Alaffia Skin Care: Sabonete Negro Africano Autêntico, Tudo em Um – Gel de Banho, Limpeza Facial, Shampoo – 250ml
O Alaffia Skin Care é um sabonete negro autêntico africano que se destaca pela sua versatilidade e eficácia nos cuidados com a pele e cabelos. Com uma fórmula 3 em 1, este produto pode ser utilizado como sabonete corporal, sabonete facial e shampoo, oferecendo uma solução completa para a higiene pessoal. Elaborado a partir de uma receita ancestral, o sabonete combina ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, como manteiga de karité não refinada, óleo de palma africano, óleo de cânhamo e folha de oliveira, proporcionando uma experiência de cuidados luxuosa e nutritiva.
A manteiga de karité, conhecida por suas propriedades hidratantes, e o óleo de palma africano, que é seguro para orangotangos, conferem ao sabonete Alaffia uma capacidade única de limpar e nutrir a pele e os cabelos. A textura cremosa do produto proporciona uma sensação de suavidade e limpeza profunda, enquanto o aroma terroso e as notas cítricas do óleo de cânhamo e da folha de oliveira criam uma experiência sensorial envolvente durante o banho.
Além de sua eficácia, a Alaffia é uma marca que se compromete com o comércio justo e sustentável. Todos os ingredientes são provenientes de cooperativas de mulheres na África Ocidental, garantindo uma produção ética e de qualidade. A marca também apoia projetos sociais e ambientais, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento das comunidades locais.
1. Ingredientes Naturais e de Alta Qualidade: Composição rica em manteiga de karité e óleo de palma africano, que oferecem benefícios excepcionais para a pele e cabelos.
2. Versatilidade: Produto 3 em 1 que pode ser usado como sabonete líquido para o corpo, sabonete facial e shampoo, proporcionando praticidade e economia.
3. Hidratação Intensa: Propriedades hidratantes que deixam a pele e os cabelos macios, suaves e profundamente nutridos.
4. Aroma Único: Fragrância terrosa e agradável que transforma o banho em uma experiência sensorial única.
5. Comércio Justo e Sustentável: Apoio a comunidades locais e práticas éticas na produção dos ingredientes.
Para utilizar o sabonete Alaffia Skin Care, aplique uma pequena quantidade nas mãos ou em uma esponja de banho úmida. Massageie suavemente sobre a pele molhada e enxágue abundantemente com água. Para uso como shampoo, aplique nos cabelos molhados, massageie delicadamente o couro cabeludo e enxágue bem. Repita o processo se necessário. Evite o contato com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico. Desfrute de todos os benefícios deste sabonete versátil e natural, garantindo uma pele e cabelos saudáveis e radiantes.
I’ve been using black Soap for years and this brand is absolutely amazing
Tracy-Vee M. –
Ich bin absolut begeistert von diesem Shampoo, das nicht nur meine natürlichen Locken gut zur Geltung bringt, sondern auch als Bodywash und Conditioner verwendet werden kann. Es hinterlässt meine Haut weich und geschmeidig und es hat einen angenehme Duft.
Die Verwendung natürlicher Zutaten hat mich besonders angesprochen und ich bin beeindruckt von den Ergebnissen, die es liefert. Ich habe das Gefühl das es meine Haare repariert und gesünder macht. Es ist beruhigend zu wissen, dass ich meinem Haar und meiner Haut keine schädlichen Chemikalien oder künstlichen Inhaltsstoffe aussetze.
Diese eine Flasche hat mir für Monate gereicht. Es ist eine gute Investition, anstelle jeden Monat ein neues kopfreizendes Shampoo zu kaufen.
Brandi –
I’ve used this product for years, as a face wash & a little definitely goes a long way! It has helped clear up my skin & overall even out my skin tone. However, the last purchase I made with the two 16oz bottles I was a little disappointed. The cap was broken on one bottle, which made product spill throughout the packaging. I did request a replacement, and received the item a couple days later. The same issue arises with product being spilt throughout packing again from bottles not being closed tightly. I did decide to keep the replacements only because I can not find this specific product in any store on hand.
OmegaXin –
Ordering two bottles next time. Skin feels so smooth and smells fantastic
Train –
I have using this product for a number of years. I usually get it locally, but say it on Amazon and decided to order it to save a trip. I have extermely sensitive skin so I always get the unscented. I am able to use it all over. I have a buzz cut so shampooing is a cinch. On the skin, it rinses completely, leaving a squeaky clean feeling, such that I find that I don’t need lotion unless I just want to. For face and hair, and sometimes for body wasing, I use a sepaarate container to dilute it, about half and half. I wet the area for application then pour a small amount into my hands, rub together to produce suds then apply. I find that works best for me. If I use that method for bathing, I pour enough of the dilution into the was cloth then rub the cloth together to make suds, then apply. I also use it undiluted and that works too, I just seem to loke that way best. It’s not too stretch the product. So all in all, this soap is a winner I have added to a few others I can use. I like to have a few if one is discontinued, as has happened a few times since my skin is so sensitive.
Cindy Jones –
Let me say just wow! I absolutely love the way this soap feels on my skin and hair. I have only tried African black soap bars before and while they are great, I love this liquid soap so much more. It lathers amazingly well and leaves both my skin and hair feeling soft and moisturized. Having had oily skin all throughout my life, like most people my skin has gotten drier as I’ve aged but this soap makes my skin feel clean and soft and the same for my hair. This will definitely replace any bar soap for me and shampoo as well, I’ve never cared to invest too much in shampoos because I find most of them still make my hair feel stripped, so I focus on moisture with my conditioners but this as a shampoo made my hair feel amazing and what I love most, is you don’t have to use a lot. My bottle was delivered perfectly fine as it had a shrink-wrapped plastic covering the entire bottle and pump also it was boxed with three other items that I bought the same day, and the bottle and pump were protected during transit.
Abby –
The product is good, the scent is very natural and overall not a big problem. Would recommend
Dnyce –
I definitely also wash my hair with this and it gets it really really clean. After bathing with this soap, I follow up with some coconut oil on my skin and my skin is soft and moist for the whole day. I also feel it may be helped even my skin tone a little bit.
Kim Christopher –
It helps with blemishes and blackheads. It also keeps you skin supple and healthy. I recommend you throw away your regular cleanser and use this instead.
Brandi –
Used as intended. Good product and time saving product as well.