Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder transformador do Ácido Hialurônico de Alta Absorção da CorneaCare, um suplemento inovador que vai muito além do cuidado ocular. Com 120 cápsulas moles, este produto é a solução completa para quem busca alívio para a secura ocular, vermelhidão, irritação, ardor, dor, crostas, descamação, secreção, sensação de areia nos olhos, sensibilidade à luz e visão embaçada. Mas os benefícios não param por aí: nossos suplementos também promovem a hidratação da pele, melhoram a qualidade do cabelo e fortalecem articulações e ossos, contribuindo para o bem-estar geral.
- CUIDADO COMPLETO PARA OS OLHOS E ALÉM | Os Suplementos de Ácido Hialurônico da CorneaCare são sua solução tudo-em-um para aliviar a secura ocular e melhorar a saúde da pele e do cabelo.
- FÁCIL DE USAR | Tome duas cápsulas moles pela manhã com o café da manhã e duas à noite após o jantar. Para resultados ideais, consuma esses suplementos anti-envelhecimento com alimentos e um copo cheio de água.
- ABSORÇÃO AVANÇADA | Desenvolvidos com ácido hialurônico de baixo peso molecular para maior absorção e melhor dosagem, nossos suplementos priorizam e otimizam tanto a saúde visual quanto a da pele.
- APOIO DE MÉDICOS | Desenvolvidos com precisão científica, os comprimidos de hidratação oral da CorneaCare são apoiados pela experiência de pacientes e endossados por oftalmologistas, garantindo resultados confiáveis e eficazes.
- BENEFÍCIOS ADICIONAIS PARA A PELE | Desfrute de uma pele radiante e cabelos saudáveis com cada dose. Nossos suplementos de ácido hialurônico oferecem efeitos anti-envelhecimento, melhoram a hidratação, reduzem rugas, diminuem cicatrizes, aprimoram a textura e a força do cabelo e minimizam a queda de cabelo.
1. Alívio Imediato para Olhos Secos: Combate a secura e irritação ocular, proporcionando conforto instantâneo.
2. Hidratação Profunda da Pele: Melhora a elasticidade e a aparência da pele, reduzindo sinais de envelhecimento.
3. Fortalecimento Capilar: Promove cabelos mais saudáveis e resistentes, diminuindo a queda e melhorando a textura.
4. Saúde das Articulações: Contribui para a lubrificação das articulações, ajudando na mobilidade e flexibilidade.
5. Apoio Médico: Produto respaldado por especialistas, garantindo segurança e eficácia no uso.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas moles pela manhã durante o café da manhã e duas cápsulas à noite após o jantar. É essencial consumir os suplementos com alimentos e um copo cheio de água para otimizar a absorção do ácido hialurônico. Mantenha uma rotina consistente para maximizar os benefícios e garantir uma hidratação eficaz tanto para os olhos quanto para a pele.
DesertCat –
I have taken Injuv off and on multiple times in the past, not for my eyes but rather for wrinkles and/or vaginal dryness – by taking oral skincare supplements you can treat your entire body rather than just getting benefits on your face with a hyaluronic acid cream (although of course you can always do both). So I can confidently say that yes, Injuv is effective for alleviating dryness issues in many areas of your body. I do suffer from dry eye so it’s great to take this for that problem as well. I combine Injuv with Omega 3 (fish oil) and 7 (sea buckthorn oil), and collagen, and then I also take high dose lutein, zeaxanthin and astaxanthin for my eyes specifically. If you are specifically interested in Injuv for your wrinkles, you can expect that it may take a couple months to see a big difference, but I feel that it makes my face look plumper and smoother as well as less dry. For eye dryness, you should see a difference sooner, like within a week or two at most.
Four pills is very inconvenient to me with how many other pills I take a day, and I would rather just take 1 large pill per day. However I have seen benefits before at doses that are as little as 1 of these pills so you may not necessarily need to take the full 4 pill dosage recommended, depending on the severity of your dry eye, and this cost is pretty prohibitive for me to always take this dosage as well. I would have rather this pill use olive oil or MCT oil, and exclude the titanium dioxide. But overall I think this is not a bad Injuv option and could be the best choice for someone who wants smaller pills in a gelcap form.
God’sCuty –
I used a full jar of this very EXPENSIVE supplement regretfully it didn’t help my eyes at all 😣😞 but I did notice a good difference in my short term memory.
Sweetly honest –
No note ningún resultado, al menos que lo hubiera imperceptiblemente
Pat J. Sikora –
I have a lot of eye problems, especially cornea. So I had high hopes for the product. I took one container as directed, 120 softgels. The softgels are small and easy to swallow. But I didn’t notice any change to my eyes, skin, or anything else. I don’t think they are worth the price.
DesertCat –
My interest is for better eye health, but Hyaluronic acid is also well known
for it’s skin benefits and especially for dry skin / reducing fine lines
and speeds wound healing.
EYES = helps to keep eyes lubricated and replenished moisture.
Studies have shown it also reduces oxidative stress on the cornea from UV light.
The dose seems low to me because other Hyaluronic acid products I’ve used
were generally 90 mg and sometimes more = but turns out there’s a big difference
in which form is used.
>>> This brand is 4 sift-gels totaling 25.2 mg from 280 mg Injuv.
>>> So it’s important to know exactly what Injuv is.
(after some digging)
>>> I found that Injuv is said to be novel technology for skin / joint health
that can hydrate the skin from within rather than penetrating the skin
AND is said that it draws moisture into / and penetrates into
the deeper layers of the skin.
When it says serving size 4 soft-gels = that’s 2 in the AM and 2 in the PM.
> works best when taken after some food and with a full glass of water.
Container 120 soft-gels = 30 days.
This medium to smaller egg shaped gelatin soft-gel is easy to swallow.
majormusiclover –
The experience with these so far has been positive. They do indeed seem to be improving elasticity and fine lines. The small white gel caps are easy to swallow. Taking the recommended 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening with meals and water appears to be the best method. I do find the marketing photos a little misleading as the large canister type bottle is only half full and not overflowing the top as shown. Otherwise these seem to be a premium quality supplement and an excellent addition to a skin care regime.. 4 solid stars.
This is my personal detailed interpretation of the 5 stars rating system and reflects what each star means to me in my review.
1 Star – Highly Not Recommended. Major Issues. Very Poor Quality.
2 Stars – Not Recommended for Most People. Minor Issues. Poor Quality.
3 Stars – Neutral Recommendation. Issues Only Personal Preference Based. Average But Good Quality. Would purchase.
4 Stars- Recommended for Most People. No Issues Found. Excellent Quality. As Expected. Desirable Purchase. Good Value.
5 Stars- Highly Recommended. No Issues Found. Exceptional Quality, Design and Performance. Exceeds Expectations. (Unique, Rare Item, A Favorite).
Most items will likely be in the 2 to 4 star range with 1 and 5 stars being reserved. I would purchase 3 star items as needed, look for 4 star items as the desired star rating, and when finding 5 star items take the time to learn more about them.
N. King –
These are expensive but seem to help my dry eye problems better than anything else I have tried. I’ve used these for 4 weeks and have less swelling. Hopefully with further treatment I will see even more improvement. I also combine this with the heated eye mask.
majormusiclover –
Everyone is different when it comes to supplements. I think these would be worth a try. Keep in mind that you have to take 4 pills a day. I didn’t care for the smell and they didn’t settle so well on my stomach without considerable food. The first ingredient is rice bran oil and I think that is what doesn’t work for me. I don’t think I would get them again. I wanted them to work though. And they may work for you.