Adaptogen Elite – Mistura Sinérgica – 60 cápsulas – Equilibra o Cortisol
Adaptogen Elite é um suplemento de alta potência que contém 1.455mg de extratos de ervas e raízes adaptogênicas, com 60 cápsulas por frasco. Sua fórmula exclusiva é projetada para ajudar a equilibrar os níveis do hormônio do estresse, o cortisol, proporcionando benefícios significativos para o corpo e a mente.
Suplementar com Adaptogen Elite pode ajudar a promover níveis equilibrados de cortisol, reduzir o impacto do estresse no corpo e aumentar a energia natural. Os adaptógenos premium presentes nesta fórmula incluem Extrato de Rhodiola Rosea, Extrato de Ashwagandha, Raiz de Ginseng, Raiz de Astragalus Orgânica, Bagas de Schisandra Orgânica e Raiz de Eleuthero Orgânica.
A fórmula aprimorada de Adaptogen Elite inclui L-Theanine, que trabalha em conjunto com as ervas adaptogênicas para proporcionar uma sensação de calma e tranquilidade, sem causar ansiedade ou nervosismo. Além disso, a adição de BioPerine, uma marca registrada, permite a máxima absorção de todos os ingredientes, garantindo a eficácia do suplemento.
Adaptogen Elite é formulado com a mais pura composição, livre de enchimentos, aglutinantes e outros aditivos desnecessários. Isso garante que você esteja recebendo o melhor valor e a melhor formulação possível para obter os benefícios desejados.
- Equilibra os níveis de cortisol: Ajuda a regular o hormônio do estresse, promovendo uma resposta saudável ao estresse e bem-estar geral.
- Reduz o impacto do estresse: Melhora a capacidade de lidar com situações estressantes, promovendo uma sensação de calma e tranquilidade.
- Aumenta a energia natural: Proporciona níveis saudáveis de energia ao longo do dia, evitando picos e quedas bruscas.
- Fórmula aprimorada com L-Theanine: Reduz a ansiedade e a sensação de nervosismo, tornando a suplementação mais tranquila.
- Máxima absorção com BioPerine: Garante a eficácia do suplemento através da absorção otimizada dos ingredientes.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas de Adaptogen Elite por dia, de preferência com as refeições. Para melhores resultados, consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta e fora do alcance de crianças.
Kate –
I truly didn’t believe it but it definitely works! I am not a supplement snob but I definitely can tell which brands are my favorite, adding this one to the bunch is a no brainier. I could not believe the calm I feel throughout my incredibly stressful sometimes 10-12 work days and I sleep through the night without issue. I am so grateful I discovered this brand and these supplements, now definitely an adaptogen believer!!
Perry Petersen –
Calms me down. Good product
Sharon Forsyth –
I have tried so many adaptogens and never really felt any support. I am pretty sensitive to ginsengs, especially Asian ginseng, so I thought I would try this one with American ginseng. American ginseng is usually milder. One capsule was too much for me to start with, I was getting a little amped up. So I dumped the capsule and divided it into 3 servings. So 1/3 capsule felt great, then I went up to 1/2 capsule and finally now I am at a whole capsule. This definitely works for me. If my adrenals are triggered and I take a capsule, I definitely notice a difference. My system feels totally supported, and stress has been handled. For people that are really sensitive to stimulants, I would recommend this one over Asian Ginseng, as that one really ramps me up. With this product, my body is getting stronger. The ginseng has a building quality. At some point soon, I will work up to 2 a day. One in the morning and one in the early afternoon.
josue –
tengo tiempo usando este producto y me ayuda mucho
Donna –
Bought this not really sure what it is for. Someone else recommend it to me.
Terry –
I’m on my second bottle of this and it has WORKED WONDERS for me! I have no plumbing down there so to find something that controls the hot flashes and night sweats for me is HUGE! If you’re thinking about getting this product just DO IT! 😁 You won’t regret it!
Mike R. –
I notice a clear difference when I’m taking this supplement. This probably helps me cope with emotional stress as much as my antidepressant does, and in fact has allowed me to reduce my dosage. I seem to be able to exercise more without minor niggles holding me back. I can drink twice as much coffee without getting jitters. (I think it probably reduces the stimulant properties a bit, as well. I believe this is a known effect of one of the ingredients, though I don’t recall which off the top of my head. But the included theanine is a stimulant.)
To those who do not feel this working, make sure you follow the recommendation to take it relatively early in your day with some food for maximum benefit. Some of the active substances are fat soluble and hence best absorbed in the presence of some dietary fat. This can be difficult if you don’t eat breakfast or if you intermittent fast with a late eating window, in which case you may want to consume just a few grams of fat, which shouldn’t affect blood sugar. Just a teaspoon of MCT oil in your coffee should be more than enough.
Cindy –
Gives me energy!