Active Herb – Jin Qian Cao (Gold Coin Grass) – 10 x Granulados Concentrados
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Active Herb – Jin Qian Cao, também conhecido como Gold Coin Grass. Este extrato concentrado em grânulos de 3,53 oz é equivalente a 1000 g (2,2 lb) de erva crua seca, oferecendo uma forma prática e eficaz de aproveitar os benefícios desta planta tradicional. Extraído com o mais alto rendimento natural e com o mínimo de aditivos, o Jin Qian Cao preserva o sabor e as propriedades autênticas da erva, garantindo que você receba todos os seus nutrientes essenciais.
Cada porção de 2 gramas pode ser facilmente dissolvida em água quente ou misturada com iogurte, permitindo uma experiência de consumo agradável e versátil. Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 3 vezes ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um praticante de ervas, para maximizar os efeitos benéficos deste poderoso extrato.
1. Concentração Superior: Cada embalagem contém grânulos que equivalem a 1000 g de erva seca, proporcionando uma dose potente e eficaz.
2. Fácil de Usar: A forma em grânulos permite uma dissolução rápida em água quente ou mistura com alimentos, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
3. Preservação das Propriedades Naturais: O processo de extração minimiza aditivos, mantendo o sabor e os benefícios autênticos da erva.
4. Versatilidade de Consumo: Pode ser consumido de diversas formas, adaptando-se ao seu estilo de vida e preferências alimentares.
5. Suporte à Saúde Geral: Tradicionalmente utilizado para promover o bem-estar, o Jin Qian Cao pode ajudar a melhorar a saúde digestiva e a desintoxicação do organismo.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Active Herb – Jin Qian Cao, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 gramas do extrato concentrado, 1 a 3 vezes ao dia. Dissolva os grânulos em uma xícara de água quente, mexendo bem até que estejam completamente dissolvidos. Alternativamente, você pode misturá-los com iogurte para uma experiência mais saborosa. É importante seguir as orientações de um praticante de ervas para ajustar a dosagem conforme necessário, garantindo assim que você obtenha os melhores resultados para sua saúde e bem-estar.
I read this is the only thing besides surgery to help gallbladder stones. Look it up and read to determine. The directions are on the bottle. I spoke to a natrapath, I’m going to not have oils or butter or sugar except fruit and apply Edward Cayces caster oil pack kit for 45 days( it’s applied to the skin) not ingested while using this herb 2-3 times a day. It’s pretty good tasting. It suppose to dissolve the gallstones but I think you have to flush it out then. That’s why the caster oil packs on the skin over the gallbladder. Here’s what she gave me:
Here are the links, books, etc. we discussed:
Yeast Overgrowth
Viome (gut biome testing)
Nystatin – Antifungal Rx that kills yeast on contact; Nystatin article – National Institutes of Health
Candida Blog
Monistat – Vaginal yeast infection medicine
Olive Leaf Extract
Bulletproof Program
Brain Octane Oil – Highly refined coconut oil (natural anti-fungal)
Butcher Box – grassfed meat/pork, wild-caught fish, free-range chicken ($30 off first order with link)
Fresh Paper – Keep food fresher
Fast Carbs, Slow Carbs – David Kessler, MD
The Missing Diagnosis – Orian Truss, MD
Restoration of Immune Tolerance – Sidney Baker, MD
Ester C – Vitamin C 1,000mg and Zinc 50mg – once a day and 3x/day when feeling ill
Also Pueraria Mirifica Plus by Amata Life by Dr Christiane Northrup
Thyroid Healing by Anthony William medical medium
castor oil packs by Edgar Cayce
The amazing liver and gallbladder flush by Andreas Moritz
Ilona Dominica –
Some sort of clinical study indicated that Lysimachia needed 2-6 weeks to completely dissolve gallstones in mice. If memory serves the researchers mentioned that large doses were used. I have the need to use it usually once a year and it always saves the day. I used another brand before; just as effective as this one.
It works even when the pain is so severe that I consider visiting ER. I take 2 scoops twice a day. I feel major improvement within 24 hrs. It takes 2-3 weeks to eliminate the residual, mild pain.
But everyone’s body is different…
Micheal Long –
Active Herb – Jin Qian Cao (Gold Coin Grass) – 10 x Concentrated Granules works good
kmeter –
caused oral infection from ingestion, no refunds offered
Binglebenk –
This is my first time using Chinese medicine. I used two scoops per 1 cup water to make a tea which I drank twice a day which isn’t so bad. The taste is bearable and it tastes like unsweetened black tea. The granules have a unique smell but its not bad, sort of smells like maple syrup. It took about 1-2 weeks to start seeing a difference. This medicine will dissolve your gallstones over time and will contract your gallbladder to release these stones into your stomach. In my experience, I felt some discomfort from this but it was bearable. 3-4 weeks later and I feel great, very minor or slight pain but I can tell its going away. I would recommend this product.
Daniel –
D. 🐢 –
Nothing in the written or pictoral information indicated dextrin as an Other Ingredient. This product cannot be returned so if you are severely allergic to corn derived ingredients, as I am, you will be wasting your money.
D. 🐢 –
Drank my first cup today. I was expecting a horrible taste. Honestly it was not bad at all. But I did add a little Splenda because I was scared it was going to taste bad. Doesn’t hurt to give it a try. Hopefully time will tell if it works. It is kind of a maple syrup smell as another reviewer mentioned. I’ll try my second cup without Splenda. If it taste horrible, I will post.