Descrição do Produto: Veru Wellness Biotin Plus Daily Patch – B7, Collagen – Self Adhesive Time Release Patch (60 Day)
O Veru Wellness Biotin Plus Daily Patch é uma solução inovadora para quem busca melhorar a saúde dos cabelos, pele e unhas de forma prática e eficaz. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina Biotina (B7) e Colágeno, este adesivo autoadesivo proporciona uma liberação gradual dos nutrientes essenciais ao longo do dia, garantindo que seu corpo receba a dose ideal de vitaminas e minerais. Cada embalagem contém 60 patches, suficientes para um tratamento de dois meses, ideal para quem deseja resultados visíveis e duradouros. O uso do patch elimina a necessidade de ingestão diária de comprimidos, tornando a rotina de cuidados muito mais simples e conveniente.
1. Liberação Gradual: O sistema de liberação em tempo controlado garante que os nutrientes sejam absorvidos de forma contínua, maximizando os benefícios ao longo do dia.
2. Fácil Aplicação: O patch é autoadesivo e pode ser aplicado em qualquer parte do corpo, tornando o uso prático e discreto.
3. Sem Efeitos Colaterais Digestivos: Ao contrário de suplementos orais, o patch evita desconfortos gastrointestinais, proporcionando uma experiência mais agradável.
4. Apoio à Saúde da Pele: A combinação de Biotina e Colágeno ajuda a melhorar a elasticidade e a hidratação da pele, promovendo um aspecto mais jovem e saudável.
5. Fortalecimento dos Cabelos e Unhas: O uso regular do patch contribui para cabelos mais fortes e unhas menos quebradiças, ajudando a prevenir a queda e a fragilidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Veru Wellness Biotin Plus Daily Patch, aplique um patch em uma área limpa e seca da pele, como o braço ou a parte superior das costas. Certifique-se de que a pele esteja livre de cremes ou óleos antes da aplicação. O patch deve ser utilizado diariamente, sendo recomendado trocar a posição do adesivo a cada nova aplicação para evitar irritações. Mantenha o patch por até 24 horas para garantir a liberação completa dos nutrientes. Para resultados otimizados, combine o uso do patch com uma dieta equilibrada e a ingestão adequada de água.
Bird Reviews –
These did not stick well Yes, i tried on clean, dry skin.
Itza Ramírez –
E notado consideradamente una gran mejoría en mis uñas y en mis vellos de las cejas un crecimiento más rápido el cabello para dar una buena opinión quiero esperar mucho más tiempo
Last all day easy to use
Itza Ramírez –
Value for the money. 60day supplies. Easy to use. Just stick and go. Love these patches
Lindsey –
Cuando se los lleve a mi dermatóloga yo contenta porque podía resolver de una manera muy fácil la suplementacion me dijo, es como si le diera un remedio para niños a un adulto, es tan baja la dosis de todo que es lo hace inútil y carísimo NO SIRVE
Merry H –
I’ve heard about biotin for as long as I can remember & I always think I should try it out but I am the worst at remembering to take any kind of pill/vitamin. Plus, so many of them have stipulations like “don’t take within 2 hours or coffee” etc. making it even harder to use consistently or have it be effective.
I love the idea of a patch. I don’t know why but I find it so easy to remember. I think I only missed 2 days that entire time. The adhesion here is great, I’ve forgotten more than once that I had them on in the shower but they were fine afterward- no peeling edges! And they don’t hurt to remove either.
It definitely didn’t do anything for me in terms of hair regrowth & I would’ve loved it to. I’ll keep using it though & update if that changes. One positive benefit I did pick up on was my nails. This is a recent change too. I have terrible natural nails, they split & break incredibly easily. This past week I realized I hadn’t clipped them in ages, normally I have to frequently in order to even them out after one breaks but they are longer than usual & there are no splits or peeling bits! They’re by no means long or even medium length but for me personally they are record breaking long. That’s the first time (ever) I’ve seen a positive change in my nails. As far as energy, perhaps I’ve felt a little bit of an improvement. I’m pretty much constantly lacking energy with our schedule so unless the difference is substantial, it’s hard to note.
I will continue to use this product, I’m interested to see what happens a month or 2 down the line. I think your results are essentially dependent on how much you as an individual need biotin; the more you’re lacking, the better your results will be.
Amazon Customer –
These patches are great. I’ve only used hangover patches in the past and this patch stays on my skin much better than the hangover patch. Once I put it on my arm, it stayed put and I forgot all about it.
I like this product for my thinning hair but after using it, I loved it for an energy boost. I’ve used 3 so far and I decided to use them every Monday morning before work until they are gone. They help me chase the Monday blues away, I’ve noticed I have more energy and feel good through the whole day. Hopefully its helping my thinning hair as well!
Lindsey –
I can’t speak about long term benefits of these patches, but any extra biotin is good in my book. My beard is almost completely grey, and I’ve been trying non-dye methods to counteract this. I’ve seen some improvement with other products, and I already do take a biotin supplement, so I can only assume it can’t hurt. The adhesion is great, but I have to switch up where I place them, because my skin is very sensitive. Hope they help!