Descrição do Produto: Herstat Cold Sore Relief 0,07oz
A Herstat Cold Sore Relief é a solução ideal para quem sofre com os incômodos sintomas de herpes labial. Com uma fórmula inovadora, este creme proporciona alívio eficaz para os sinais de um surto, como ressecamento, rachaduras, vermelhidão e irritação. Ao aplicar o creme, você sentirá um alívio imediato, pois ele atua suavizando as áreas afetadas e criando uma barreira protetora que retém a umidade, promovendo a cicatrização e o conforto dos lábios.
A pomada é discreta e suave, perfeita para ser levada a qualquer lugar. Sua aparência sutil permite que você a aplique em qualquer momento e local, garantindo que você esteja sempre preparado para lidar com os sintomas incômodos. A Herstat pode ser utilizada em qualquer fase do surto de herpes labial, seja nos primeiros sinais de formigamento e ardor, quando as bolhas aparecem, ou mesmo durante o processo de crostas e cicatrização.
Um dos grandes diferenciais da Herstat é a presença de 3% de Extrato de Própolis Purificado, um ingrediente natural e antimicrobiano produzido pelas abelhas para proteger suas colmeias de doenças e bactérias. O própolis utilizado na fórmula é obtido de forma sustentável por apicultores em Manitoba e passa por rigorosos controles de qualidade em nossa refinaria no Canadá. Além de suas propriedades benéficas, o própolis confere ao creme um aroma e sabor agradáveis, enquanto ajuda a acalmar e hidratar os lábios.
Estamos tão confiantes na eficácia da Herstat Cold Sore Relief que oferecemos uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro. Se você não achar que nosso produto é o melhor que já experimentou, basta entrar em contato conosco e resolveremos a situação.
– ⚡ Alívio eficaz dos sintomas de herpes labial, proporcionando conforto imediato.
– 💧 Cria uma barreira protetora que retém a umidade, ajudando na cicatrização.
– 🕰 Pode ser aplicado em qualquer fase do surto, oferecendo versatilidade.
– 🐝 Contém Extrato de Própolis Purificado, um ingrediente natural com propriedades antimicrobianas.
– 🌟 Garantia de devolução do dinheiro, assegurando a satisfação do cliente.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a Herstat Cold Sore Relief, aplique uma camada fina do creme diretamente sobre a área afetada. A aplicação deve ser feita várias vezes ao dia, especialmente nos primeiros sinais de um surto, como formigamento ou ardor. Continue a usar o produto até que a área esteja completamente cicatrizada. Certifique-se de lavar as mãos antes e depois da aplicação para evitar a propagação do vírus.
Becca B. –
This product caused any place I used it caused a rash and I don’t know how to treat it.i have sensitive skin and this product made it worse
N. C. Hawkins –
I love this product because it definitely works! I also love the lip care stick that comes with it. My problem with it is the size of the container of the lip protectant. I use it regularly and it doesn’t last very long so I have to keep ordering more. It would be great if you would make a larger size! Thanks!
Heiress –
I was soo surprised this product work soo well I had a massive cold sore, it was tingling and it was sore, I applied the cream and it stop most for the soreness and it’s actually going down I absolutely love this and definitely will buying it again!!! Thank you
April Mendez –
Absolutely love this stuff!!!
Renee Alexander –
Never have I ever written a review on Amazon. However, this product is amazing. I know everyone is raving but the hype is real. I’m one of the lucky people that gets a cold sore under my nose. I saw it forming on a Sunday, went on Amazon and saw this had amazing reviews, and I received it Tuesday. In ONE DAY I’ve seen a dramatic difference. I don’t even think it’s going to get crusty since I put this product on it. Since it’s below my nose and normally very small, this product is going to last. If you’re looking for another solution, give this a try. I don’t think you’ll regret it.
Edit: I agree with everyone about the amount of product. The tube is half empty. It works, but it’s expensive as hell for the amount of product.
Becca B. –
I have had a cold sore started in December 22, would flare up, go down flare up go down up until about two weeks ago. The moment it would go down, I would quit using Abreva and then within 48 to 72 hours. The cold sore would be inflamed again after going through three tubes of Abreva I decided to search for a different alternative. I absolutely love that this product is made with propolis.
When I originally placed an order for this, I also ordered they’re in between cold sore Chapstick. Upon receiving my order, I was super excited to try this I seen significant results within the first 72 hours and after finally getting it to go down exit and pop back up, or at least hasn’t yet. When my cold sore was inflamed upon putting on the serum, it did not burn compared to Abreva kind of does, there was no thick paste on my fingers nor on a Q-tip. I truly wish I would have taken before pictures so that I could show the result and just how effective this product is.
E. Ortiz –
This was my first time using this and I am going to order it again.
April Mendez –
Very small container, especially for the price. Doesn’t work fast. Seems like I could have waited without using anything & gotten same results. (My opinion) Good thing it came with their own version of chapstick. I used it & the lip balm & it was ok.
Pearl –
EDIT: tube #2
Man this product rocks. I’m only using this and icing my blister several times a day and it’s almost gone after 3 days. The blister is literally just disappearing without breaking open. This puts Abreva in the trash can forever for me. Try it- it’s worth it. It’s cheaper than Abreva too!
I used the whole tube of this over 2 weeks time over a breakout and it never turned into a blister, and faded away. I won’t say that it took less time than using Abreva BUT it never turned into a yucky, yellow and raw mess. Smells nice. I love the free lipbalm. I will definitely come back to use this product before my next breakout.
A.B. –
First time using this product 👌 i get huge cold sores.. And very painful.. Uses this and was amazing really soothing, helped with pain, and not scabbed.. Really highly recommend.. Ive ordered another 1 to keep. 😊😊