A Almofada Térmica para Alívio de Dor nas Costas, ZUODUN, é a solução ideal para quem busca conforto e alívio eficaz das dores que afetam o dia a dia. Com um design pensado para atender às necessidades de quem sofre com desconfortos nas costas, ombros, abdômen, pescoço, joelhos e pernas, este aquecedor elétrico proporciona calor instantâneo, aliviando a tensão muscular e as cólicas de forma prática e segura.
O ZUODUN se destaca por suas 6 opções de temperatura ajustáveis e 4 configurações de temporizador, permitindo que o usuário personalize a intensidade do calor conforme sua necessidade. Além disso, conta com um sistema de desligamento automático, que garante a segurança durante o uso, evitando o superaquecimento e proporcionando tranquilidade ao usuário. A facilidade de uso é um dos pontos fortes deste produto, que pode ser utilizado em qualquer lugar, seja no sofá ou na cama, graças ao seu cabo de alimentação de 8,46 pés de comprimento.
Outra característica marcante é a possibilidade de escolher entre calor seco ou úmido. Para um alívio ainda mais profundo, basta borrifar água no aquecedor, direcionando o calor úmido para as áreas afetadas. O tecido macio e aconchegante que reveste a almofada proporciona um toque suave à pele, tornando a experiência de uso ainda mais agradável. É um presente perfeito para aqueles que você ama, demonstrando cuidado e atenção ao bem-estar.
- Alívio instantâneo de dores nas costas, ombros, abdômen, pescoço, joelhos, pernas e cólicas.
- Opções de temperatura ajustáveis e configurações de temporizador para maior conveniência.
- Recursos de segurança embutidos para evitar superaquecimento e garantir o uso seguro.
- Lavável na máquina para facilitar a limpeza e manutenção.
- Tecido macio e aconchegante que proporciona conforto excepcional.
Para utilizar a Almofada Térmica ZUODUN de forma adequada, conecte o dispositivo a uma fonte de energia e selecione a temperatura desejada. Posicione a almofada na área afetada, como costas, ombros, abdômen, pescoço, joelhos ou pernas. Se optar pelo calor úmido, borrife uma leve quantidade de água no aquecedor antes de aplicá-lo. É importante seguir as instruções de segurança e desligar o aparelho após o uso. Caso a dor persista, recomenda-se consultar um profissional de saúde para orientações adicionais.
Kelvin –
This heating pad provides 6 heat settings and also a timer so you can set it up and not worry about turning it off manually – it will shut down automatically once the time is up. This is perfect for using in bed etc. the cord is pretty long and the size of the pad itself is big enough to wrap around your lower back or to place across your stomach/shoulders with ease and provides an equal spread of heat. I tend to keep on the medium heat setting and it performs well providing instant pain relief. I purchased it on sale, but the quality is so good I would pay full price.
Sal –
This is a very soft and flexible heating pad. I like it for the heat it gives (I sent back a different heating pad form that did not heat up hot enough). This one does get hot. Easy to use. Power on/off; Heat up/down; and you can set or not set the timer. It’s super soft and light. When I first tried it I thought it might be to light in weight but after trying another heating pad and not caring for it, I ended up really liking this one. I would recommend it for the heat, softness, flexibility of the pad and easy to use.
Brandi –
Le coussin est très doux et d’une bonne grandeur
Devient très chaud une bonne chaleur je l’adore
Mahina –
This is a very good heating pad. I highly recommend it. Here are the reasons 1) it heats quickly and I mean quickly so you start to get relief right away. 2) It has several heating levels so instead of just low, medium and high you have numbers to choose from and that gives you a range of heating options. 3) It has an auto shut off timer! I love this feature because I can set the timer, go to sleep and not worry about possibly being burned or waking up too hot. 4) The timer has several settings too. This is probably one of the best features because you can set it to an hour or 5 hours and that’s just so helpful. 5) It’s soft and cozy. The fabric is soft and it bends and rolls easily so it can contour to where you need the heat. 6) It’s lightweight. 7) You can remove the cord and wash it! This is a fabulous feature that I’m so grateful for. The only drawback I’d say is that if you aren’t careful you can accidentally press a button you didn’t meant to on the controller but the good thing is it beeps when you change something so you know the button has been pressed. Highly recommended overall!
