Almased Vanilla Meal Replacement Shake
O Almased Vanilla Meal Replacement Shake é um suplemento nutricional em pó com sabor de baunilha, que oferece suporte à saúde e ao controle de peso. Com proteína vegetal de alta qualidade e baixo índice glicêmico, este shake substituto de refeição ajuda a manter a saciedade e promove a perda de peso saudável. Cada embalagem contém 17,6 oz (1,1 libra) do produto.
O Almased Vanilla Meal Replacement Shake é um suplemento nutricional em pó de alta qualidade, projetado para auxiliar na perda de peso e promover uma saúde ideal. Com sua fórmula exclusiva, este shake substituto de refeição é o número 1 em vendas na Europa para perda de peso. Com Almased, você pode perder até 10 libras em apenas 14 dias, reduzindo os desejos e a fome, obtendo a vantagem metabólica que os europeus têm.
Este shake é um impulsionador do metabolismo para perda de peso, graças aos seus peptídeos bioativos naturais e enzimas digestivas. Esses ingredientes exclusivos ajudam a aumentar o metabolismo, queimar gordura, manter a massa muscular magra e reter energia. Ao substituir uma refeição por dia com Almased, você pode alcançar seus objetivos de perda de peso de forma eficaz e saudável.
Uma das principais características deste shake é a sua alta qualidade de proteína. Almased é o único pó de proteína para perda de peso com um perfil completo de aminoácidos, projetado para uma absorção ótima. Com 27g de proteína por porção e 4,7g de BCAAs (aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada), este shake ajuda a reter e aumentar a massa muscular magra, enquanto promove a perda de gordura.
Almased é uma opção totalmente natural para perda de peso. Não contém açúcar adicionado, sabores artificiais, enchimentos, conservantes ou estimulantes. É livre de glúten e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM). Com apenas 180 calorias por porção, este shake é rico em vitaminas e minerais essenciais para uma nutrição completa.
A preparação deste shake é extremamente fácil. Basta adicionar 8 colheres de sopa do delicioso pó de proteína Almased a 10-12 oz de água, leite desnatado, leite de aveia, leite de amêndoa ou café gelado. Misture em um copo ou agitador e adicione frutas com baixo teor de açúcar, se desejar. A versatilidade deste shake permite que você o personalize de acordo com suas preferências.
- Perda de peso eficaz: Almased é o número 1 em vendas na Europa para perda de peso, permitindo que você perca até 10 libras em apenas 14 dias.
- Impulsionador do metabolismo: Com seus peptídeos bioativos naturais e enzimas digestivas, Almased ajuda a aumentar o metabolismo, queimar gordura e manter a massa muscular magra.
- Alta qualidade de proteína: Este shake é o único pó de proteína para perda de peso com um perfil completo de aminoácidos, fornecendo 27g de proteína por porção e 4,7g de BCAAs.
- Ingredientes naturais: Almased é livre de açúcar adicionado, sabores artificiais, enchimentos, conservantes e estimulantes. É também livre de glúten e não contém OGM.
- Fácil de preparar: Com apenas 8 colheres de sopa e alguns líquidos de sua escolha, você pode desfrutar de um shake delicioso e nutritivo em questão de minutos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, substitua uma refeição por dia pelo shake Almased. Adicione 8 colheres de sopa do pó de proteína a 10-12 oz de líquido (água, leite desnatado, leite de aveia, leite de amêndoa ou café gelado) e misture bem. Você também pode adicionar frutas com baixo teor de açúcar para um sabor extra. Consuma imediatamente após o preparo. Para melhores resultados, combine com uma dieta equilibrada e exercícios regulares.
LuWanda Witchfield –
I am very skeptical of weight loss products because 99 percent of them do not work, but this one does! I have lost 15 pounds, no hunger or cravings for sweets and NO side effects. The taste is not great, but you can easily add something to make it just fine. I used coffee flavorings, no sugar, no carbs, no calories. At first I used all the scoops they recommended, but soon found that I did not need to use as much of the powder as they said. If this company really gets advertising for Almased, it will take off and be bigger than Ozympec.
