A Água de Arroz para Crescimento Capilar da marca BrandName é um sérum em spray de 200ml, especialmente formulado para mulheres que desejam fortalecer e promover o crescimento saudável dos cabelos. A água de arroz, um ingrediente tradicionalmente utilizado na cultura asiática, é rica em vitaminas e minerais que nutrem os fios desde a raiz, proporcionando um tratamento eficaz contra a quebra e a queda. Este produto não só ajuda a revitalizar cabelos secos e danificados, mas também repara pontas duplas, resultando em um cabelo mais longo, saudável e volumoso.
A aplicação do sérum é simples e prática, permitindo que as usuárias integrem facilmente o produto à sua rotina de cuidados capilares. Ao ser aplicado diretamente no couro cabeludo e ao longo dos fios, o sérum penetra profundamente, melhorando a circulação sanguínea e nutrindo os folículos capilares. Com o uso contínuo, os resultados são visíveis: cabelos mais fortes, brilhantes e com menos frizz.
– Promove o Crescimento Capilar: Estimula o crescimento saudável dos fios, tornando-os mais longos e volumosos.
– Minimiza a Queda e Afinamento do Cabelo: Reduz a queda e o afinamento, nutrindo as raízes e revitalizando os folículos.
– Nutrição do Couro Cabeludo e Cabelo: Melhora a saúde do couro cabeludo, combate a caspa e acalma a pele irritada.
– Adequado para Todos os Tipos de Cabelo: Compatível com cabelos normais, finos, tratados com cor e cacheados.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Formulado com água de arroz e óleos essenciais, proporcionando um tratamento eficaz e saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o sérum em spray diretamente no couro cabeludo e ao longo do comprimento do cabelo. Massageie suavemente com as pontas dos dedos para garantir uma distribuição uniforme do produto. Recomenda-se o uso diário ou conforme necessário, em conjunto com o shampoo de água de arroz da mesma linha, para potencializar os efeitos. Deixe o produto agir por alguns minutos antes de enxaguar ou estilizar o cabelo como de costume.
Jannell –
I wish I had taken before and after pictures, but I really didn’t expect a change because I have tried other products and have not been satisfying, my hair was breaking and thinning out. I decided to try the Rice Water Spray because I liked the idea of the spray instead of the foam. I am almost finished with my first bottle and have seen a big difference, very little breakage and my hair looks and feels fuller. I love this product and the love scent and I have already purchased another one. I will continue using the Rice Water Spray.
dmelichar –
I have only used this product a few times so I can’t attest to the hair growth aspect, but the product goes on well and doesn’t seem grimy or sticky. I don’t think it smells very good, but I have never made rice water to use on my scalp myself, so I’m guessing the smell is comparable. Will update again with thoughts after a longer period of use.
Mike –
I have been using this rice water spray a little over a week now and I can see new hair sprouts! My hair has significantly stopped falling out and I like the smell! It’s kind of sweet lol, not messy or oily or sticky at all and you can lightly style it! Works best if masagged on 2 times a day!
renee –
Just started using this product, haven’t seen results yet but will continue to use. I will say that the product smells a lot better than trying to make rice water for your hair at home. 🙂
Wish I had taken before and after pictures of my fried blonde hair!
First – I love the fragrance, it both unique and lovely!
I wasn’t expecting much – so I was pleasantly surprised ( thrilled actually 🙂 by the results I saw. Yes, I had hair growth and my severely broken ends ( from my hairdresser keeping me under the hot dryer for too long) were all smoothed out.
No more frizz, softness and hair growth – makes me so happy!
I have ordered three (3) times already and I’m sharing this information with my friends with similar hair issues.
I do wish the price was lower – or that they sold a larger container ( more economical size ) to refill into the spray bottle.
Grateful for this great hair product.
Aly Nicole –
It actually works does smell but works so well!! The bottle is on the small side but I’d buy this over and over in a heartbeat
Denise –
Idk how I feel about this yet. It’s not doing anything. Seems like I’m just applying extra stuff on my hair for nothing. I’ll come back again to see if any changes happen.
Yoyomahn –
I typically don’t write reviews, but I’m now using my second bottle. I’ve noticed some improvements, though patience is key as results take time. Don’t expect them in just a few days or weeks.