Brandi –
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I purchased this b/c I have trigeminal neuralgia which causes horrific pain in my face, jaw, into my ear and neck. The pain is usually suddenly onset, and lasts a few minutes. There is no painkiller in the world that could touch the type of pain that this disorder causes. Besides, the episodes happen so suddenly and last a few minutes, even if you did have a painkiller, the episode would be over by the time the medication kicked in. I’ve taken all manner of painkillers, including very strong opioids so I know first hand that there is nothing that can touch this pain. I have no choice but to ride the wave until it’s over. I have these episodes sometimes several times a day, sometimes it happens repeatedly all day long, sometimes it will only happen once a day.. some days I can go thru the whole day without an episode at all. There’s really no telling. The pain is like a volume knob on a radio. I will suddenly feel it come on and within minutes, or even seconds, I feel the knob cranked up, sometimes to the point that I feel I will pass out.. flopping like a fish hysterical.. inescapable pain.. and then suddenly without warning, I can feel the pain start to reduce, like the dial is being turned down, slowly until it’s stopped. It is a bizarre feeling to go from being fine, to feeling the attack about to come on, and within minutes or seconds, flopping like a fish in hysterics ready to hurt yourself to make the pain stop, to suddenly being completely fine.. it seems heat really helps stop the episode from going it full blown “flop like a fish ready to die” mode. My husband suggest I purchase a heating pad so I bought this.
It is very soft. The material is reminiscent of what a baby blanket would be made out of. The material is 100% polyester & made in China, according to the label. At least there wasn’t a prop 65 warning anywhere associated with this 😅
The seams are well-done. No loose or messy threads, uneven or crooked stitching anywhere. You can feel that the heating element is neatly ran throughout the entire heating pad. It’s a thin wire. Just feeling thru the blanket, the wire they used in this feels premium. Much nicer than the norm. I’ve seen others that have what seem like cheaply made thin little wires. This just seems well constructed. The blanket can be scrunched up and folded & molded in any way you like. The wire is not stiff. You can cuddle up with the heating pad without being bothered by the heating element wire or noticing it.
The only negative thing I have to say about it is in regards to the remote. The buttons are very easy to click accidentally. I find myself constantly turning it off on accident. I’ll just be laying in bed with it snuggled up to my face while scrolling on my phone.. next thing I know it’s not hot anymore because at some point, I accidentally powered it off despite barely moving. Happens all the time. It would be nice if the buttons made a beep sound when pressed so you would know if you accidentally pressed a button.
It’s just super annoying to turn it off on accident all the time if you make one wrong move.
Despite the drawback of the remote, I think it’s deserving of a 5 star review. I’ll update my review if it breaks or anything happens to it. So far I really like it, and my toddler seems to love it. She’s kinda jacked it from me and hogs it all the time lol.
Impera Magna –
I was really impressed with this new heating pad. My previous heating pad was purchased in 1970s and this one is a vast improvement. It is so soft and does not crinkle like my old one. I tried it out the same afternoon that I received it because I’ve been having some lower back issues. It works great, the heat felt so good, and I could feel the tight muscles in my back, relaxing. Particularly nice is the automatic shut off so that if I fall asleep, the heating pad will not be on forever. Very easy to adjust heat level and amount of time to remain on.
Linda Lawrence –
So soft and flexible… great heat.. speedy to heat up, too!
A great size and really the best heating pad I have ever used!! Love all the ways you can set it. Auto shut off, and a great value.
Olga V. Melnikova –
This pad is a life saver. It is very soft and right sized. It heats up super fast. I use it for back pain from training and nursing job . This pad is amazing! It takes pain away. I will also take it to work, since it is always cold in hospitals at night. Highly reccomend!!
G. Koerner –
I had a serious back problem and bought one of these. After using it, I bought a second one because it worked so well to help relieve pain in my back as a supplement to medication. The medication (pain patches) advised me to not use a heating pad at the same time as the medication, but I was able to alternate and use the heating pad while sitting and the pain patches during other times, until I was healed. I liked the newer technology of the digital control and auto-off timer.
Lyne R. –
This heating pad does not get hot on its highest setting maybe I had a defective unit but i expect a heating pad to be borderline uncomfortably hot on its highest setting and this one was simply warm. $60+ dollars is a rip off for this unit, someone is making a killing.