Acne Free Salicylic Acid Exfoliating Face Scrub, 2%% BHA Blackhead Remover
O Acne Free Salicylic Acid Exfoliating Face Scrub é um esfoliante facial que contém 2%% de ácido salicílico, eficaz na remoção de cravos e no tratamento da acne. Este suave esfoliante facial apresenta ácido salicílico de máxima potência para eliminar cravos, enquanto os esfoliantes naturais limpam profundamente a pele, removendo sujeira e oleosidade dos poros e deixando seu rosto com uma sensação renovada.
A fórmula esfoliante suave deste tratamento fácil de usar para acne limpa profundamente a pele, removendo células mortas, excesso de óleo e detritos, ao mesmo tempo em que ajuda a minimizar e reduzir a aparência dos poros. Com o uso regular, este produto ajuda a melhorar a textura da pele, reduzindo a aparência dos poros e promovendo uma pele mais clara e saudável.
A AcneFree oferece uma linha completa de kits de tratamento, limpadores, hidratantes, máscaras detox, esfoliantes, cremes, tônicos e outras soluções direcionadas para peles sensíveis, oleosas e propensas a acne. Nossos produtos oferecem benefícios de hidratação, suavização, desintoxicação e matificação para garantir que sua pele pareça e se sinta saudável, além de ajudar a manter o equilíbrio da pele com o uso regular.
Baseados em ciência e pesquisa dermatológica, nossos produtos são consistentemente recomendados por médicos para homens, mulheres, adolescentes e adultos que precisam de um tratamento eficaz e suave para acne. A AcneFree oferece resultados comprovados ao combinar ativos de combate à acne com ingredientes cuidadosos para tratar surtos de acne, enquanto equilibra sua pele. No entanto, não garantimos que você ficará livre de acne.
- Tratamento eficaz contra acne e cravos: O ácido salicílico de máxima potência ajuda a eliminar acne e cravos, proporcionando uma pele mais limpa e saudável.
- Fórmula suave e esfoliante: Permite uma limpeza profunda da pele, removendo células mortas e minimizando a aparência dos poros.
- Soluções completas para uma pele saudável: A linha AcneFree oferece produtos que atendem às necessidades de peles sensíveis, oleosas e propensas a acne.
- Cuidados inspirados em dermatologia: Desenvolvidos com base em ciência e pesquisa, os produtos oferecem benefícios de hidratação e desintoxicação.
- Recomendado por dermatologistas: Consistentemente recomendado para homens, mulheres, adolescentes e adultos que buscam um tratamento eficaz e suave para acne.
Para obter melhores resultados, aplique o esfoliante facial Acne Free Salicylic Acid Exfoliating Face Scrub, 2%% BHA Blackhead Remover no rosto úmido. Massageie suavemente em movimentos circulares, evitando a área dos olhos. Enxágue bem com água morna. Para resultados ideais, utilize duas vezes ao dia, pela manhã e à noite. Em caso de irritação, interrompa o uso e consulte um médico.
Julie K. –
I still have blackheads…even after extracting them and using this day and night. In the products defense my skin has always been oily, big pores, blackheads so i honestly think there is no hope for me. Its a good daily exfoliant tho, but beware…if even the slightest soap sud gets in your eye IT WILL BURN terribly..worst than bar soap or shampoo..i actually couldnt believe how bad it burned.
Mikayla Matz –
It works, but it isn’t gonna blow you away with the results. If you’re having major blackhead issues, go with pumpkin!
Justin Vinson –
I was absolutely blown away by the results of this product after just one use! My 13 year old son is struggling with blackheads so I did some research and came across this product. This price point was good and I knew if it didn’t work great I wouldn’t be out too much money. But when my son came down to show me his face after using it the first time and barely being able to see any blackheads, he and I were both in shock! He’s used it for three nights now, and follows it with plain ole witch hazel, and his blackheads are practically non-existent! He is so happy with the results and is no longer self conscious about his face, it is so clear and his skin practically glows! This is a major winner in our book!
ra2151 –
I used to use Biore charcoal facial scrub but wanted to find something with salicylic acid and diminish the appearance of my pores. Right after I started using this, I noticed a difference in my skin. This stuff is amazing. I use this with a soft silicon facial scrubbing pad for very gentle exfoliation. It’s now been a week and my pores look smaller and completely unclogged, my skin is softer, my complexion is clearer, and this helps clear flare-ups of pimples more quickly because of the salicylic acid. I’m surprised how much I love this cleanser. Very glad I purchased, and it’s now my go-to.
Anna L –
I already used a salicylic acid wash daily and switched to this to try a scrub and wow my skin looks great! I’ve been plagued by acne as long as I can remember and found a non-prescription routine that works well, but when I do get a breakout around my period it’s still bad. Well I just finished that week with this scrub and my skin looks fine. I did get a few blemishes but they weren’t cystic and they disappeared after a day or 2. The scrub really helped with bumpiness on my forehead and chin too.
ShiMarie –
I had fairly decent skin throughout my teenage years, but around 19 (going on 23 now) I began getting acne fairly severely. Alongside that, my pores got huge! I’ve been looking for a face wash or treatment to help but with no luck. I’ve been researching endlessly, reading hundreds of reviews on different products, and happened to stumble upon this one! I didn’t want to spend a fortune (broke college girl life, am i right?), so I decided to give this ago.
It arrived in the mail TODAY. One day shipping was nice! I was so excited to try it, so once I hit the shower (about an hour ago) I used a moderate amount and lathered my face up. My immediate reaction was how nice the scrub felt! Massaging my skin with it wasn’t too much to irritate my skin and once I rinsed it off I couldn’t believe how soft my skin felt 😍 I have combination skin (dry but very oily T zone) and I couldn’t believe how it balanced my skin out so evenly. My pores definitely look smaller! Excited to continue using this and seeing if it help my acne/blackheads. Will keep you updated.
lori –
I suffer from adult acne to the point that boils Stay under the skin and just makes a mess of my face. I went back into the work Oliva and the mask did a job on me. This works like magic. I don’t use it as a scrub at it intended. Instead I lather up and use it as a mask for about 10 min at a time. The very next day the redness was subsided. Within three days my face was happy. No new pimples, what was there had reduced in size and boils started coming to the top. After months of struggle I can say with three times a week using it as a mask, I may or may not get one new pimple. If I do get one I dab a bit on top of it and that sucker leaves that night. This is the only thing that I have found that works. A little goes a very long way and this is a big tube of product… well worth the money!
Mary Trojillo –
I want to order this again but always sold out or out of stock. It’s very gentle and it works.
Stephanie J –
There’s nothing bad I can say about the product but I don’t see anything extremely special about it either. I still have minor breakout issues but it’s not bad. However, my breakouts were not really bad prior to using this product but I have noticed fewer while using, and my teenage son who has acne a little worse than myself uses this also and I’ve noticed minor breakouts while on it vs more prior to using it. I do like that this product does not overly dry your skin out and I would purchase again as a basic daily cleanser for this price.