Descrição do Produto: Acetyl L-Carnitine Gummies 1000 MG – Sem Açúcar
Descubra o poder das gomas de Acetyl L-Carnitine 1000 MG, um suplemento inovador que combina sabor e eficácia em uma única experiência. Com um delicioso sabor de mirtilo, essas gomas são a solução perfeita para quem busca aumentar a resistência muscular, melhorar a saúde cerebral e otimizar o metabolismo energético. Cada embalagem contém 60 gomas, proporcionando uma oferta de 30 dias de suporte contínuo para o seu bem-estar.
- Metabolismo Energético: O Acetyl L-Carnitine é um aminoácido poderoso que desempenha um papel significativo no metabolismo, ajudando a queimar e quebrar ácidos graxos para energia, prevenindo o acúmulo de ácidos graxos e proporcionando mais energia ao seu corpo.
- Memória e Atenção: Nosso cérebro necessita de muita energia para funcionar adequadamente. O suplemento de Acetyl L-Carnitine 1000mg consegue penetrar a barreira hematoencefálica, protegendo o tecido cerebral e fornecendo energia suficiente para as células do cérebro, apoiando a memória e as habilidades cognitivas.
- Supere Seus Limites: O Acetyl L-Carnitine reduz a acumulação de ácido lático, aumentando sua resistência muscular. A entrega de energia de longa duração permite que você ultrapasse seus limites de exercício e alcance novos patamares.
- Saudável e Delicioso: Como um suplemento de L-carnitina, nossas gomas com sabor de mirtilo são portáteis e saborosas, podendo ser mastigadas diretamente, sem necessidade de água. Feitas com ingredientes puros e sem açúcar, não contêm OGM, são veganas, sem glúten e produzidas em uma instalação certificada pela GMP.
- Suprimento para 30 Dias: Cada goma WellCatcher contém 500mg de Acetyl L-carnitine, e nosso corpo requer cerca de 1.200mg por dia. Mastigar duas gomas diariamente proporcionará ao seu corpo um impulso constante de energia.
1. Aumento da Energia: Melhora o metabolismo energético, proporcionando mais disposição para o dia a dia.
2. Melhora Cognitiva: Apoia a memória e a atenção, essencial para quem precisa de foco em atividades diárias.
3. Resistência Muscular: Reduz a fadiga muscular, permitindo treinos mais intensos e prolongados.
4. Fácil de Consumir: Gomas saborosas que substituem cápsulas difíceis de engolir, tornando a suplementação mais agradável.
5. Ingredientes Saudáveis: Produto vegano, sem açúcar e não OGM, ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas gomas de Acetyl L-Carnitine por dia. Mastigue bem as gomas antes de engolir, preferencialmente em horários regulares, para garantir uma absorção eficaz dos nutrientes. Este suplemento é ideal para ser consumido antes de atividades físicas ou em momentos que exigem maior concentração mental. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua qualidade e eficácia.
Ltkk –
These are great tasting little gummies. Have taken them long enough to really see a difference. Very hopeful though.
Ginger –
I have been taking these a few weeks now, and so far, these are my thoughts. One, I appreciate the sugar free nature of these gummies; it is nice knowing I am not adding unnecessary sugar to my diet in the name of taking a supplement. Two, I can recognize the ingredients list; I am not imputing foreign things into my diet as I know know what is in these and have used them before in other supplements. Three, they taste good, not to sweet, with a pleasant fruity taste; the texture is not bad either, not chewy but not overly soft either. To me the effects are mild. I have not noticed any significant changes over the last few weeks, but there are some smaller things that keep me taking them.
Nicole Courtney –
Taste good and provides great energy for my morning workout
MommaPage –
Good taste but no effects for me
Vacaville707 –
I got this Acetyl L-Carnitine gummies to help with brain health, muscular endurance and energy. Who doesn’t need improvements in these areas?! For being sugar-free, it tastes like candy! the texture is not too soft or too firm and has some sore of fruity flavor that is pleasant. So far, I have been taking 2 gummies daily as recommended and I seem to feel good. Not sure if I take this long term if it will help with brain health, muscular endurance and energy. Like any supplements, if you are relatively in good health, then the gains are less noticeable versus someone with poorer health. Overall, I like these gummies and would consider continuing to take them.
Gratitude Rocks! –
These are tasty, super-free Acetyl L-Carnitine gummies:
* Being non-GMO, vegan, and free of gluten and sugar makes it suitable for a wide range of dietary preferences and restrictions.
* I like that this comes in gummy form and has a recommended daily dosage of only two gummies, making it easy to incorporate into my daily routine.
* I like my supplement bottles to say organic, non-GMO, GMP-certified, third-party tested, and Made in USA. These are made in the USA, produced in an FDA facility, and has a GMP consistent quality symbol, but I’m not sure about the third-party testing. (Those criteria make me feel more confident about what I’m putting into my body.)
* The cost of $16.99 for 30 servings might stretch some budgets. (I would love to have the option of having this on Subscribe and Save.)
As a reviewer for products sold on Amazon, I don’t rate supplements on results or if they work since that depends on each individual’s experience and their ever-changing environmental circumstances. I rate only quality and value, the criteria I’m allowed to judge. If you’re interested in the possible therapeutic uses of this product, please do your own research on reputable medical websites and consult your healthcare provider.
Tiffini S. –
I found the flavor is great! It is definitely a sweet blueberry taste. I like gummies over capsules because I feel you get the effects of a product better this way. After taking this product for a month I have found it quite potent. If I take two gummies as recommended in the directions I get jittery. So I decided to take one in the morning and then if I feel it is wearing off and I need more mental clarity and to concentrate more I take another in the afternoon. So if you haven’t taken this type of product in the past start with one and see how you feel first.
Jake –
I had ALCAR in capsules that eventually melted through and I had ALCAR bulk powder, the bulk powder hits your nose like a shot of vinegar. I mixed it in protein shakes and tea before so I know first hand that masking the taste of ALCAR isn’t easy. I even had regular L-Carnitine tablets too.
These gummies aren’t a treat, but they aren’t at all difficult to handle. It’s very milk both in the carnitine taste and the flavoring which is about as good as I could expect these to be. Since I’ve used ALCAR enough in the past I don’t get much out of 500mg but taking 1g worth gave me a boost in mental clarity. Compared to the bulk powder that’s quite clumpy, this is very easy to get a controlled dosage while the bulk powder clumps so much that I just gave up trying to round out my dosage before.
The main catch is that one could get triple the total quantity of ALCAR in capsules. I’m not particular about ALCAR in capsules since I got a bundle of bottles on sale in the past to find the last ones melted so there may be a plus side to the gummies for the extra cost. This isn’t an expensive supplement at least.