Alli – Cápsulas de Orlistat 60 mg para Perda de Peso, 120 Unidades – Recarga é um suplemento de emagrecimento que se destaca por sua eficácia e segurança. Composto por cápsulas de Orlistat 60 mg, este produto é um auxiliar na perda de peso que não requer prescrição médica, tornando-se uma opção acessível para quem busca resultados efetivos. Cada embalagem contém 120 unidades, ideal para quem deseja um tratamento prolongado. O Alli atua bloqueando a absorção de cerca de 25% da gordura ingerida, o que pode resultar em uma redução significativa da ingestão calórica. Quando utilizado em conjunto com uma dieta equilibrada e a prática regular de exercícios físicos, o Alli pode potencializar a perda de peso, ajudando a eliminar de 2 a 3 libras a mais para cada 5 libras perdidas através de dieta e atividade física.
O funcionamento do Alli se dá no trato digestivo, com mínima absorção na corrente sanguínea, o que significa que seus efeitos colaterais são reduzidos, não impactando significativamente os sistemas cardiovascular e nervoso central. Este suplemento é indicado para adultos com sobrepeso, a partir de 18 anos, e é mais eficaz quando combinado com uma dieta de baixa caloria e baixo teor de gordura.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Eficaz bloqueador de gordura: alli ajuda a bloquear cerca de 25% da gordura que você ingere, auxiliando na perda de peso.
- Complemento para dieta e exercícios: ao usar alli em conjunto com uma dieta com baixa caloria e baixo teor de gordura, você pode potencializar seus resultados de perda de peso.
- Aprovado e confiável: alli é um comprimido para perda de peso aprovado, garantindo sua segurança e eficácia.
- Resultados adicionais: além da perda de peso alcançada por meio de dieta e exercícios, alli pode ajudar você a perder de 2 a 3 libras extras.
- Mínimos efeitos colaterais: devido à sua ação localizada no trato digestivo, alli tem pouco impacto nos sistemas cardiovascular e nervoso central, minimizando os efeitos colaterais.
O uso de Alli oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar a sua jornada de emagrecimento. Primeiramente, a capacidade de bloquear a absorção de gordura ajuda a controlar a ingestão calórica, facilitando a perda de peso. Em segundo lugar, a combinação com uma dieta equilibrada e exercícios potencializa os resultados, tornando o processo mais eficaz. Além disso, a segurança do produto, sendo aprovado para uso, traz confiança ao consumidor. Outro ponto positivo é a possibilidade de perder peso adicional, o que pode ser um grande motivador. Por fim, os efeitos colaterais mínimos permitem que os usuários se sintam mais confortáveis durante o uso, sem preocupações com impactos negativos na saúde.
Para obter os melhores resultados com Alli, recomenda-se tomar um comprimido com água durante cada refeição principal que contenha gordura. É importante não exceder três comprimidos por dia. Para maximizar a eficácia do produto, siga uma dieta com baixa caloria e baixo teor de gordura enquanto estiver utilizando Alli. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer programa de perda de peso, garantindo que o uso do suplemento seja adequado às suas necessidades individuais.
NarcissaDelRey –
Only my third bottle though, since I have a hard time remembering to take it with every meal. I love this product. And for the people saying they’ve crapped themselves and they have oily farts, that is only a slight risk when you’ve consumed lots of fatty food in a short amount of time. Try to take this pill 15 minutes before eating, it works better. I also drank Smooth Move tea once a week because of buildup, and the next morning I would weigh in. Tried and true method from a regular ol college student.
Jeffrey Edward Leigh –
I’m older and disabled with a bad diet, I do go to the gym at least 5 days a week but limited on what I can do
Started taking these a month ago and the first couple weeks didn’t see any weight loss and did see the mess these things make.
Now almost through the bottle after a month and my scale is consistently showing I’m 4lbs lighter than I have been the last three months. No exercise or diet change.
Not a huge improvement but enough to make me want to order more. If I continue to see weight loss I’ll update next month. 52 year old male, 5’8″ 256lbs. Was 260.
Update***Second bottle was not even close to the same as what the first bottle was, first bottle was the same the first to last pill. Now on t the second bottle and its not doing any of the stuff the first bottle was doing. Not sure if its a bad batch or not but glad I only tried this one bottle at a time. I’ll not be wasting money again hoping that I get a good bottle that works.
