nothing placebo, but I also did not expect a miracle product to help me lose weight.
I took 1 in the morning and 1 in late afternoon. I felt a bit more energy, endurance, stamina.. however you want to describe that non jittery natural energy that you don’t quite get from caffeine.
I used it for a month along with my normal exercise and cleaning up my diet. I lost several pounds but that was probably my diet. I credit this supplement for just helping fuel me and my late 30s body, helping me push through when I might have otherwise hit a wall working out, and a noticeable boost. Having gone over a month since mine ran out, I’ll probably be starting another round to help with working out, etc. I didn’t notice any negative side effects, other than the first day or so I was wide awake at my usual bedtime. In reading the reviews, it seems like different people react differently to this. It seems relatively safe and affordable to give it a try. You might find just the bit of edge you need.
JC –
This stuff is SOOO much better than Yohimbine HCL for multiple reasons and I have tried both yohimbe bark and yohimbine by itself in multiple brands. HCL gives me heart palpitations that almost make me feel like I have an arrhythmia. HCL makes me feel like I am sick giving me chills and a runny nose. It increase erection quality but increases “PE” makeing the joke true about lasting only 30 seconds or less. Alpha yohimbine on the other hand makes my heart feel normal. No chills. I am a normal healthy person without any conditions but I feel like I am on my deathbed with HCL. Alpha increases erection quality and actually helps me last longer which even viagra cannot do that. The energy is nice but not overwhelming and even when adding caffeine (100-200mg) my heart still feels really good without palpitations. This stuff is AWSOME.
This stuff is so much better than regular yohimbe. That stuff makes my heart beat irregular and makes me feel horrible. This stuff works well but i wonder if it needs to be cycled to continue to get the most energy benefits
Gary M. –
I had used Yohimbine years ago when I competed and had gotten away from it. As I aged and things change, as they always do with age,, I had tried several other fat burning supplements that I thought would help me reduce weight/bodyfat but nothing was effective until I went back to my “old school” roots. I really have had great results using Alpha Yohimbine. Not only are my workouts more intense, but I could tell within a week of using it that it was aiding in my ability to burn bodyfat. Since using this product I’ve been able to dropped over 10lbs and 4 inches in my waste, in a fair amount of time. Nothing happens overnight, but consistency is key. I have never taken more than one pill per day, always in the morning on an empty stomach before my workouts, and I am pretty consistent with my nutrition, only taking a day a week to eat whatever I want. I will say that my biggest problem was losing the bodyfat in my stomach and hips and this was the first product I’d tried in several years that I felt made a significant difference in my being able to do just that. Not only that, the price is great in comparison to other brands toting thermogenic effects that are available. Definitely worth trying.