Descrição do Produto: Now Foods Pantothenic Acid 500 mg, 250 Cápsulas (2 Pacotes)
O Ácido Pantotênico, também conhecido como Vitamina B-5, é um membro essencial da família das vitaminas do complexo B. Este nutriente desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções celulares e na manutenção de um metabolismo celular saudável. O produto Now Foods Pantothenic Acid oferece uma dose potente de 500 mg por cápsula, garantindo que você receba a quantidade necessária para apoiar suas necessidades diárias. Com 250 cápsulas em cada embalagem, você terá um suprimento duradouro que pode ser facilmente incorporado à sua rotina diária.
O Ácido Pantotênico é fundamental para a síntese de coenzima A, que é vital para a produção de energia a partir de carboidratos, proteínas e gorduras. Além disso, ele contribui para a saúde da pele, cabelo e olhos, além de auxiliar na produção de hormônios e na função do sistema nervoso. A suplementação com Ácido Pantotênico pode ser especialmente benéfica para aqueles que buscam aumentar sua energia, melhorar a saúde metabólica e apoiar a função cognitiva.
– Apoio ao Metabolismo Energético: O Ácido Pantotênico é essencial para a conversão de alimentos em energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga.
– Saúde da Pele e Cabelo: Contribui para a manutenção de uma pele saudável e pode ajudar a fortalecer os fios de cabelo.
– Função Cognitiva: Auxilia na produção de neurotransmissores, promovendo uma melhor função cerebral e concentração.
– Regulação Hormonal: Participa da síntese de hormônios, contribuindo para o equilíbrio hormonal no organismo.
– Suporte ao Sistema Nervoso: Ajuda na manutenção da saúde do sistema nervoso, promovendo um estado de bem-estar geral.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Now Foods Pantothenic Acid 500 mg, uma a duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, para otimizar a absorção e a eficácia do produto. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
August Chianese –
I continue to supplement with this every single day to battle acne/rosacea papules.
It is the only sure way to prevent about 90-99% of my breakouts on a daily basis. I don’t take this for any other reason, but I haven’t noticed anything like increased energy as a result (but I also don’t have low energy to begin with).
My plan is as follows:
– Take 8 pills when I wake up, along with a 1000mg Vitamin C tablet, with a glass of water. Vitamin C helps more of the B5 get absorbed (supposedly, but I’ve been doing it this way for years).
– By dinner time, I’ll take 6 more pills, sometimes without the vitamin C again; if I’m going through a breakout (excessive sugar intake triggers my rosacea big time), I’ll up this to 8 pills.
The maximum I’ve ever done is 10 pills both morning and night (which is 10g of B5). Seems to have the exact same effect as 14-16 pills for me, but your mileage may vary. I have tried to shy away from 10g+ because of the chance for hair loss. I’ve never noticed any extra hair loss from taking these pills so far, though.
But seriously if you’re thinking of trying this for acne, do it. It does work, and anyone I’ve recommended to try this out has seen it work for them. It’s just a shame the pills cost so much, but at least it’s a pretty harmless and effective way to combat acne.
Nessa W. –
Well, I thought I had cystic acne- so I got these I used them as a treatment as I’ve heard raving reviews, and even got my friend on it, who actually HAS cystic acne… and it worked great for her! Didn’t do anything to my acne, but my hair, nails, and texture of my skin were amazing. I realize now I have dilated pores/black heads, but these pills will do wonders for your nails!!! Just make sure to keep taking them, if you skip for a couple days, your nails will weaken again.
Azin –
These help me with more energy.
Brainiac –
Arrived earlier than I expected. NOW has always been a very reliable brand. The price for Pantothenic Acid 500 mg 250 capsules, was excellent.
Genevieve C. –
Have had skin problems for years, and this is the only thing that seems to make a big difference. I’ve been taking these for about 3 weeks now, and my skin is probably the clearest and smoothest it’s been for years. It’s not perfect, but gets better every day. I use it in combination with a topical tea tree oil from advanced clinicals. I’m hoping to see the results improve, but it is already incredibly effective for the price. If you’ve tried everything else, try this.
Amazon Customer –
didnt notice much difference. stopped taking.
Fiona Feedback –
First off, I do not have cystic acne. I have once upon a time shortly after my daughter was born, but after 2 rounds of the most toxic, accutane, that has ceased. However, I do still get breakouts. Enough to annoy me and as I get older (turning 36) I’ve noticed hyper-pigmentation has been a real struggle after any amount of breaking out. Not a fan…so I turned to Curology which worked for a bit to keep things at bay but eventually plateaued.
Read all of the reviews here and decided to go for it to see if there was any level of help. I have been doing a combination of things – washing my face more, taking these daily, and using Glossier Super Pure and I have noticed quite a difference in my skin overall. It’s far clearer and one thing that I noticed is I have two enlarged pores, one on my chin and one on my forehead that were driving me nuts – and since starting these and using that Super Pure, I’ve noticed that the pores seem to be tightening up to the point of no longer being noticeable.
I will keep using these!
Lia Thuneman –
I waited 4 weeks to write this review to make sure this was working for me. I’ve struggled on and off with acne my adult life. When I go through stressful times my skin freaks out. I took accutane 8 years ago and would never go through that again. This time around I started to get strange little bumps all over my neck and face. I tried everything, I mean everything. When that didn’t work went to dermo and tried solodyn (had allergic reaction 2 weeks later.) Another antibiotic for 4 months. A topical anti-biotic and benzoyl product and that didn’t work either. Dr. was getting frustrated and we assumed it was hormones he didn’t give me anything else to try. I also was putting on the gel tretinon .01% every other night.
Stumbled across B5 study and read the reviews on here. I am sitting here 4 weeks later with not one pimple and bumps are almost all gone. I am still dealing with a little bacne but it’s 98% better and is continuing to heal. I will have to work through my hyper pigmentation issues. I take 2 l-cysteine in the am on an empty stomach. Then 3 to 4 pills of the B5 with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I also take niaminicide 2x a day.
I also work out really hard and bc of this regimine am the leanest I have been in a long time and my diet hasn’t been great.
I would strongly suggest trying this if nothing else is working! It worked for me.