Douglas R. Miles –
I have clean undies! The old Alli (back from 2007) was possibly dangerous but it worked very well at weight loss.. This new Alli is not at all dangerous.. It is very safe! .. However, I dont want safe! I’d like to know how to purchase the old formula that I could lose 10 lb in a month on! I know everyone whined and complained until now GSK is terrified to sell the version that works. After all the FDA was getting pretty concerned.. But now that they found a new manufacturer, they “somehow” no longer receive the scary complaints they did before. Obviously people used it incorrectly in 2007 an hurt their bodies.. (I am not blaming the consumer entirely it was a learning curve for everyone including GSK). However I’d like GSK to switch back to their old suppliers. It was a very potent weight loss medication. You know it seems like GSK is trying to play it safe. But they could risk the old formula again *if* it ended up being completely controlled by the doctors .. That is the MD told you how to supplement your nutrition and made sure at at least a majority of healthy meals in which you did not take the Alli.. See effectively when you take Alli, your body is not getting the fat soluble vitamins you need to live. Instead you get biological waste that seeps into your underpants. (No mater how much you avoid fat .. everything has it.. Milk .. eggs etc)
Realize that days you took the old Alli are days in which you fasted. If we consumers could have used Alli responsibly (and not starve out our organs into damage) maybe GSK could go back to the old formula? or at least sell it Rx.. (My physician would prescribe it) .. Anyhow my low stars are that this was a waste of 53$ since I bought the new ineffective “safe” version of Alli.. To add to everyone’s confusion is there was (but no longer) counterfeit Alli out there and there was real Alli that got over heated in shipping process. So (people .. not mentioning names) are using those events to conveniently avoid the elephant in the room: That the when the suppler changed.. so did the details of the manufacturing process. And concurrently dangers of Alli are now gone and resolved!
However it is might be hard for some people (like myself) to tell the difference between Alli and a placebo. Understand.. lab tests still; show it being the same Alli of 2007! Still My tablets have exactly 60mg of genuine Orlistat. I got exactly what I paid for. So there is no malevolence here. But anyhow I’d venture to guess there are scientists at GSK that after painstaking research can tell the difference in the formulation. But why should GSK sign up to get blasted by the FDA and consumers again?
I am sure they are hoping that people who loved it in 2007 will buy it again.. It didn’t take me all but one day to realize it the formula changed! (So unless I can find the old stuff I wont be buying it again) I am willing to pay up to 200$ for 120 x 60mg of Orlistat if it could be a different formula!
Hopefully everything I say here is wrong and selling a different than before version. Maybe they will get the errors resolved and replace my bottle? And I can get back to wearing diapers for 6 months while i get skinny!
Jeanie Reidhar –
This Weight loss product does not seem to be as effective as it used to be years ago. I’m gonna keep trying. I just don’t seem to be seeing the effects that I used to. I’ll let you know if something changes
Julie M. Hughes –
I started using Alli again in March along with other weight loss aids as part of a medically-supervised weight loss program. I had used it previously, with limited success, but that success was not wholly a failure on the part of the product as I sometimes forgot to take it and I didn’t always fully meet the dietary restrictions. This time, however, it has made a major contribution to a very successful weight loss effort that has impressed even my doctor.
To start with, I had gastric bypass surgery in 2002 that resulted in a weight loss of 188 lbs. Some rebound is common and even expected, but due to various circumstances, I gained weight at the rate of approximately 10 lbs a year, for a total of almost 60 lbs, which is much higher than normal. I made MANY attempts to lose weight but NONE resulted in more than a few lbs loss, no matter what I tried.
Then, in February, I became a patient of Dr. Dominic Ricciardi, a bariatric physician who specializes in post-op weight loss surgery patients. (Contrary to popular opinion, long-term post-ops often have a harder time taking off “small” amounts of weight than the average person.) My husband and I started his program together. I have a hard time calling it a program though, since it consists mostly of a calorie-controlled diet (1600 calories for me, 2000 for my husband) with journaling to keep track of calories and protein, physical activity, and the use of prescription phentermine. Prior to beginning the program, we had a full lab workup, and in office we were tested with EKG, Calorimeter, BP, weight, body composition, and measurements.
