Descrição do Produto: Always Infinity Pads Femininos para Mulheres, Tamanho 2 Regular, com Asas, Sem Fragrância, 96 Unidades
Os absorventes Always Infinity são a escolha ideal para mulheres que buscam conforto e proteção durante o ciclo menstrual. Com um design inovador e tecnologia FlexFoam, esses absorventes oferecem uma experiência única, garantindo que você se sinta segura e confiante, mesmo nos dias mais intensos.
- Zero Vazamentos é possível: Mesmo nos dias mais pesados, os absorventes FlexFoam podem absorver até 10 vezes seu peso, proporcionando uma proteção excepcional.
- Zero Sensação é possível: Com uma camada superior respirável e fina, os absorventes FlexFoam mantêm você seca e confortável, sem a sensação de estar usando um absorvente.
- Zero Amontoamento é possível: O FlexFoam se adapta ao seu corpo, movendo-se com você e evitando qualquer tipo de amontoamento ou desconforto.
- Feito de FlexFoam: O único absorvente feito de FlexFoam, não de fluff, que proporciona uma sensação de leveza e proteção incomparável.
- Disponível em 5 Tamanhos: O FlexFoam é projetado para todos os corpos. Utilize o Gráfico de Tamanhos Always MyFit para encontrar o ajuste perfeito para você.
1. Proteção Superior: A tecnologia de absorção avançada garante que você fique livre de vazamentos, mesmo nos dias mais intensos.
2. Conforto Inigualável: A leveza e flexibilidade do FlexFoam proporcionam uma experiência quase imperceptível, permitindo que você se mova livremente.
3. Adaptação ao Corpo: O design que se molda ao corpo elimina o desconforto e a preocupação com o amontoamento, oferecendo uma sensação de segurança.
4. Variedade de Tamanhos: A disponibilidade de diferentes tamanhos permite que cada mulher encontre o ajuste ideal, promovendo maior conforto e eficácia.
5. Sem Fragrância: A fórmula sem fragrância é ideal para peles sensíveis, evitando irritações e desconfortos.
Para utilizar os absorventes Always Infinity, comece escolhendo o tamanho adequado com base no seu fluxo menstrual e no Gráfico de Tamanhos Always MyFit. Remova o absorvente da embalagem e retire a película adesiva da parte inferior. Posicione o absorvente no centro da calcinha, garantindo que as asas estejam bem ajustadas nas laterais para maior segurança. Após o uso, dobre o absorvente e descarte-o no lixo. Lave as mãos antes e depois da troca para manter a higiene. Utilize sempre que necessário, especialmente nos dias de fluxo intenso, para garantir proteção e conforto ao longo do dia.
SqueakylittleDragon –
I will never go back to any other kind of pad. Honestly, without knowing the individual needs of others, Always should discontinue the manufacturing of all other types of pads in its lineup. This is the best experience—hands. down. Not swampy or uncomfy; folding up or scrunching up. Not clunky like some pads. And it holds a lot! I wish these had been improving my period experience my whole life, and not just in the last several years. Always Infinity for life, right here.
Carmen Yann –
They are thin, super absorbing and very comfortable to wear.
Harumi –
Very absorbent and super comfortable. No leaks with the wing design. Been using Always Infinity since they were released. Every girl/woman should use these. Highly recommend.
Cyprus –
Thin , quick absorbing despite their intimidating and creative designs 😉,kudos to the creators.
SqueakylittleDragon –
I started using Always Infinity Feminine Pads about 3 1/2 years ago , before that I was using the Stayfree brand that were a thick puffy cotton and not the most comfortable, but that’s all I really knew since that’s what I had been using for years ,plus they were on the cheaper side. After awhile my normal brand strated to go up in price so I figured I’d try something different and the infinity pads were an interesting thought a but on the pricey side, but I was intrigued with the idea of them . Now I was a bit skeptical these Always Infinity Pads wouldn’t leak, but I took the chance and decided to try them . After using them that first time( I was using a size 1 at the time ) and had no negative experiences with them I decided that these pads were now my new brand ! All I could think was wow it’s like I’m not even wearing a pad and you don’t feel like everyone can see the pad in your pants. The only time I had a leakage problem with the size 1 was after my second daughter was born and I ended up having to upgrade to a size 2 and i thought the longer pad was going to be uncomfortable and more noticeable, but its honestly not that noticeable at all and the size two heavy flow pad absolutely does the job its supposed to do… I haven’t had any issues with leakage ! Overall I’m very pleased with this product and I honestly wish they made these when I was a teenager, I would have felt much more comfortable wearing these back then than the thick pad that made your lady bits kinda sweat a bit. Lol Anyway I definitely recommend !!
Emily Bryan –
Love how dry they feel and how “invisible” they are even when full. I have been using always products since I was a teenager, in my late 40s now and they never fail me. Love them!
VC –
These pads have been and likely will always be my go-to! They hold a lot yet never feel gross or wet like so many others. They are a must have!
Niko smith –
Pads are love pads are life
Marisa –
I’ve been using a flex foam pad as my daytime pad. It will not be wet on the surface, but it needs to be changed in time, otherwise it will accumulate on the surface more and more thick.
Kristin –
Never thought I’d leave a review on pads but here we are. These are the most comfortable things you’ll ever wear on your period. They feel like a memory foam mattress, are so flexible, and protective. I think the higher price is absolutely worth it. Just get them bc you’ll never wear any other pads ever again. P.S I am team tampons but these have turned me.