Kaitlyn –
I love the taste. A little hard to mix, but if you like vanilla and almonds this is pretty good. I get why others wouldn’t like it, maybe they are expecting a dessert or indulgent treat lol. But it is after all, a protein shake of sorts. It’s quite thick once mixed (I used a hand frother to mix it really well) and I used oat milk. Then added ice and shook it up some more. The oat milk might have made it taste better. I can see it being really good in coffee as well. I will update review if I’m able to give more info on results/appetite control aspect. To start, Im trying just 4 tablespoons instead of 8 because of the price, I’m hoping it will still have benefits, but if I find myself not full I will have another 4 tablespoons with oat milk. If it does help me control appetite/lose weight then it is worth the price for me. I do wish it was more affordable but I suppose with quality, things cost more. And I’m just happy this isn’t some MLM product you have to subscribe to
Rhonda C. –
I’ve been using Almased as a meal replacement every morning for over 10 years. Although it’s a bit on the expensive side, I find it well worth the investment. My go-to blend is the vanilla-flavored Almased, where I mix 6 tablespoons with decaffeinated coffee, a little liquid stevia, ¼ teaspoon of cocoa and a cup and half of ice. It tastes like an iced Frappuccino! It keeps me full, curbs my appetite effectively, and gives me a noticeable boost of energy throughout the day.
When I first started using Almased, it was to lose weight. Now, I use it to maintain my weight. Originally, I used as two meal replacements and lost 25 pounds in 3 months. It is part of my daily routine. For vacations, I combine all of the dry ingredients into a baggie and pack it in my luggage so I can have it away from home. It fits seamlessly into my lifestyle, and I’m confident I will continue using it to maintain my weight loss goals.
Happily retired –
Three days in one meal to go and its short on product. Says 10 servings but that wasn’t true. I carefully measured each tablespoon precisely and leveled each one. I dislike the taste but I knew it wasn’t going to taste great but its tolerable when I put ice in it. My energy level is actually better. I haven’t felt hungry or wanted to sabotage myself. I’ve lost 5 lbs. But I didn’t do any measurements I definitely notice my stomach is not as bloated as it was. I’m determined to lose this weight. Doing it for myself so I’m totally committed. Liquid diets work the best for me. Yes I gained weight back but it took me10 yrs to do it. I’m 71 now but have many things I still want to do.
Natasha Von Grim –
This has a strange taste but it does cut my cravings. I tried mixing it with yogurt and other things , but the flavor kind of comes through no matter what. It would be.
helpful if they threw in a measuring cup.
Nani –
I just had my first shake and as others have said, it doesn’t taste very good….but I’m going to stick it out and see if it works.
The issue I have is, I ordered the 3 pack and one of the cans wasn’t sealed and the powder was all over when I opened the box. I was subscribing to make sure I didn’t run out but cancelled when my shipment was damaged.
Jasper –
When I mix this with grapefruit juice, or water, or other juices, or almond milk, first thing in the morning, and just stir it with a spoon real fast, and glug it down taking pauses, it hydrates me, and honestly fills me up like I had just eaten a big, full meal.
When I’m trying to intermittently fast and if I’m skipping breakfast, this is exactly what I need to keep me from snacking.
I only use like 3 coffee scoops in like a 12oz glass because I’m only 5 feet tall and I usually have to cut down on recommended amounts of things generally meant for big huge tall people.
I’m like child-sized, so less is better for me.
I’m on my second can of it, I’ve only lost 2lbs, but it makes me feel good for some reason.
Not having chunks of food in my gut to digest all the time is very freeing.
I think the nutrients in this stuff are making me just feel better generally.
Ima start taking it 2 or 3 times a day and I bet the weight will start coming off faster!
lambjam14 –
I like the taste only when mixed with almond milk and cinnamon,honey,it’s a little too pricey I am 6’4” 240lbs so you have to add 12 to 14 scoops by the time you finish scooping out what you need there is only maybe a half of protein left I didn’t experience any change in my energy level, but the stuff is filling, and I was not really hungry after drinking it so I’m thinking maybe you should lower the price or either give you more for the money that it cost