We had great success in the first month. Following an auto accident, I began to have headaches related to a neck injury. When I mentioned this to Dr. Ricciardi, he prescribed me Topomax for the headaches. Some of the well-known “side-effects” of this medication are a marked decrease in appetite and a change in sense of taste with regard to some foods/drinks. This is so distinct that the medication is in the process of being patented as a combo drug WITH phentermine for weight loss. He told me this because he knew that I was already doing very well with the phentermine alone, people taking Topomax often eat TOO LITTLE and he wanted to make sure I continued getting enough nutrition. He was right. I essentially lost the desire to eat (which is a wonderful thing for someone who is essentially a food addict.)
At the same time, I told him that I had a supply of Alli from the last time I dieted, and I wanted to know if it would be acceptable for me to take it. He told me that would be fine, and gave me the go ahead to take the prescription dosage. My Amazon purchase was my “refill” after I went through my reserves. Fat content has always been a problem for me for any number of reasons. First, fat is what makes food yummy! Second, especially when it comes to meat, the leaner the cut, the tougher it cooks and the easier it dries out. As a post-op, I need plenty of protein, and it does need to be lean, but it also needs to be tender and moist or it will get stuck in my pouch. It gets very difficult to keep a very low-fat piece of meat tender and moist! Third, my body composition has ALWAYS been higher in fat than normal. Even after massive amounts of plastic surgery following the bariatric surgery, I carried more fat than is normal. Getting fat to leave my body seems impossible, and you can only limit consumption to a certain degree. This is why Alli is such a godsend. As for the side-effects . . . yeah, they’re gross. When I’ve consumed too much fat, I know it. And it has hit at some very bad times, often when I was just about to leave for work. I’ve had to change clothes more than once. Guess what? I’m NOT COMPLAINING. 9 years ago, a doctor cut me open from groin to sternum and rearranged my insides, and it gave me my life back. It was not easy. It was painful. I had to learn to eat all over again and I got so sick that I was hospitalized for 2 weeks, put on TPN for 2 months, and finally started to be able to eat solid food again 3 months after surgery. My “pouch” is the size of a grape, but it is not meant to hold food, it just acts as a valve to regulate the rate of consumption. If I eat too much too fast, I get stuck and get sick. If I eat the wrong thing, that’s too bulky or too dry, I get stuck and get sick. Because of the bypass, if I eat food that is high in refined sugar (or even too much natural sugar), I get sick. I can even get sick from too much fat.
Now, with Alli, if I have too much fat, I know what will happen. It’s called aversion therapy, and after awhile, you don’t need to think about it. The IDEA of what that piece of fried chicken will do to you makes you shudder. That’s the POINT! Lately, the only time I have side effects are when I eat something that I THOUGHT was within the guidelines but actually was not. (This might be because I ate out or with friends and had to guesstimate fat content.) I accept consequences and take precautions. If you can’t deal, don’t take Alli.
After everything I went through (that I would do all over again in a heartbeat), I find it laughable that so many people who seem so “desperate” to lose weight get indignant because a weight loss product WORKS. Alli is designed to block the absorption of some of the fat you consume. The idea is to NOT consume too much, and it will do its job by still blocking part of what you do consume. If you do have too much, it’s going to do its job even BETTER and block ALOT of that fat. And you’ll probably leak (as I call it). Don’t want to leak? Then control your fat intake. When you see that gross orange stuff in the toilet bowl, smile. The stuff that you paid a lot of money for is working, and be glad that it’s there and not in YOUR body. If its working, and you still aren’t losing weight, then it might be that fat isn’t your problem and you may need to troubleshoot.
I started with Dr. Ricciardi on February 2nd (taking only Phentermine at first) weighing 200 lbs. I began Topomax and Alli near the end of March. I have lost steadily and continuously ever since. At last weigh-in on June 30th, I had lost 40 lbs.
Now, you may be saying, “that doesn’t mean it’s the Alli . . . what about all the other elements?” My husband has ONLY been taking the phentermine. He started at 336 lbs. He has also lost 40 lbs. However, because he is heavier and male, he should be losing weight much more quickly than me. I cannot say that Alli alone has done it, but to go 5 months without a slowdown of weight loss, and to be only 10 lbs from goal is something that is shocking even to Dr. Ricciardi, and he is a bariatric specialist. I can’t help but think the Alli is playing a significant role.