Descrição do Produto: Absonutrix Apigenin 75 mg por Porção
Descubra o poder do sono reparador com o Absonutrix Apigenin, um suplemento inovador que oferece 75 mg de apigenina por porção em uma prática embalagem de 4 fl oz, proporcionando 200 porções potentes. Desenvolvido nos Estados Unidos, este produto é formulado para uma rápida absorção, garantindo que você aproveite ao máximo os ingredientes de alta qualidade que compõem sua fórmula. A apigenina é conhecida por suas propriedades que promovem um sono tranquilo, sendo uma solução ideal para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades para adormecer. Além disso, este suplemento ajuda a aumentar os níveis de nutrientes essenciais, contribuindo para o bem-estar geral.
Os produtos Absonutrix são elaborados a partir de fontes de alta qualidade, refletindo nossa crença no poder nutricional da natureza. Nossa equipe de químicos experientes e conhecedores trabalha incansavelmente para desenvolver fórmulas eficazes que ajudam você a alcançar sua saúde máxima. A apigenina, em sua forma líquida, garante uma alta biodisponibilidade, permitindo uma absorção superior. Caso o sabor do suplemento seja muito forte, você pode misturá-lo com sua bebida preferida, como água ou suco, para facilitar o consumo.
Todos os produtos Absonutrix são rigorosamente testados em nossos laboratórios internos, localizados nos EUA, e cumprem estritamente todas as normas de Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP). Nossa missão é proporcionar a você a ajuda necessária para garantir uma boa noite de sono, promovendo um estilo de vida mais saudável e equilibrado.
– Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: A apigenina ajuda a relaxar o corpo e a mente, facilitando o processo de adormecer.
– Aumento de Nutrientes Essenciais: Contribui para a elevação dos níveis de nutrientes que são fundamentais para o bem-estar geral.
– Fórmula de Rápida Absorção: A forma líquida do suplemento assegura que os ingredientes ativos sejam rapidamente absorvidos pelo organismo.
– Produzido em Instalações Certificadas: Garantia de qualidade e segurança, com produtos testados em laboratórios que seguem as normas GMP.
– Baseado em Ingredientes Naturais: A Absonutrix utiliza apenas fontes de alta qualidade, respeitando a integridade da natureza.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 1 porção (15 ml) de Absonutrix Apigenin antes de dormir. O suplemento pode ser tomado puro ou diluído em uma bebida de sua preferência, como água ou suco, para suavizar o sabor. Agite bem antes de usar e armazene em local fresco e seco. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
I ordered this 4 fl oz of Apigenin by Absonutrix for its Stress Relief and Better Sleep Benefits. This Supplement came well-sealed in Liquid Form in a Blue Dropper Bottle, which contained 200 Servings, with one Serving Size being 12 Drops per Day. While the Bottle doesn’t specify, whether to take this Supplement during the Daytime or at Nighttime before Bed, it does suggest holding the 12 Drops in the Mouth for 15 Seconds before swallowing. The Supplement itself doesn’t have a bad Aftertaste or Scent.
The Main Ingredient in this Supplement is 75mg of Apigenin per Serving, according to the Product’s Description on the Website. Other Ingredients include Distilled Water, Ethanol, Potassium Sorbate, Stevia and Peppermint Oil.
As suggested, I’ve been taking and holding the 12 Drops under my Tongue before going to Bed because I don’t want to feel too relaxed and fall asleep during the Day. At Night though, I have been feeling more relaxed; and Sleep comes easily.
Jonix –
If u need a mouth wash, this might work.
Perpermint taste good.
But it doesn’t have any other benefits.
Kevin & Liz –
I put the recommended dosage under my tongue and I held it there for at least a minute before swallowing. Try to get as much absorption sublingually as I can. I don’t. An hour later is when I started feeling groggy enough that I turned the TV off and went to sleep. I slept good through the night. I track my sleep on my Garmin fit app. Got about the same amount of REM sleep that I typically would get, but I got more deep sleep than I would typically get. And I’m talking about an hour and a half a deep sleep or I typically only get about a half an hour. So I credit this stuff with helping. But also I had some pretty vivid dreams. No nightmares but good dreams. So I’m pretty impressed and know that liquid supplements work better in terms of absorption as a lot of it can get absorbed in the mouth and who knows how much of it gets past the digestive tract. But I definitely recommend this stuff.
Dorothy F. –
I am the type of person that falls asleep right away and then wakes up at 2:00 or 3:00 am and can’t get back to sleep. I read great things about Apigenin and this seems to be a good company. It is third party tested and GMP approved. I tried this product about an hour before bed and I found that I couldn’t fall asleep. I think it affected me differently then most because I was thinking too much,
I think if you know Apigenin works for you this is a good brand to try.
I was delighted when I saw Apigenin in liquid form. As sound sleep does not come easily to me, I always used chamomile extract to relax and induce sleep, which is done by its component Apigenin. Apigenin is a bioflavonoid present in many plants such as chamomile, parsley, oregano, and in some fruits and vegetables. The good news is that Apigenin has now been isolated and you can take it in capsule or even in liquid form. In addition to the relaxing and sleep-inducing qualities, Apigenin has several other benefits such as it is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. As it is a neuroprotective and cognition enhancing substance, it is believed that Apigenin has even potential in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. It also boosts the production of testosterone in men.
Apigenin works wonderfully for me. Together with my other sleeping supplements, I take twelve drops (75 mg) of Absonutrix’s Apigenin 30 minutes before going to bed and have a relaxing full night’s sleep. While I like the distributor Absonutrix’s Apigenin, reason why I am giving it five stars, I would still recommend Absonutrix to have its Apigenin tested by an accredited third-party lab for purity and content, which is a wise way to build credibility and which has now become industry’s best practice.
Psychopuppy –
I just don’t sleep much anymore. I end up exhausted after a mostly sleepless night. This was worth a try. But, after four weeks, I just don’t see a difference. The taste is fine (although quite alcoholic), but I’ve seen no improvement.
Brian Whistler –
Apigenin, is a naturally occurring substance found in fruits ,nuts onions, oranges. Here it is in liquid form. The taste is unusual but not unpalatable. Although it’s supposed to have a number of uses, as an anti-inflammatory, for cognition support (NCBI says there are good studies supporting this assertion,) and for its purported muscle relaxant capabilities, I take it before bed, as one of its properties is said to be sleep inducing. I have had trouble sleeping, so I use a combination of herbal supplements to help me snooze. This is one of them. Hard to tell if it’s working, but I think it’s helping me.
Ace –
I wasn’t expecting much as far as results as I have a condition that means I will always experience pain. It’s just a matter of how much.
The last few days, my pain has been high to the point I can’t even roll over in bed which causes my muscles to tense up extremely because the pain is stressful. This apigenin arrived yesterday so I was more than ready to try it. I took a couple drops over the suggested dose and held it under my tongue for probably longer than suggested and swallowed it. Within about 15 minutes, the excessive pain from the muscle tension eased up which helped my pain threshold go from about an 8-9 down to a 6-7. Anyone who experiences chronic pain knows how big of a differences that makes.
I didn’t eliminate all my pain, but it did relax my muscles enough to ease the pain cause by them being extremely tense and that was not expected. I’d like very much to keep this tincture on hand from this point on but Imnot sure I will be able to afford it. Hopefully, they can offer some coupons or discounts because I saw a difference without any other medication so that tells me it did what it was supposed to.