Descrição do Produto: Alovitox Granulados de Pólen de Abelha 8 Oz | 100% Puro, Pólen de Abelha Orgânico para Dragões Barbados | Superalimento Rico em Antioxidantes, Proteínas e Vitaminas
Os Granulados de Pólen de Abelha Alovitox são uma fonte excepcional de nutrição para dragões barbados, oferecendo um superalimento 100% puro e orgânico. Com 8 oz de pólen de abelha cuidadosamente selecionado, este produto é rico em antioxidantes, proteínas e vitaminas essenciais que promovem a saúde e o bem-estar dos seus répteis. O pólen de abelha é conhecido por suas propriedades nutritivas, ajudando a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, melhorar a digestão e aumentar a energia. Ideal para ser incorporado na dieta diária dos dragões barbados, os granulares são fáceis de administrar e podem ser misturados com outros alimentos ou oferecidos como um lanche saudável.
1. Nutrição Completa: Rico em proteínas, vitaminas e minerais, essencial para o crescimento e desenvolvimento saudável dos dragões barbados.
2. Aumento da Imunidade: Os antioxidantes presentes no pólen ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, protegendo os animais de doenças.
3. Melhora na Digestão: Contribui para uma digestão saudável, promovendo a absorção de nutrientes e evitando problemas gastrointestinais.
4. Energia Sustentada: Fornece uma fonte natural de energia, ideal para dragões barbados ativos e em crescimento.
5. Fácil de Usar: Granulados práticos que podem ser facilmente misturados com outros alimentos, tornando a alimentação mais variada e nutritiva.
Para utilizar os Granulados de Pólen de Abelha Alovitox, recomenda-se adicionar uma colher de chá dos granulares à dieta diária do seu dragão barbado. Os granulares podem ser misturados com vegetais frescos, frutas ou ração seca, garantindo uma alimentação equilibrada e saborosa. É importante observar a reação do seu animal e ajustar a quantidade conforme necessário, sempre mantendo uma dieta diversificada. Armazene o produto em local fresco e seco para preservar suas propriedades nutricionais.
Raquel Frederick –
Bee Pollen Granules are outstanding! The quality is top-notch, and it’s 100% pure. These granules are perfect for adding to smoothies, yogurt, or just eating on their own. I highly recommend this product for anyone looking for a natural and nutritious supplement.
KiKo –
I wanted to add bee pollen to my health regimen for its various benefits, and decided to go with this brand as it was advertised to be “all natural” and “premium quality”. I just received my 8 oz bag with expiration date April 2026, just to find the content all clumped up.
I was also not aware that this was a product of China as the origin wasn’t openly disclosed.
I guess I should have done my “homework” a little bit better before ordering. Now I lost 16 bucks as this item is not returnable/refundable. :/
danny tackitt –
Add a teaspoon to my tea in the morning and at night with my vitamins.
Ron A B –
This is very fine bee pollen. It is well dried and so not as strong tasting as more fresh bee pollen. Also it is not gummy like some very fresh bee pollen. I believe this is better preserved and holds more nutrients because it is dried completely.
The flavor of bee pollen is very complex. If you can get a very local bee pollen, that is preferred. If none is available at a reasonable cost, then getting it from a place like the Andes Mountains seems like a good option, as it is less likely to have contaminants. Bees travel in a three mile radius around theoir hives and the pollen available changes over the year, making bee pollen a dynamic and changing supplement. For me, every few years I like to get some bee pollen and provide my body with the micro-nutrients.
Patricia Demsky –
I really like this pollen! First off It tastes really good and it is perfect to put on açaí bowls or on yogurt! There are so many health benefits too!
Blue blue blue –
fast delivery and nice addition to my everyday smoothies but short shelf life
KiKo –
Ok so this is my first experience with bee pollen, and this may not be specific to this brand, but I really like its taste. And it looks like there’s enough to last for a while based on my daily serving size (1 tsp). I can update for more later after using it longer.
Sylvain Boisvert –
I purchased this product due to the great reviews and I am so happy I did. I needed a quality product to help my bearded dragon eat his veggies. Our BD is like a family member so I will only feed him quality products. This Bee Pollen Powder fits the bill, not only was it shipped to my house fast, but my BD is actually eating more of his daily salads. In a few short months he will be more of a vegetarian so I needed to make sure he is eating his veggies well, so I thought I would give this product a try. My husband has also tried it in his protein shakes, so we have multi-uses for it. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this product to friends and family.
Al –
1) Bee products are widely-known as some of the most easily-accessible natural immune system boosting options out there. There is minimal involvement in the natural cycle of the final product and it’s full of nutritional health benefits
2) Alovitox’s Pollen packaging is pleasant and safely sealed. Granules are of perfect size for topping-off salads (which is what we mostly use it for) and have natural no-additives smell. Price is very reasonable, happy with this purchase.
3) Nothing to do with this product, simply passing on my advice, if anyone reads this – also recommend having in your pantry next to pollen: hemp hearts seeds, flax seeds and chia seeds (do quick search and read about benefits). Also, keep in your fridge’s door – flax and hemp oils for dressing salads, adding to breakfast dishes, and whatnot. Great health and immune benefits. Peace
Bernard Grant –
Great product and would order again.