Descrição do Produto: Lithia Water, 4 fl. oz.
A Água Lítia, em embalagem de 4 fl. oz., é uma fonte natural de minerais que promove o equilíbrio e o bem-estar do corpo. Extraída de fontes ricas em lítio, este produto é conhecido por suas propriedades calmantes e de suporte à saúde mental. A Água Lítia é ideal para quem busca uma alternativa natural para aliviar o estresse e a ansiedade, além de contribuir para a hidratação adequada do organismo. Com um sabor suave e refrescante, é perfeita para ser consumida pura ou adicionada a bebidas e receitas. A embalagem prática de 4 fl. oz. facilita o transporte, permitindo que você leve os benefícios da Água Lítia para qualquer lugar, seja no trabalho, na academia ou em viagens.
Benefícios Destacados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Redução do Estresse: O lítio é conhecido por suas propriedades calmantes, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade e o estresse do dia a dia.
2. Melhora do Humor: O consumo regular pode contribuir para um estado emocional mais equilibrado, promovendo uma sensação de bem-estar.
3. Hidratação Eficiente: A Água Lítia é uma excelente opção para manter o corpo hidratado, essencial para a saúde geral.
4. Apoio à Saúde Mental: Pode auxiliar na regulação do humor e na prevenção de distúrbios emocionais, sendo uma opção natural para suporte psicológico.
5. Praticidade: A embalagem de 4 fl. oz. é ideal para levar na bolsa ou mochila, garantindo que você tenha acesso aos benefícios do lítio em qualquer lugar.
- Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 1 a 2 onças (30 a 60 ml) de Água Lítia diariamente. Pode ser ingerida pura ou misturada a outras bebidas, como sucos ou chás. É importante agitar bem a embalagem antes do uso para garantir a homogeneidade dos minerais. Para maximizar os efeitos calmantes, considere consumir a Água Lítia em momentos de maior estresse ou antes de atividades que exijam concentração. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e ao abrigo da luz para preservar suas propriedades.
What-I-Think –
I’m not sure if this has a placebo effect or is actually effective, either way the ingredients are scientifically proven to be beneficial to boost a mood. Worth a try for someone looking for assistance in that regard.
CBScorpio –
I read where lithia water is great for helping people that have cognitive disorders. I ordered a box of it and have been giving it to my Mom who suffers from cognitive issues. She gets a teaspoon a day and it has helped her immensely. I have also been taking it and it has provided a much needed mental boost for me too. Bottom line, I highly recommend this product. It is unfortunate that it isn’t sold in greater quantities or that it isn’t advertised more. It could MUCH to help enhance the lives of people.
Ronald B. –
I take 5-7 drops in a drink and after 2 weeks my stress level drops at least 20%. I have used Lithia Water for many years.
Michelle –
Many people are low in this trace mineral. Some areas of the country have higher amounts in the water supply, while other areas have very little. (Interesting studies have shown lower violent crime rates in towns with higher concentrations of lithium in the water.) I tested low in both hair mineral tests and blood tests. I was previously using lithium orotate, but it took many, many pills to increase my levels of lithium. Methylation experts, such as Dr. Amy Yasko, stress the importance of good lithium levels before supplementing with B12. Lithium is a B12 transporter and can be depleted with higher amounts of B12. I’ve also notice a difference in mood–more lightness and laughter–which is always nice! I wish the product were a little cheaper and/or available in a larger size. This size lasts about a month at the suggested dosage.
Camila Hervas –
I got this lithium water yesterday.
I follow the instructions precisely and when was tried, he rejected drinking it. The flavor must be awful and lithium noticeable for him not to drink it .
Emily –
I have not seen any benefit from this product as of yet. I will continue to take it at least until I have finished the bottle. I haven’t had any kind of supplement that shows an immediate positive affect on me. It usually takes a month or two.
Sandra J Garcia –
I suffer from anxiety, have had a few panic attacks. I am on prescription medication, but sometimes, you start to feel the anxiety coming on, a store, loud places, etc. this really works to take that edge off, better than taking more pills
Long Time Amazon Buyer. –
1 year ago, Started taking Lithium Orotate from Relentless Improvement it worked to control my mood swings, angry mood swings, anxiety and bouts of depression. I Started taking the Lithia Water two weeks, since then It works ! My moods swings are , anxiety , depression is about gone! I feel it maybe 8 percent and that is most anxiety. I feel Calmer, Relaxed, working has gotten so much better for me. I’m not having as many problems in my relationship. I have gotten great improvement. I put 2 Teasp in crystal 2 times a day and it truly works better then anything I have every taken. Even prescription medication Lexapro and Xannax. My doctor had me on this stuff for 3 months. No improvements at all!. The lithium Ortotate I took 5 tabs days, each tab is 5mg of lithium. It took about 2 weeks to really work. The lithium water has about 8 gains in a teaspoon and 1/2. Which is about 8,000 mg of lithium. It is not harmful to the body. It Works !!!! my stress, depression, anxiety, has never been under control like this. I will continue to buy this. I hope it helps the next person too. Just add, I take 2 tab of htp-5 100 mg for concentration with the lithium.