Descrição do Produto: Slippery Elm em Pó Orgânico
Descubra o poder do Slippery Elm, um remédio natural que tem sido utilizado por gerações para promover a saúde e o bem-estar. Nosso pó de casca de Slippery Elm é cuidadosamente extraído da casca interna de árvores de ulmeiro de alta qualidade, selecionadas por seu rico conteúdo nutricional e propriedades suavizantes. Este pó é processado com rigor para garantir sua pureza, livre de aditivos ou impurezas, preservando todos os nutrientes naturais que são essenciais para a saúde digestiva.
O Slippery Elm é conhecido por ser uma fonte rica em antioxidantes e fibras naturais, contendo uma quantidade significativa de mucilagem vegetal, que contribui para a saúde do sistema imunológico e promove o bem-estar digestivo. Tradicionalmente, é utilizado para aliviar dores de garganta e apoiar a saúde respiratória. Os compostos encontrados na casca de ulmeiro podem oferecer diversos benefícios, tornando-o uma erva valorizada em remédios naturais.
Com 349 porções em uma embalagem de 454.000 mg, cada dose contém 1.300 mg de extrato de casca de Slippery Elm. A dosagem diária recomendada é de 1 a 2 colheres de chá, que podem ser misturadas com pelo menos 240 ml de água fria, mas também se combinam bem com água morna, sucos, smoothies ou mingau frio. Seu sabor suave facilita a adição à sua rotina diária.
O Slippery Elm em pó é versátil e pode ser utilizado por homens e mulheres. Ao optar pela forma em pó, você obtém uma dose mais concentrada, com absorção mais rápida e que é mais suave para o estômago. É ideal para promover a umidade vaginal feminina e pode ser incorporado de várias maneiras agradáveis à sua rotina. O pó de casca de Slippery Elm pode ser utilizado para fazer chás de ervas e bebidas saudáveis. Também é comumente encontrado em produtos naturais para cuidados com a pele, ajudando a nutrir e hidratar a pele, tornando-se um ingrediente versátil para diversas necessidades de saúde e bem-estar.
Este é um pó de casca de Slippery Elm de alta qualidade, feito a partir de 100% de casca de Slippery Elm pura. Obtido organicamente e produzido nos EUA sob rigorosos padrões de GMP, não contém amido, grãos, é livre de glúten, não OGM e vegano. Confie em nosso compromisso com a qualidade para uma saúde digestiva holística para toda a família. Cada lote é rigorosamente testado para garantir que você receba apenas o melhor para acalmar a boca, garganta, estômago e intestinos.
– Alívio Natural: Ajuda a suavizar a garganta irritada e a aliviar a tosse, proporcionando conforto imediato.
– Saúde Digestiva: Promove a saúde do sistema digestivo, aliviando desconfortos estomacais e melhorando a digestão.
– Rico em Nutrientes: Fonte de antioxidantes e fibras que fortalecem o sistema imunológico e melhoram a saúde geral.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em bebidas, chás e produtos de cuidados com a pele, adaptando-se às suas necessidades diárias.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produto orgânico, livre de aditivos e rigorosamente testado para garantir pureza e eficácia.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Slippery Elm em pó, recomenda-se misturar 1 a 2 colheres de chá do pó em pelo menos 240 ml de água fria ou morna. Você também pode adicionar o pó a sucos, smoothies ou mingau para uma experiência mais saborosa. Para uso tópico, o pó pode ser incorporado em receitas de cuidados com a pele, proporcionando hidratação e nutrição. É importante seguir a dosagem recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
Kelly –
Indigestion and bloating have been ongoing issues for me, but slippery elm powder has made a noticeable difference. I’ve been using slippery elm bark powder for about a month, and I’ve experienced far less discomfort after eating. I mix it with water or herbal teas, and the texture is smooth and easy to drink. I find that slippery elm bark powder soothes my stomach and helps reduce the bloating I would normally feel after meals. It’s become an essential part of my daily routine. What’s great about slippery elm is that it’s natural, so I don’t have to worry about side effects or chemicals. It’s a simple, effective way to improve digestive comfort. If you have trouble with bloating or indigestion, I would highly recommend giving this product a try.
ambur hughes –
This is NOT good quality slippery elm at all!!! When you mix slippery elm with warm water it is supposed to be slimmy and smell like oatmeal. THIS SMELLS AND TASTES LIKE BURNT PENCIL SHAVINGS AND NO SLIM WHICH IS WHAT IS BENEFICIAL TO YOUR BODY!!! VERY DISAPPOINTED.
