Descrição do Produto: Agent Nateur Holi (Mane) Hair, Skin, Nails, 13.8 Ounce | 390 g
O Agent Nateur Holi (Mane) é um suplemento dietético inovador e sem odor, que se destaca por sua formulação rica em superalimentos, como colágeno marinho e pó de pérola. Com uma mistura de mais de 30 minerais traço, incluindo cálcio e potássio, aminoácidos essenciais e potentes antioxidantes como glutationa e dismutase de superóxido, este produto é uma verdadeira revolução para a beleza e saúde dos cabelos, pele e unhas.
O colágeno marinho, derivado de peixes kosher de captura selvagem, é um dos principais ingredientes que contribui para a elasticidade e firmeza da pele, enquanto o pó de pérola é conhecido por suas propriedades iluminadoras e revitalizantes. Este suplemento é ideal para quem busca combater cabelos opacos, linhas finas e rugas, pele seca e tom irregular, além de unhas quebradiças.
– Melhora a Saúde Capilar: Promove cabelos mais fortes e brilhantes, reduzindo a opacidade e a quebra.
– Pele Radiante: Ajuda a suavizar linhas finas e rugas, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e saudável.
– Unhas Fortes: Fortalece as unhas, prevenindo quebras e descamações.
– Fórmula Sem Glúten: Ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares, garantindo uma suplementação segura.
– Fácil de Usar: Pode ser adicionado a qualquer alimento ou bebida, tornando a incorporação à rotina diária simples e prática.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Agent Nateur Holi (Mane), recomenda-se adicionar uma colher do produto a qualquer alimento cru ou bebida de sua preferência. A versatilidade do suplemento permite que ele seja facilmente incorporado em smoothies, iogurtes, ou até mesmo em receitas de sobremesas saudáveis. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e, caso esteja grávida ou amamentando, consultar um médico antes de iniciar a suplementação.
Sarae Raveen 🦋 –
In the first week of taking these, I got a rush of hair growth. I had some faux locs in and within the week, they looked like my own hair, loose and natural like I like them, hanging nicely because I had so much new growth. Since then, not so much or maybe I am just not seeing it. Regardless I take a spoonful everyday, mixed into whatever I drink at night. I may update this to say if I see another spurt like what I got at first, if I remember. I really hope I do because the growth was mindblowing that first week. I give it five stars but I think you definitely will have to take this for a few months to see big inches.
NYC_Chic –
So, I’m almost entirely done with my package of Agent Nateur. I’ve been dropping one scoop into my morning coffee every day. The Agent Nateur is a fine white powder that mixes like powdered creamer . . . it can clump up similar to flour when mixing it with liquid. It eventually evens out though and blends in with my coffee.
This powder has a taste and smell that’s unusual. To me, it smells like . . . sea creatures, for lack of a better description. It’s not really a fishy smell or taste, but there’s something ocean-like and somewhat unpleasant about it to me. It’s weird, but it’s just tolerable enough for me to drink it. I have to try not to think about it when drinking and tasting this Agent Nateur in my coffee, lol. Even with my flavored creamer added, I can still slightly taste this powder. It’s not great. I’m sensitive to smells and flavors though so while this Agent Nateur has a scent and flavor to me, it might not for the next person.
I haven’t really noticed any changes from consuming this powder as directed. I would really need another month of taking this to really notice any possible changes in hair or nail textures. On the flip side of that, consuming the powder hasn’t given me any adverse effects. I haven’t had any digestive issues with this or worsening of hair, nails or skin. Again, I think a person probably needs to go through at least two pouches of this stuff to allow time for new hair and new nail growth to start coming in in order to see if it’s actually making a difference.
I have noticed though that I’ve felt more even, mood-wise. I don’t know if the Agent Nateur has something to do with that but it’s been about a month or so of no massive mood swings so that might be something.
Sandra Ramirez –
This is a nice hair, skin and nails supplement.
Bridge –
I took this collagen every day until it was gone and I can’t say that I noticed any extraordinary benefits, but I didn’t notice any negatives either. This collagen did have a slightly different taste than the other collagen that I’ve uses, but it’s probably because this one is a marine collagen- which I’ve also heard is more effective. The taste wasn’t bad, it just had more of a noticeable taste if I mixed it with something that didn’t mask it well. Overall it’s a it’s a good collagen, perhaps I needed to take it longer to see distinct results. I’d probably buy it again.
Erica Hampton –
I took Vital Proteins for many years and really only saw results in the beginning. I was shopping at Erewhon and came across Agent Nateur Holi Mane and decided to try it because of the pearls! Instant results in my hair, nails, and skin! I’m ALSO Blonde and bleach my hair monthly, so if you are blonde and want strong, healthy hair…you need this!
julie –
Sandra Ramirez –
Ok, first let me start by saying that I don’t know if the product works or not, because in order to see results with collagen, one would have to take it for about six months. Anyone that tells you that they can see results within a few weeks is a liar. I do have to say the price is too expensive for the amount you receive. There is another brand that I use that also has marine collagen and I am going to that brand because I know that brand well and it does work. This holi mane Agent Nateur clumps so bad and for that reason I will never buy again, my previous brand never clump when in hot water and it’s half the price and you get more for your buck. I believe this product is only a sales gimmick and that’s all we are getting similar collagen to other brands and being sold as the holly grail of collagen, I am going back to Vital proteins and getting the marine collagen from them instead.
Hayli Smith –
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I love this product— It is an ethically sourced and very clean collagen with pearl powder. It has over 30 trace minerals to support hair, skin, and nail health. I started noticing a difference in my hair thickness and skin fine lines in the first month I started taking!