Produto Importado dos EUA

Alívio de Cólicas e Gases para Bebês e Infantes – Faixa Aquecida para Barriga de Recém-Nascidos – Faixa de Aromaterapia para Desconforto Abdominal e Constipação

*R$323.73 Em até 6x de R$53.96 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$53.96 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$323.73 sem juros2x de R$161.87 sem juros3x de R$107.91 sem juros4x de R$80.93 sem juros5x de R$64.75 sem juros6x de R$53.96 sem juros

O produto em questão é uma faixa aquecida para alívio de cólicas e gases em bebês recém-nascidos, além de proporcionar aromaterapia para aliviar desconfortos abdominais e constipação. Suas principais características incluem o aquecimento da região abdominal, o uso de aromaterapia e o alívio de cólicas e gases em bebês. Os benefícios são o alívio do desconforto abdominal, a melhora da digestão e o conforto para o bebê.

(10 avaliações de clientes)
Alívio de Cólicas e Gases para Bebês e Infantes - Faixa Aquecida para Barriga de Recém-Nascidos - Faixa de Aromaterapia para Desconforto Abdominal e Constipação *R$323.73 Em até 6x de R$53.96 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$53.96 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$323.73 sem juros2x de R$161.87 sem juros3x de R$107.91 sem juros4x de R$80.93 sem juros5x de R$64.75 sem juros6x de R$53.96 sem juros
SKU: F3CC11D3 Categoria: Tag: Marca:

BABY COLIC AND GAS RELIEF: Aquecedor Abdominal para Alívio de Cólicas e Gases em Bebês e Infantes – Envoltório Aromaterapêutico para Problemas de Estômago e Constipação

O Aquecedor Abdominal para Alívio de Cólicas e Gases em Bebês e Infantes é a solução perfeita para aliviar rapidamente problemas relacionados ao estômago, como cólicas, gases e refluxo ácido. Este envoltório ajustável proporciona alívio quase instantâneo para o desconforto do seu bebê.

Com um ótimo custo-benefício, o envoltório possui uma bolsa de ervas reutilizável que é aquecida por 15 a 20 segundos, ativando suas propriedades curativas. Ao contrário de outras opções disponíveis no mercado, o Happi Tummi original é feito com ervas naturais formuladas especificamente para cólicas, gases, constipação e desconforto estomacal. A bolsa de alívio de cólicas dura meses, acompanhando o crescimento do bebê até a fase de criança pequena.

A aromaterapia combinada com ervas antiespasmódicas é o segredo do sucesso deste envoltório para cólicas em bebês. O cinto abdominal proporciona calor e compressão suave, enquanto a bolsa terapêutica patenteada contém ervas antiespasmódicas e aromaterapia relaxante.

Comprovado e recomendado, o nosso envoltório para cólicas em recém-nascidos é recomendado por pediatras, consultores de lactação, mães e avós. Para os pais que se preocupam com medicamentos que podem conter ingredientes não testados, o nosso envoltório aquecido para o estômago do bebê é a solução natural para aliviar gases, cólicas e desconforto estomacal, acalmando o seu bebê chorão de forma mais segura.

Durma tranquilamente à noite e acalme o seu bebê de cólicas frequentes ou desconforto abdominal, especialmente durante a noite. Este é o presente perfeito para chá de bebê para todas as novas mamães e papais!

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • Alívio instantâneo de cólicas, gases e refluxo ácido em bebês e infantes.
  • Ótimo custo-benefício, com uma bolsa de ervas reutilizável que dura meses.
  • Aromaterapia combinada com ervas antiespasmódicas para um alívio eficaz.
  • Recomendado por especialistas, incluindo pediatras e consultores de lactação.
  • Solução natural e segura para aliviar desconforto estomacal em bebês.

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para usar o Aquecedor Abdominal para Alívio de Cólicas e Gases em Bebês e Infantes, siga estas instruções:

  1. Aqueça a bolsa de ervas no micro-ondas por 15 a 20 segundos.
  2. Coloque a bolsa aquecida no cinto abdominal.
  3. Ajuste o cinto ao redor da barriga do bebê, garantindo um ajuste confortável.
  4. Deixe o bebê usar o envoltório por um período de tempo adequado para obter alívio.
  5. Monitore o bebê durante o uso e remova o envoltório quando necessário.

Garanta o conforto e alívio do seu bebê com o Aquecedor Abdominal para Alívio de Cólicas e Gases em Bebês e Infantes. Compre agora mesmo na Vitaminer Shop!

10 avaliações para Alívio de Cólicas e Gases para Bebês e Infantes – Faixa Aquecida para Barriga de Recém-Nascidos – Faixa de Aromaterapia para Desconforto Abdominal e Constipação

  1. Mi

    Very good to calm my baby.

