Descrição do Produto: AcaiTrim – Suplemento para Perda de Peso
AcaiTrim é um suplemento inovador formulado para auxiliar na perda de peso de forma eficaz e saudável. Com uma combinação poderosa de extrato de chá verde, extrato de grão de café verde, cetonas de framboesa e açaí, este produto foi desenvolvido para potencializar o metabolismo, aumentar a queima de gordura e proporcionar energia ao longo do dia. O extrato de chá verde é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes e termogênicas, que ajudam a acelerar o metabolismo e promover a queima de calorias. O extrato de grão de café verde, rico em ácido clorogênico, contribui para a redução da absorção de carboidratos e melhora a sensibilidade à insulina. As cetonas de framboesa são reconhecidas por sua capacidade de aumentar a lipólise, enquanto o açaí, além de ser um superalimento, oferece uma rica fonte de antioxidantes que combatem os radicais livres e promovem a saúde geral.
1. Acelera o Metabolismo: A combinação de ingredientes ajuda a aumentar a taxa metabólica, facilitando a queima de gordura.
2. Reduz o Apetite: Os componentes naturais ajudam a controlar a fome, reduzindo a ingestão calórica diária.
3. Aumenta a Energia: Proporciona um impulso energético, ideal para quem busca manter a disposição durante o dia.
4. Melhora a Saúde Geral: Os antioxidantes presentes no açaí e no chá verde promovem a saúde celular e combatem o estresse oxidativo.
5. Suporte à Sensibilidade à Insulina: O extrato de grão de café verde pode ajudar a regular os níveis de açúcar no sangue, beneficiando a saúde metabólica.
Para obter os melhores resultados com AcaiTrim, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente antes das principais refeições. É importante acompanhar a ingestão do suplemento com uma dieta equilibrada e a prática regular de exercícios físicos. Para maximizar os efeitos, mantenha-se hidratado e evite o consumo excessivo de açúcares e gorduras saturadas. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
MadiKa –
When I get deep into intermittent fasting, when I get hungry I’m suddenly starving. But it requires a transition. Not with these babies. Day one I was READY for my OMAD. They don’t smell or taste horrible, which is important in an empty stomach. I just started taking them so I’ll update later.
Isa Ciliberto G –
It works with exercise and An actual diet. I do keto/Atkins and I exercise every day. When I don’t use these pills I tend to need an extra snack and I want to go to bed early or sleep in. When I take them I am lively friendly more motivated and even happier. I work out even harder. of course I also tend to eat less. I read the reviews about those who did not have good response to these pills I suppose it doesn’t work for everyone. I feel sorry for them but they shouldn’t knock the pills they should keep an open mind that though the pills didn’t work for them these pills do however work for the majority of people and I hope that they do find something that works for them these pills are not by any means a waste of money they are worth trying at least once because the majority of people are having positive results. One bottle is worth it and for the person who gave it a negative review after only 3 days of trying it that’s silly this pill is in a miracle worker it takes time and effort this took me literally 2 years to accomplish and 5 years to make sure that I kept the weight steady and off. I’ve been using this product for 10 years it works when I find myself putting on more than 5 pounds I return to this pill and it helps me maintain the weight that I’ve lost. I don’t even have to take it everyday I can take it every other day or even just a couple times within the week once you get to the point where you need to be.
Devin –
Unfortunately the company I used in the past does not make many of the supplements they used to. I wanted to give a try to this one but all it was waste of money and the taste made me vomit 🤢 I finished the whole bottle without any effect. With the company from Utah that are not making the weight loss supplements anymore I lost 50lbs in less than 3 months.
S. Runyon –
Tried this to help my metabolism but have been so disappointed. I started losing weight the first week because i worked out and also watched what i ate. But after that first week, i noticed that no mattter how hard i workout and diet i still did not lose any pounds even though i was taking this product. I stopped and focused on woking out and dieting and the my weight loss is back on track. So I conclude that the weight loss of the first week was not due to acia berry helping but due to my exercising and dieting. Save your money and hit the gym!
Abstract Assests –
I love this stuff. I have tried a lot of products, but if your looking for something that is more natural and won’t give you jitters, this is it. Back in 2013 I lost 130lbs in less than 8 months ( and yes I have kept it off) I used this as a boost when a started to lose steam and started hitting plateaus. It works great for that. I used to be able to buy it at Walmart for $9.88 but they stoped selling it, I couldn’t find it anywhere for about a year, I even contacted the company to see if they would sell to me directly by the case, and of course they said no. I was soooo excited when I seen it on here. This bottle is only a 2 week supply when taken correctly, so if you need some for the whole month buy 2 bottles. You need to take it for 2 weeks at first to feel a difference, then it’s just good clean energy.
Beckylu –
I started using this when they made the Raspberry Ketone Blend. They discontinued it so hesitated on this for over a year. Being the supplement hopper I am looking for that miracle to instantly make me bone thin, it does just what the other one they had out did for me. Gives me energy and curbs my appetite, until about 6pm then I want to start EATING not snacking. I have found by taking it late morning it does keep me from being overly hungry in the evening. I think it helps but I am alternating this product with another one so I don’t build up a tolerance to it as quickly as if I take it every day. I have lost 3 pounds in 3 weeks. Still not my miracle but helps along with my exercise. It is cheaper at Wal -Mart, which I do not like to shop there but did see it when I did a quick run.
Isa Ciliberto G –
This is regarding AcaiTrim Brazilian Diet Aid. This product contains green tea leaf extract, raspberry ketones, and mulberry leaf extract. It DOES NOT contain green coffee bean extract, which is GOOD FOR ME because I am taking anti anxiety meds and caffeine gives me the “jitters”. I have been taking this product for 1 month and am already losing inches in my mid section and my arms, which is GOOD! I have noticed that I don’t feel as hungry as I before, and am eating alot less!!! I am not losing pounds as my metabolism is super slow and I am NOT exercising either. I believe this is a safe product to take from what I’ve researched about the above ingredients. I have not experienced any side effects like I did when I took the one containing the green coffee bean extract. I will continue to take this product until I meet my desired weight loss. I just discovered AMAZON and I LOVE YOU , AMAZON!!!! You have eveeything I need….from old Mexican movies to strong, sturdy nylon stir spoons! Thank you for the opportunity to comment 🙂
Crystalina –
I order this for my wife. We used to buy this at Walmart but they have in recent months stopped carrying this product. A quick internet search revealed that Amazon is now the only place to find it. Ever since my wife started taking this about a year ago, she says she has more energy, more focus throughout the day. When she runs out and we are waiting for the new order to arrive, she seems a bit slower in the mornings, and the seems more tired at the end of the day. This really seems to do the trick for her in terms of focus, overall energy level and feeling more balanced. If you are looking for a little booster without the nervous energy and jitters, this is the product for you. It has worked wonders for her, give it a try!