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Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Alta qualidade de proteínas
O Almased Multi-Protein Powder contém uma combinação única de proteínas de alta qualidade, incluindo soja, iogurte e mel. Essa mistura exclusiva fornece todos os aminoácidos essenciais necessários para uma nutrição completa e equilibrada.
2. Suporte à perda de peso
Este pó de proteína é especialmente formulado para ajudar na perda de peso. Com baixo teor de gordura e carboidratos, ele ajuda a controlar o apetite e promove a queima de gordura, auxiliando no alcance de seus objetivos de perda de peso.
3. Fácil de preparar
O Almased Multi-Protein Powder é extremamente fácil de preparar. Basta misturar uma porção do pó com água ou leite e agitar bem. Você terá uma bebida deliciosa e nutritiva em questão de minutos.
4. Energia duradoura
Este pó de proteína fornece uma fonte de energia duradoura, ajudando a manter seus níveis de energia ao longo do dia. Ele também ajuda a promover a recuperação muscular após exercícios intensos, permitindo que você se sinta revigorado e pronto para enfrentar qualquer desafio.
5. Versatilidade
O Almased Multi-Protein Powder pode ser usado de várias maneiras. Além de ser uma ótima opção para shakes de proteína, ele também pode ser adicionado a receitas de panquecas, smoothies e muito mais. Sua versatilidade torna-o um complemento perfeito para qualquer estilo de vida saudável.
– Misture 8 colheres de sopa (50g) do pó com 200ml de água ou leite desnatado. Agite bem até obter uma consistência homogênea. Consuma como substituto de uma refeição ou como parte de uma dieta equilibrada. Recomenda-se o consumo diário de 2 a 3 porções.
michael calderon-betters –
The Alamased arrived in brand new condition. I have been using this, and along with exercise, it is starting to help me lose weight, the shake is so delicious. I love it. Thank you.
Tiffany –
The product works great – the supplier that sent this and a previous shipment’s packaging is ridiculous overkill. Each canister is shrink-wrapped, then wrapped in bubble wrap, then wrapped to package as a set and put in a plastic bag, then shipped in a cardboard box. Really? Why? WASTEFUL, UNNECESSARY, AND NOT ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY. Other shipments, that I can only assume are other suppliers, arrive with no problem with only the canister shrink wrap, the wrap that puts cans into sets of 3 and the box. And they are always just fine.
black bear –
1. Very happy with the product. I am following the plan outlined in the package insert and have lost 30 lbs and continuing to lose. It was hard at first but I have settled in and am happy with how I look and feel.
2. Unhappy with subscription. The orders I have placed intermittently have been shipped very well packed with each canister shrink wrapped. The first order on the subscription, one canister was damaged and powder was all over the box. The canisters were not shrink wrapped. I just received my second subscription order and while nothing was damaged, the canisters are not shrink wrapped. So I got lucky this time. This product is too costly to risk receiving damaged product, so I’m removing the risk and canceling the subscription. I’ll just have to make sue I order timely. I wish the product was readily available at local retailers. But it’s not. So ordering from Amazon is the only viable option.
3. If you want to lose weight, and are willing to commit to the plan-give Almased a try. It is WORKING for me. I have a significant amount of weight to lose and watching the scale steadily going down has been all the motivation I need.
NV –
Great product! !
Katherine –
Been using this since 2010 every year to reset my metabolism. My skin always glows when I take it and I’ll lose inches without getting loose skin. Not great for weight loss but inches come off in All the right areas. I add cinnamon because the flavor is not great. I gain weight rapidly and this helps my metabolism. I’m 5’5 and maintain 140 until the holidays where I can gain up to 50lbs because I have no discipline so this helps stabilize my metabolism at the beginning of the year.
Tiffany –
I started using Almased in 2001 and have continued to do so when I need to reset my eating. I just began again and I love that the product hasn’t changed its quality or taste. There’s no starvation. No feeling snacky in between and blending is a breeze. And honestly, the cost is minimal when losing weight. Thank you for the best product available!!!
Mary –
I love this product. Almased is so easy to mix and it tastes great. It fills me up and gives me energy. Almond milk , stevia, and cinnamon are my favorite additions – mix with ice and go!
Crystal Melody –
I know, I know. You think this is yet another diet concoction that we all try hoping that this is finally the one that works. Well, guys for me, this is the one! It ain’t cheap; not by a long shot, but boy does it work for me. You got to faithfully follow the program that they set out for you. It is very clear and precise. If you don’t understand it, you can just call them. They are great! They will explain, and help you every way that they can.
I went from 219 to 187 pounds in one month! Of course, I didn’t exactly follow directions. I stayed on the first part longer ( which you are not suppose to do) with no bad side effects which I think that shows you that it is basically healthy and not a dangerous diet drink like some others are; but I am not suggesting you do what I did!
Now, I am following directions, and sticking to the program. One reason is because it is really expensive. That is the biggest drawback is the expense. Oh, another good thing about it that helps you stay on it is the taste. It is not bad at all. They suggest that you can add Stevia or cinnamon, even cocoa, and they have a vanilla flavor (which is more expensive), but I didn’t need any of that because I found that the original taste wasn’t too bad.
So, I first gave it five stars because it really works, but it is just so darn expensive. Oh, another thing. At first, you use it fast because you have to use 8 to 11 tablespoons three times a day and the cannisters aren’t that big so you go through them fast. So when you first order it, if you want to lose a lot of weight, you need to order several. I would order the three pack, and see how it goes for you. That is why I had to give it four stars. Even though it works great, and they are so nice and helpful if you need to call them; it is just really expensive and Amazon is the cheapest!