Amazon Customer –
I have struggled with digestive discomfort for years, trying various remedies, but none have worked as consistently well as slippery elm powder. After taking it for a few weeks, I noticed a significant improvement in my overall digestive health. The powder itself is very mild and easy to use. I simply mix it with water, and the texture is smooth. It does not have an overpowering taste, so it’s easy to incorporate into my daily routine. What I love most about slippery elm powder is how gentle it is. Slippery elm bark powder calms the stomach without causing any harsh effects, unlike other digestive aids* I’ve tried. Over time, I’ve noticed less bloating and fewer instances of discomfort after meals. I highly recommend this slippery elm bark powder to anyone who experiences frequent digestive issues. This product has genuinely helped me feel more comfortable in my body.
Angela Ulibarri –
I have had issues with my stomach for years, ranging from irritation to discomfort, and I’ve tried several products, but nothing worked as well as slippery elm powder. The first thing I noticed was how easy it is to prepare—just mix organic slippery elm powder with warm water, and it dissolves quickly. I usually drink it first thing in the morning, and it immediately provides a soothing effect on my stomach. What I love most is that it doesn’t have any harsh side effects. Over the course of using organic slippery elm powder, I’ve noticed less stomach upset and a reduction in discomfort that I used to experience after meals. It seems to coat the stomach and provide a gentle, calming sensation that helps with digestion. If you’re someone who struggles with stomach irritation, I strongly recommend giving slippery elm a try.
Kelly –
I was introduced to slippery elm powder through a friend who swore by its benefits. Initially skeptical, I decided to give organic slippery elm powder a try. After about a week of using it, I could already feel a noticeable difference in my digestive comfort. The powder is easy to prepare and has a smooth, slightly earthy texture. I have noticed that my digestion has become much more regular, and I no longer experience the bloating and discomfort I used to after eating. What’s even better is that it’s a natural product with no harsh chemicals. Since incorporating slippery elm into my daily routine, I’ve felt more at ease after meals, and my digestion feels more balanced. I truly believe this organic slippery elm has made a positive impact on my overall health.
Mary-Jane Starbuck –
As someone who is always looking for natural ways to improve my health, I decided to try slippery elm powder after reading about its digestive benefits. I’m so glad I did! It’s been an excellent addition to my wellness routine. I mix slippery elm bark powder with warm water, and it creates a smooth, soothing drink that has a calming effect on my digestive system. After a few weeks of using it, I’ve noticed that I no longer experience the same level of bloating and indigestion I used to. In fact, my stomach feels much more settled overall. I appreciate that it’s a natural remedy with no added chemicals or artificial ingredients, which makes me feel good about using it long-term. I would definitely recommend slippery elm powder to anyone who struggles with stomach discomfort or just wants to improve their digestive health.
John Scanlan Jr –
I’ve been using the Starwest Botanicals brand with great results, but thought I would try to save some money with this brand. I should have trusted the other reviews that this doesn’t dissolve or gel up like slippery elm is supposed to, which makes me question whether it’s actually slippery elm at all. Worst of all, I just found out it isn’t eligible for returns- ridiculous! Amazon shouldn’t be selling mislabeled products and refusing refunds.
paul brumm –
I’ve been using slippery elm powder for a couple of months now, and it has been a game changer. Before I started using slippery elm bark powder, I frequently felt bloated and uncomfortable, especially after heavy meals. I came across slippery elm as a natural remedy for digestive issues, and it intrigued me because it’s been used for centuries in traditional medicine. The powder itself is easy to mix with warm water, and the texture is smooth. I have noticed a significant difference in my digestive health since I started using slippery elm bark powder. My stomach feels calmer, and I no longer experience as much bloating or indigestion. I also feel more regular, and my overall digestive system just feels more balanced. Slippery elm bark powder has truly been an incredible addition to my health regimen.