O AllSett Health 6 Pack é um conjunto essencial de escovas de dentes para bebês, projetado especialmente para crianças de 0 a 2 anos. Com cerdas macias e livre de BPA, este produto é ideal para iniciar a higiene bucal dos pequenos de forma segura e eficaz. O conjunto inclui um suporte para escova de dentes em formato de animal, que não só armazena as escovas de maneira higiênica, mas também as mantém secas e protegidas contra poeira e bactérias nocivas. As ventosas na parte de trás do suporte permitem fixá-lo em superfícies como espelhos, vidros e azulejos, garantindo fácil acesso e organização.
As escovas são fabricadas com material de qualidade premium, 100% não tóxico e livre de ftalatos, assegurando que até mesmo a empunhadura de mastigação seja segura e estimule as gengivas do bebê. O design seguro e fácil de usar, com um pescoço curto e um cabo em formato de anel oval, evita engasgos e sufocamentos, proporcionando tranquilidade aos pais durante o uso. Além disso, o cabo em formato de anel facilita a aderência, tornando-se uma excelente escova de dentes de treinamento. Um indicador de pasta de dente nas cerdas ajuda os pais a saberem a quantidade ideal a ser utilizada.
A parte inferior do cabo também serve como um mordedor versátil e massageador de gengivas, ideal para bebês que ainda não têm dentes. Este recurso é ótimo para os cuidados orais dos pequenos, aliviando o desconforto das gengivas durante o processo de dentição. O AllSett Health 6 Pack é, sem dúvida, um item indispensável na lista de presentes para bebês, sendo uma escolha perfeita para chás de bebê ou listas de presentes.
1. Porta-escova de dentes incluso para armazenamento seguro e higiênico.
2. Material de alta qualidade, livre de substâncias tóxicas e seguro para o bebê.
3. Design seguro e fácil de usar, evitando engasgos e sufocamentos.
4. Funcionalidade versátil como massageador de gengivas e mordedor.
5. Perfeito como presente para chá de bebê ou lista de presentes de bebê.
Para utilizar o AllSett Health 6 Pack – Escova de Dentes para Bebê, umedeça as cerdas com água e aplique uma pequena quantidade de pasta de dente adequada para bebês. Escove suavemente os dentes e gengivas do bebê em movimentos circulares, garantindo que todas as áreas sejam limpas. Utilize o cabo inferior como massageador de gengivas, aplicando uma leve pressão nas áreas afetadas para aliviar qualquer desconforto. Após o uso, lave bem a escova de dentes e armazene-a no porta-escova de dentes incluso, mantendo-a seca e protegida contra bactérias. Recomenda-se substituir a escova de dentes a cada 2-3 meses ou conforme necessário para garantir a eficácia e a segurança do produto.
Lauren Brook –
The ladybug holder is very cheaply made and falls apart constantly. That said, my 18 month old LOVES it. She is obsessed with ladybugs (beebees) and carries it with her everywhere haha. The toothbrushes are nice – easy to hold and use. She loves the bright colors.
Clarissa Dehling –
These toothbrushes are great because they are the perfect size for those tiny, independent hands. My son is not a fan of his teeth being brushes, however, he will try to brush his own teeth and these toothbrushes make it easy for him. The bottom part of the toothbrush is also a teether so when he’s done “brushing” he enjoys chewing on the other side. Love that I can buy these in bulk and have a spare ready for when he destroys one or it’s time to replace the existing one. This set also comes with a lady bug, suction, toothbrush cover/holder as well. Love that I can store my son’s toothbrush safely and cleanly. Not to mention it is so cute, hanging on the mirror!
Maddie G. –
Love that each toothbrush comes in an individual package, so they’re protected from germs. I would have had to put them in baggies if they weren’t so that was a nice surprise. Soft bristles. A little big for my baby’s mouth currently, but that’s okay, she likes chewing on it. Cute colors, and an easy to hold handle. I’d purchase again.
Dawn Ko –
Love these little tooth brushes for baby. They are easy for both baby and I to hold. The bristles are soft and the base is wide and great for gumming perfect for a teething infant. What I love most is that the tooth brushes are individually wrapped so you can just have them safely wrapped until you actually need to switch to a new brush.
Andrea Kazanchy –
We looooove these toothbrushes, but our favorite part is obviously the lady bug! She is stuck right on our bathroom mirror and hasn’t budged since we put her there. Such a cute toothbrush holder!! You can pop the toothbrush in and out with one hand. The toothbrushes themselves are fine. Soft bristles, nice handle for the babes, and the teething part is nice. My son is 19 months so he just chomps on the bristles, but when he lets me help, I feel like they do a nice job brushing. I change out the brushes prob every 4-6 weeks (bc of the chewed up, destroyed bristles). Overall, super cute and worth it!!
El mejor primer cepillo para los bebés que inicia la dentición! 🙌🙌
Amazon Customer –
Love the toothbrushes. They are soft but effective. My toddler actually enjoys using them. The ladybug holder is very cheaply made. It does hold the brush, but has fallen apart a few times by bumping into it or pulling the toothbrush out wrong. It’s fairly easy to put back together. But could be better made.
Laura –
I wish I had a picture to share because these are seriously the best toothbrushes I have found for my 15 month old. She can hold it herself and brush but also loves when I brush for her. They can be a little awkward at first to figure out how you (the adult) wants to hold them comfortably but you quickly get used to it. These are NOT for teething and I am sure like ANY other toothbrush, if the baby chews on it, it will ruin the bristles. I am in love with the fact that this came as a multi pack.
Only downfall is the holder is not friendly…it broke on the second day and I couldn’t figure out how to fix it. You needed two hands to close the toothbrush inside it which is not easy when you are holding a baby.