O Acure Creme de Limpeza Radicalmente Rejuvenescedor é um produto inovador que transforma a rotina de cuidados com a pele em um verdadeiro ritual de beleza. Com uma fórmula espumante e cremosa, este creme de limpeza facial não apenas purifica, mas também rejuvenesce a pele, proporcionando uma experiência luxuosa a cada uso. Enriquecido com os benefícios hidratantes do óleo de oliva e da manteiga de cacau, ele garante que a pele permaneça macia e bem hidratada, enquanto a hortelã atua como um agente calmante, promovendo uma limpeza profunda que remove impurezas e resíduos acumulados.
A textura cremosa do Acure Radically Rejuvenating Cleansing Cream desliza suavemente sobre a pele, criando uma espuma rica que penetra nos poros, eliminando sujeira, maquiagem e outras impurezas. O óleo de oliva, conhecido por suas propriedades emolientes, ajuda a restaurar a umidade natural da pele, enquanto a manteiga de cacau adiciona uma camada extra de hidratação, tornando a pele visivelmente mais saudável e radiante. A hortelã não só refresca, mas também proporciona uma sensação de leveza e bem-estar, tornando o processo de limpeza uma experiência revigorante.
- Limpeza Luxuosa: A textura cremosa e espumante proporciona uma experiência de limpeza luxuosa.
- Hidratação Profunda: Os benefícios hidratantes do óleo de oliva e da manteiga de cacau mantêm a pele hidratada.
- Remoção Eficaz de Maquiagem: Remove completamente maquiagem, sujeira e impurezas dos poros.
- Limpeza Profunda e Calmante: A hortelã proporciona uma limpeza profunda e calmante, deixando a pele revigorada.
- Compromisso com o Bem-Estar: A Acure é uma marca comprometida com o bem-estar da pele e do cabelo, oferecendo produtos naturais e melhores para você.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Acure Radically Rejuvenating Cleansing Cream sobre o rosto úmido, evitando a área dos olhos. Massageie suavemente com movimentos circulares para ativar a espuma e permitir que os ingredientes penetrem na pele. Enxágue abundantemente com água morna para remover todos os resíduos. Recomenda-se o uso diário, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, seguido da aplicação do seu hidratante favorito para maximizar os benefícios de hidratação e rejuvenescimento.
Kristina V –
I normally purchase the brightening cleanser (yellow label) which i really like. so i wanted to try this one because the combination of ingredients sounded good, plus the texture is different so i figured it would be less drying, which it is. its honestly just the scent that would keep me from purchasing this product again, i cant describe it, its just not a good smell. but i do feel like it works good to take off my make up, doesnt dry out my face.
Abbie McG –
It’s important to exfoliate daily. Typically, I use an exfoliating face cloth daily and once a week I use this amazing exfoliator as well. While it take a minute to wash down the drain, it’s worth it for the smooth texture and shine it gives my skin. LOVE LOVE!
Becks420 –
I’ve been using Acure face products for 5 years or more and I love them. This face wash feels great and works wonderful. I use it every night before bed.. It takes my makeup off and doesn’t dry my skin out. Great ingredients, great value. Huge fan.
Gina Marie –
I -accidentally- bought this version. I was looking for “Seriously Soothing Cleansing Cream,” and I must have clicked the wrong option. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the smell of this, the feel of it while washing, and the results. It’s moisturizing but not pore clogging. I’ve been alternating with the one I mentioned and this one. Great for winter!
Shahira T. –
Good cleanser. Mild and keeps skin soft
Amazon Customer –
Very gentle on the skin.
C$ –
I have been using this face wash for about 2 weeks. Makes a perfect face wash before bed. It’s a little too heavy to use for the day. Really glad I added this to my nighttime skin routine.
Missy –
Update: After using this for about a month now (in conjunction with the acure facial scrub every other day) I can say I love it even more than I initially did. My skin is looking and feeling so clear, my few blemishes each month have been noticeably reduced in size and number and dark or red areas clear up quicker using this creme wash too. I’m finding that using even less than a pea sized amount is working just fine and this will last me for at least 3 or 4 months if I had to guess. Also noticed this stuff removes makeup like a dream- mascara, eyeliner, it all just melts away immediately with just my fingertips (no rag or scrubbing).
Original review: I’m a 30 year old female with very sensitive and reactive skin. I also have psoriasis and my skin tends to get dry patches with almost all facial cleansers. This product is my new favorite thing! I have been using cerave cleansing cream and lotion for years per my dermatologists but I felt it wasn’t actually cleaning the gunk off my face/pores very well (I was having more and more blackheads especially). This face wash is so light and the smell is very pleasant. It makes light suds which I wasn’t expecting from a cleansing creme but it rinses off well and my face feels noticeably cleaner without being dry. After a few days I feel like I can already see a difference in my pores and blackheads being minimized. I’m also using this with the acure scrub (love it as well). Slightly pricier than my old products but for an all natural skin product that is more effective it’s worth it. Plus you only need a pea sized amount of these products so this tube will last me a while! I feel like it’s a great value for what you get.
emenderle713 –
Rich, foamy facial cleanser from a brand I have used for years for derm products. Love that the ingredients are “clean”…the smell has this incredible mint in it, which provides a great experience for the senses. Some products I must lather/wash/rinse twice, but this one does the job at the first application!
Jenn211 –
Love how well this works. Gentle, cleans well and moisturizing. I use the scrub cleanser also 2Xs a week and they are better than the expensive stuff I was using.
Why has the price DOUBLED on this product!!! :(:( BOO!!