  2. Eve

    I have a beautiful 4 month old baby who has reflux and is, generally, what Dr Sears would term a “high needs baby” (see 

    The Fussy Baby Book: Parenting Your High-Need Child From Birth to Age Five

    ). He has tummy pains, cries a lot and seldom sleeps. After reading the plethora of positive reviews, although skeptical, I purchased two of these Happi Tummis, figuring “it can’t hurt to try”. I am pleasantly surprised that this product actually works the majority of the time and often almost immediately. It soothes my baby’s tummy and he stops crying so hard. It’s the middle of summer in Australia at the moment and the heat of this pack this does not seem to bother my usually “fussy” baby. The padded waistband is adjustable which is great because my baby is still small (he was premature) and it actually stays in place. The insert has a pleasant smell and heats up easily in the microwave after the recommended 20 seconds. My only disappointment is that the insert does not stay warm for very long and I have to reheat it frequently (although it’s usually soothed his tummy the first or second heating).

    The second Happi Tummi I bought for a friend who has a baby the same age with similar tummy issues. She has also said positive things about it for her little girl.

    Overall, I would definitely recommend trying this product if you have a baby who has tummy pains from colic or reflux.

  3. Katerina


  4. A. Crockett

    First off, this is not a miracle cure. I have a colicky baby and have tried everything from OTC medicine, massages and even acid reflux prescription medication – all to no avail.

    This worked to reduce our colicky baby by 33% – and for me, that’s a win! For about 1/3 of the times we put it on him, he seems to quiet down and express more gas or at the very least feel some relief in his tummy. I suspect it’s similar to a bath where he can feel the warmth on his tummy.

    Regardless, this is a good product for the price and I would recommend it.

  5. Rachelle

    This product is amazing works great would tell all my friends and family that have a baby that colic to use this

  6. Kaley

    This is super cute and it did help my baby to sleep A little , the few times I tried. It comes in a very nice bag with details about the Product. It’s awkward having a newborn with this big little elephant on them but it is doable. The elephant is super soft and it smells very faintly of herbs that are supposed to help the baby sleep . I purchased this after many long nights with a newborn baby that crawled up my chest with gas pains . If you are searching Amazon like I did to find any product that may help with gas and that will allow your baby to rest you can use this as a tool as others have mentioned but most likely you will need a prescription medicine from your doctor. Gentle pressing on the tummy did make my newborn a little happy but this product was no match for her painful squeals that needed to be addressed by changing of formula. I would also suggest you to purchase on Amazon a hypoallergenic formula like nutramigen or similac alimentum. If your baby has a milk sensitivity and you are looking for something that will help just a little bit you’re better off changing the formula . I tried both breast milk and the other gentle ease formula and the neuro pro they give you at the hospital, and other sensitive formulas. Nothing worked like the nutramigen . You do not need a prescription for these formulas, and you do not have to consult your doctor for the formula change as this is the number one dr recommended hypoallergenic over the counter formula in the US, and this will aid along with the belly wrap for a win-win situation. My baby was diagnosed with acid reflux although she never had a spit up problem, she would just make funny faces and you could see her tasting stuff on her tongue, that combined with the crawling up my chest where she was bent in half an sleepless days and nights of her screaming her head off. Baby rx Pepcid for the win! Nexium did not work for my baby. The windi which you can find On Amazon definitely works better than this elephant if you don’t have the money to get both. However, Windi is a one time use product, it helps only in the moment, and not everyone is comfortable with using it, and it’s not something you would want to use every day. If your baby Screams the entire time they are awake from gas pains and you are physically and mentally exhausted call your doctor as soon as possible and try the acid reflux medicine’s, because this will not work on a baby with a real problem. However once you get it under control then try using this product it will help them to sleep longer. This would be a really cute gift for somebody who is doing their babies room in elephants too. The waistband is soft, washable and adjustable so you can use it as baby grows. Hope this review helps somebody who is up in the middle of the night desperately searching for Amazon reviews to help find a product to help screaming colicky baby .

  7. paul stowe

    bought one each for my daughters that are both expecting at the same time and they both loved them!!!!!

  8. Salvador Ríos Duarte

    Las costuras del fajito no son de muy buena calidad, considerando que esa es la única diferencia que ofrece respecto a costalitos de semilla de menos de la mitad del precio, considero que fue un error comprarlo

  9. Tengfei Li

    My baby is experiencing colic symptoms and really difficult to comfort when he is crying. I tried to apply this to his tummy, it helps a little bit I believe due to the warmth. However, it does not work every time. The smell of the herb is okay I guess, not sure if my child will like it, but it is a little strong for me.

    One problem is that the wrap is too thick on his back, and it may make him uncomfortable when he lies on his back. I would just put the herb bag between the clothes and the sleeping bag. Another thing is that there is a long hard sharp dry “grass” (or herb) that penetrated through and fell out from the herb bag when I prepare it. I might hurt my child if I did not pay attention to it. So, be careful when using it.

  10. Kim

    This is the best thing they ever came ip with. There was days where i was crying tight with my baby cause i didn’t know what to do or how to help her a friend told me order this and OM Goodness it was a life saver she loves it and it calms her. If i could give this 10 stars i would a must have for any mother or soon to be mom

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