Afrin Spray Nasal Original: Alívio Rápido e Eficaz da Congestão Nasal
O Afrin Spray Nasal Original é a solução ideal para quem busca alívio imediato da congestão nasal. Composto por 3 pacotes de 30 ml cada, este spray é especialmente formulado para combater os sintomas de resfriados, alergias e sinusite. Sua ação rápida e duradoura permite que você respire livremente, proporcionando conforto e bem-estar em momentos de desconforto respiratório.
- Alívio em minutos: O Afrin Spray Nasal Original age rapidamente, desobstruindo as vias nasais e permitindo uma respiração mais fácil em questão de minutos.
- Até 12 horas de alívio: Com uma fórmula de longa duração, você pode contar com o Afrin para manter a congestão nasal sob controle por até 12 horas.
- Fórmula não viciante: Ao contrário de outros descongestionantes, o Afrin não causa dependência, permitindo o uso seguro e eficaz sempre que necessário.
- Alívio Rápido: O Afrin Spray Nasal proporciona um alívio quase instantâneo, permitindo que você volte às suas atividades diárias sem interrupções.
- Duração Prolongada: Com efeito que dura até 12 horas, você pode desfrutar de um dia inteiro sem a preocupação da congestão nasal.
- Não Causa Sonolência: Ideal para quem precisa se manter alerta, o Afrin não interfere na sua capacidade de concentração e produtividade.
- Fácil Aplicação: O design do spray facilita a aplicação, tornando o uso simples e prático em qualquer lugar.
- Pacote Econômico: Com 3 frascos de 30 ml, você garante um suprimento duradouro, oferecendo um excelente custo-benefício.
Para utilizar o Afrin Spray Nasal Original, agite bem o frasco antes de cada aplicação. Incline a cabeça levemente para trás e insira a ponta do frasco na narina. Pressione suavemente o frasco enquanto inspira pelo nariz. Repita o procedimento na outra narina, se necessário. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um médico antes de usar em crianças menores de 6 anos.
Jordan Benjamin –
Afrin…how I love thee. Afrin is the wasabi of nasal decongestants – it might burn a little for the first few seconds, but then it opens up your sinuses like it is nobody’s business! Unlike sudafed, afrin is a topical medication that works right away and stays where you put it (up your nose) rather than circulating through your system as a whole. Afrin is my go-to for head colds and severe congestion. As a wilderness medicine practitioner, I always include Afrin in my pack because it also happens to be extremely useful for treating stubborn nosebleeds. Read on, my friends, and I will enlighten you…
Afrin is a potent vasoconstrictor, which means that it clamps down on the blood vessels in the nose when you are congested and helps to shift the fluid out of the tissues where it is causing problems. When you have a nosebleed and use afrin, it does the same thing and causes the vessel that is bleeding to clamp down and constrict, which in turn helps to turn a big hole into a small hole where your blood can do its thing and make a nice clot. There have been a number of clinical studies that have validated the safety and efficacy of afrin for treating nosebleeds, even severe ones that were seen in the emergency department. When my girlfriend was going through chemotherapy for a lymphoma she had some issues with serious nosebleeds and I was able to stop them with Afrin without any issues. Highly recommend. It is a safe and extremely effective way to deal with most of these serious nosebleeds. I’m sure there are circumstances where other treatments will be required due to physiological issues like hemophilia where the blood is simply unable to clot even with the extra help. In these cases emergency department care for a topical hemostatic medication or cauterization is probably going to be necessary.
That said, I am not your doctor so check with them before using afrin if you have hypertension or any of the other contraindications listed on the bottle. Don’t use it if you just took a massive shot to the head because you have bigger problems than a nosebleed at that point and need to be evaluated for various fractures. However, if you suffer from a serious spontaneous nosebleed or just an annoying nosebleed that you want to stop, Afrin just might do the trick.
Rockin’ Fuge –
I like this product exclusively at night. I can breath through my nose and it provides me with a comfortable night’s sleep. I will use it occasionally for dental appiointments which require breathing through my nose. I have heard for years about the “rebound” effect meaning the probblem will get worse with even more swollen nasal passages BUT this has never happened to me. I have had absolutely NO problem and I breath comfortably throughout the day. I have been using for years and it’s worth a try if you cant breath through your nose while sleeping.
tks –
Item was delivered as ordered
OldAnalogGuy –
I’ve used nasal spray for years. Dristan was the first and now Afrin is what I use.
This three-pack of one (1) ounce product (Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride) is generally the product you’ll find in nose sprays these days. But this package represents the best value.
Normally, a ½ fl (15ml) package of this product will be around $4.98/ea. Give or take. That is $4.98 for ½ ounce.
However this three pack of ONE OUNCE (30ml) containers sells for $5.67 ea.
So, for a meager $.69 more each you’ll get TWICE the amount that comes in the ½ oz. package.
Quite a savings.
Now about the defamed cap.
This type of cap is the industry standard. You’ll find it everywhere. This is the one. There is nothing wrong with the engineering, manufacture, or assembly.
There is a gentleman that posted about this many times explaining exactly how to remove the cap, but this poor product is gaining many one star ratings because people are unfamiliar with its workings.
Yes, there is a twist to it, but one has to apply positive (read: continuous, heavy) downward pressure to the cap as you are turning it counterclockwise (to the left). If you do not keep applying the downward pressure AS you are turning it, you’ll hear clicks and it won’t come off.
After you remove it the first time, you can reapply it in a less tightened mode so it will come off much easier next time.
Remember: While pushing the cap down (don’t let up!) turn the cap to the left. If you hear clicks, you’re not pushing it down enough.
Get tough and you will finally say…”Oh, now I get it and I can breathe, too!”
lorettamatusaitis –
It always comes on time and works well
Jc –
Hard to find this size in a pharmacy.
skgillman29 –
Item received/fulfilled a few days delayed but seller did communicate that there was a delay. Item received undamaged and intact via shipping so everything was excellent and will purchase again from seller.
Ken Monzingo –
The product is one of my partner’s favorite, and uses it a lot. I overordered by mistake and Amazon was very receptive to my return request.