O Alkalife pH Booster Drops é o primeiro neutralizador de água ácida patenteado, projetado para aumentar o pH da água de forma prática e eficaz. Com apenas três gotas, você transforma água potável comum em água alcalina com pH 10, proporcionando uma série de benefícios para a saúde. Este concentrado mineral alcalino, desenvolvido em 1992, é o único de sua categoria a receber uma patente nos Estados Unidos, refletindo anos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Desde 1993, sua fórmula foi aperfeiçoada para garantir máxima eficácia, permitindo que você equilibre o pH do seu corpo de maneira simples e acessível.
Beber água alcalina é uma maneira eficaz de equilibrar o pH do corpo, o que pode resultar em uma ampla variedade de benefícios para a saúde. O Alkalife pH Booster Drops ajuda a neutralizar ácidos no organismo, reduzindo problemas digestivos e melhorando a absorção de nutrientes. Além disso, promove uma hidratação superior e um aumento nos níveis de energia, contribuindo para um desempenho físico e mental otimizado. Ao eliminar toxinas e neutralizar o ácido no fluxo sanguíneo, o produto fortalece o sistema imunológico, permitindo que o corpo funcione em seu melhor estado.
Outro aspecto importante do Alkalife pH Booster é sua economia e sustentabilidade. Uma única garrafa pode durar até 2 meses, produzindo até 360 copos (22,5 galões) de água alcalina, caso sejam consumidas 15 gotas ou 5 copos por dia. Isso não apenas representa uma economia significativa, mas também ajuda a evitar o desperdício de milhares de garrafas plásticas descartáveis anualmente, contribuindo para um planeta mais saudável.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Equilibra o pH do corpo, proporcionando benefícios para a saúde
- Único pH Booster com patente nos Estados Unidos
- Econômico e sustentável, evitando o desperdício de garrafas plásticas
- Promove o melhor desempenho do corpo, aumentando hidratação e energia
- Neutraliza o ácido no fluxo sanguíneo, fortalecendo o sistema imunológico
- Melhora a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, contribuindo para uma dieta mais equilibrada.
- Reduz a fadiga e aumenta os níveis de energia, ideal para quem leva uma vida ativa.
- Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças e infecções.
- Promove uma hidratação mais eficaz, essencial para o funcionamento adequado do corpo.
- Contribui para a saúde óssea, evitando a retirada de minerais essenciais do organismo.
Para utilizar o Alkalife pH Booster Drops, adicione três gotas em um copo de água potável comum. Mexa bem para garantir a completa dissolução do produto e beba imediatamente. Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 15 gotas ou 5 copos de água alcalina por dia. Armazene o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar suas propriedades e eficácia.
Cliente Amazon –
Opinionated –
I love this product! I just moved and haven’t found my alkaline strips yet but I add about 8 drops to my water bottle and it improves the taste of everything. I take a powdered supplement that I usually have to choke down but when I add the drops, the overall taste is much more palatable. After a few weeks of using this, I have noticed a dramatic increase in toxins leaving my body which I suppose it the point and which is why I believe it is working to detox and alkalize my body. I understand that you may not get the exact number of servings stated, but considering the fact that the company can’t estimate what kind of water you use, how acidic your body and your food may be, it is worth using what it takes and getting results rather than being concerned about getting the exact number of servings indicated. It is a reasonably priced product and improves your health and I will be reordering.
Laura –
Made a world of difference in the taste of my coffee. We have acidic well water. I was blaming the coffee pot and the brand of coffee but nothing I did changed the “blah” taste I was getting until I put these drops in the water before I brewed it and wow….big difference! It tastes good again!
Michael Connor –
the PH value was amazing. 10! but the water tastes funny. i don’t think i can drink it. i need to drink more water and this taste won’t help
Careful shopper –
3 drops did turn my filtered water at home to 10 alkalinity. The only complaint I have is that it is not really tasteless. it has a funny taste that I cannot describe. It does not make the water cloudy though. I like the fact that it is made in the USA.
Ok. This is a few weeks after the last review. I found that 2 drops is enough to turn my water alkaline. Also I found that if I shake the bottle vigorously before I dispense the drops, that funny taste seems to have disappeared.
Rich –
These work much better than my water ionizer. It reduces stored acid in the body and prevents chronic illness of all kinds.
If ever there was a fountain of youth in this world, this is it. Read the books about alkaline/acid balance written by the inventor of this patented formula Sang Whang. Then try it for yourself. I drink about 20 drops in water throughout the day, it improves my energy and other minor health symptoms dramatically. I don’t drink it at night because the energy is too strong. I drink it after I drink booze to avoid hangover. I dirnk it in the morning to wake up instead of coffee. I feel lighter and more open minded. It really helps my adrenal fatigue. I put a couple drops on a hornet sting, it relieved the pain in a couple seconds. I put one drop per day for a week on a 3/8″ wide triangle shaped red blotch I’ve had on my leg for years, it stung a little at first, then it became a bump, then it scabbed, then the scab fell off and the color faded out. Now it’s totally gone, pure clear skin! It’s just very simple alkaline chemicals, potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide, they are extremely alkaline, much more than bicarbonates. But these create bicarbonates in the body when consumed. Use this in combination with Hylands Nat Phos (#10) cell salt to reduce acids throughout the body, heal chronic illness, lose weight, reduce all kinds of annoying symptoms of “getting old.”
S. Bannock –
I have been drinking alkaline water for about 8 months now. I finally bought a alkaline water machine because it was improving my health in such a wonderful way. I have a lot of stomach issues and diet is what keeps it in check most of the time. I was worried about traveling and not having my water with me so I tried these drops. I was very skeptical but it was worth a shot, and I am so glad I bought this!! Converting regular water into alkaline water with these drops made a huge difference on how my stomach reacted to the traveling, it was just as normal as if I had been drinking the alkaline water out of my machine. I will now always carry this product with me when I don’t have access to my own water (plus its handy to take to restaurants instead of my own water bottle from home). I recommend getting PH strips though so you can test your water. Some types took only 2-3 drops to become alkaline where others i had to put in a few more because the water was so acidic.
Amazon Customer –
I like this product for easy access to alkaline water when traveling. Three drops in one cup of water and the ph is 9.
Nate Leal –
It’s effective at raising the pH of a drink in a controlled way. Three drops per 8 ounces is a bit much for me at this time. Once I figured out how to control the amount to add, this stuff turned into a priceless EDC. Until I start making my own DIY sodium/potassium hydroxide solution, I will continue to buy this. It’s super fascinating that so many people don’t understand the importance of controlling what goes in your mouth, much less the pH of those consumables.