Descrição do Produto: ADVAGEN Prebio Fiber Supplement Powder Unflavored
O ADVAGEN Prebio é um suplemento de fibra pré-biótica em pó, desenvolvido para aqueles que buscam uma maneira prática e eficaz de aumentar a ingestão diária de fibras e promover a saúde digestiva. Cada caixa contém 30 pacotes individuais, tornando-o uma opção conveniente para quem está sempre em movimento. Este suplemento é rico em fibra solúvel e pré-bióticos, oferecendo uma solução ideal tanto para homens quanto para mulheres que desejam manter um intestino saudável e regular. Ao incorporar o ADVAGEN Prebio em sua rotina, você se sentirá revitalizado e pronto para enfrentar o dia.
Uma das principais vantagens do ADVAGEN Prebio é sua capacidade de apoiar o crescimento das boas bactérias intestinais. Ao nutrir a flora intestinal benéfica, este suplemento ajuda a eliminar as bactérias prejudiciais, promovendo um equilíbrio saudável no seu sistema digestivo. Feito a partir de milho, o ADVAGEN Prebio é uma escolha saudável para uso diário a longo prazo, sendo livre de glúten, açúcar e aditivos artificiais como corantes e conservantes.
Além disso, a fórmula do ADVAGEN Prebio é livre de grãos e sabores, permitindo que você adicione o pó a suas bebidas ou alimentos favoritos sem alterar o gosto ou a textura. Ele se dissolve rapidamente em líquidos quentes ou frios, tornando-se uma adição prática à sua dieta, seja no café da manhã, no lanche da tarde ou em um smoothie pós-treino.
– Aumento da Ingestão de Fibras: Facilita a inclusão de fibras na dieta diária, essencial para a saúde digestiva.
– Saúde Intestinal: Promove um ambiente intestinal saudável, ajudando na regulação do trânsito intestinal.
– Crescimento de Bactérias Benéficas: Estimula o desenvolvimento de boas bactérias, contribuindo para um microbioma equilibrado.
– Opção Saudável e Prática: Sem glúten, açúcar ou aditivos, ideal para quem busca uma alimentação limpa.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser adicionado a qualquer alimento ou bebida, sem alterar o sabor, facilitando a adesão ao uso diário.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o ADVAGEN Prebio, recomenda-se misturar um pacote do pó em 200 ml de água, suco ou sua bebida preferida. O produto pode ser adicionado a smoothies, iogurtes ou até mesmo em receitas de panificação. Para uma dissolução mais rápida, utilize líquidos quentes ou agite bem em líquidos frios. É aconselhável iniciar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme a tolerância do seu organismo. Mantenha uma hidratação adequada ao longo do dia para potencializar os efeitos do suplemento.
Lillian –
This mixes well into liquids absolutely has no flavor and actually did what it said it was going to do, good quality.
Amazon customer –
This individual packets are very convenient way to keep your guts regular and healthy while traveling. It is very effective and easy to use. This supplement doesn’t have any flavor and dissolves easily in any liquid. No complaints.
Sprouties 🌱 –
I travel overseas often and my digestion sometimes get upset with new food. These ADVAGEN Prebio Fiber Supplement Powder packets are just fantastic, with a combination of fiber ( to help things move along) and Prebiotic to support guts health. I am especially glad that this has no flavor at all, I prefer to mix it into beverages of my choice.
Product of Singapore. It arrived with an expiry date that is a little over 30 months away.
S. Wilkinson –
These prebiotic fiber powder packets are quite impressive – they deliver exactly what they promise. Each sachet is 5g of dietary fiber and only 10 calories, which puts it ahead of my psyllium husk supplement which is the same calorie count but 1g less fiber. The fiber in this product is a resistant dextrin derived from corn.
The powder has a very faintly sweet flavor on its own, but once mixed with even a small amount of liquid, is almost entirely tasteless. It also mixes in quite well. This makes it incredibly convenient to mix into a drink or even a meal and get an extra dose of fiber without struggling with thick, gloopy supplements.
The package comes with 30 servings and each sachet is small and easy to fit in a purse or pocket if you need to take it on the go with you.
Cascadian –
Advagen Prebio: Short Review
My focus on Supplements is always Safety, which I evaluate by looking at the folks that make a supplement. While I wish I had more information on certifications, my impression is that this is made by a reputable company which has apparently won an award for this product or for one like it. This Resistant Dextrin prebiotic is tasteless and easy to mix in water.
The Details:
Transparency: Advagen has trademark activity dating to 2022. It doesn’t appear to be the same as the pharmaceutical company AdvaGen. This appears to be Advagen PTE, a Singapore based company that claims to have started in 2006. They participated in the Singapore Health and Medical Congress, 2024. They have a robust website.
Accountability: I was unable to quickly identify any information about Good Manufacturing Practices or whether this product is GMP certified (they do claim to meet GMP standards). It appears that Singapore’s version of the FDA is similar in that it makes standards for supplement manufacturing, but doesn’t approve supplements prior to their sale. Fibrosol (which appears to be another name for this product?) , won an ‘Asian Parenting’ award in 2023.
Quality: This claims to be plant based, “resistant dextrin”, which is a prebiotic. A packet dissolved quickly in 8 ounces of water, had absolutely no flavor and did not change the texture of the water appreciably. The box has directions for use
Although I remain a bit of a skeptic of the nutritional supplement industry (in regards to safety), and wish that all companies displayed their good manufacturing credentials, I’m inclined to be that this is made by a reputable firm based on their participation in industry conventions and the parents award given to this product in Singapore.
I only took off a star because that’s what I do if I can’t easily and personally verify Good Manufacturing Practices certification (which even many large and well known companies don’t make public).
I review therefore I am!! –
Unfortunately, our diet doesn’t always involve as much fiber as it should and as such, we often have digestive issues. Anyway we can add fiber will help us maintain a healthier lifestyle.
I love that this fiber comes in single serve packets. This makes it easy to carry around and add to your drink anytime. Plus, I don’t have to do any measuring. It is also nice that this does not come with any additives, preservatives, or colors.
You can add it to water but even better is to mix it in with your morning coffee. You won’t even realize you are adding that extra fiber and you’ll support a healthy gut.
iseeyou –
Fiber can sometimes have a bit of a taste or texture as a supplement, but not this stuff. I was worried I’d be ruining my coffee by adding this as a test, but I barely noticed a change. There was a slight texture change, but hardly. I try to get my fiber from the foods I eat, but I never get enough fiber while traveling and the single portion packs make this perfect for that.
AlabamaGirl –
I didn’t find them effective for me, but that doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a problem with the product. I’ve not found anything to work for me. This also doesnt have a variety of fiber sources in it. I feel like a good fiber supplement should. I also didn’t find that it dissolves completely in my water either. It doesn’t have a flavor, so that made it easier to drink. Its a good deal for the quantity if it would work. It wasn’t for me, but could be for someone else.