Descrição do Produto: Absonutrix Ácido Ursolico 590mg
O Absonutrix Ácido Ursolico é um suplemento inovador que se destaca no mercado pela sua alta biodisponibilidade e rápida absorção. Apresentado em uma embalagem de 4 fl oz, cada frasco contém 200 porções altamente potentes, garantindo que você tenha acesso a um dos compostos mais eficazes para o suporte muscular e bem-estar geral. O ácido ursólico, extraído das folhas de diversas plantas, é conhecido por suas propriedades que auxiliam na construção muscular, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para jovens adultos que buscam aumentar a massa muscular e promover a recuperação de músculos já existentes. Além disso, o produto é testado por terceiros e possui certificação GMP, assegurando que cada gota é produzida sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade.
A forma líquida do Absonutrix Ácido Ursolico não só facilita a absorção, mas também permite que você misture o suplemento com sua bebida favorita, seja água ou suco, caso o sabor seja muito forte. Com mais de 10 anos de experiência no setor, a Absonutrix se orgulha de fabricar todos os seus produtos nos Estados Unidos, atendendo milhões de clientes satisfeitos. A empresa se compromete com a qualidade, realizando múltiplas etapas de testes em seus laboratórios internos, garantindo que cada lote de ingredientes seja cuidadosamente selecionado e testado por químicos experientes. Além disso, o produto é vegetariano e livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO), respeitando os princípios de sustentabilidade e ética.
– Ajuda na Construção Muscular: O ácido ursólico é eficaz para quem deseja aumentar a massa muscular e acelerar a recuperação.
– Melhor Absorção: A forma líquida do suplemento proporciona uma absorção superior, potencializando os efeitos do ácido ursólico.
– Produzido nos EUA: Garantia de qualidade e segurança, com mais de uma década de experiência no mercado.
– Certificação de Qualidade: Todos os produtos são testados e certificados, assegurando a segurança e eficácia para o consumidor.
– Amigo dos Vegetarianos: Com ingredientes de origem vegetal, o produto atende às necessidades de quem busca opções éticas e saudáveis.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Absonutrix Ácido Ursolico, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma porção (1 ml) diariamente. O suplemento pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em uma bebida de sua preferência, como água ou suco, para facilitar a ingestão. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Laura LaRose –
I generally dont leave a review but this product is deserving i have been using UA for quite some time the most effective a spray by prototype nutrition but also quite expensive . The pill versions require way too many to get a benefit noticable during workouts. I stumbled on this and was quite impressed for me the dosage is roughly double what they recommend but the effects are there also the price and quantity make it a winner nothing else compares.. Well done !!!
Michael Brennan –
The product is working as described however, the taste is terrible. Add a flavoring or something.
Laura LaRose –
I previously bought the 500 mg strength of this product and I loved it! The liquid was clear and had a pleasant taste (peppermint). I received this product today and instantly knew something was off. The product label says it is suspended in cranberry extract with no mention of the reverse osmosis water. I double checked the order to see if I had inadvertently ordered a different formula than last time but besides the strength it should be the same. Even worse, it is a NASTY moldy green color. I put one drop under my tongue against my better judgement and it was grainy with an awful flavor. Nothing like the previous order I received.
Michael Brennan –
I’ve been taking this for about a week. I was hoping it would help with inflammation and muscle loss and the fact that it is supposed to help with weight loss was a big plus in my decision to try it. Well, the taste takes some getting used to. I make a lot of different herbal tinctures and few of them ever taste good but this is, hands down, the worst tasting tincture I’ve ever tried! In spite of the taste, I seem to have more energy now and definitely more stamina. Before, I could only stand for a few minutes without severe pain and weakness in my back. Yesterday I was able to stand at the stove and make biscuits and sausage gravy. Yeah, I know. Not exactly the healthiest breakfast and certainly not conducive to weight loss but I was in need of comfort food. The interesting thing is that I have been seeing a small but steady weight loss ever since I started using these drops. I’m eating the same as always but I’m able to move a little better so I’m a bit more active than before. None of this is happening FAST. We’re talking teeny tiny bits at this point. However, for someone who has been home-bound and getting around with a walker, even the smallest improvement is amazing.
Paul Mitchell –
I appreciate this company for making a truly genuine, and highly potent product. I absolutely can tell that it’s working for fat/muscle ratio, and I actually can reduce my uncertain supplement stack because of all the real benefits that this is more than noticably providing. Nothing wrong with taste, incredible value for the money. I wouldn’t let taste outweigh the benefit anyway. I am convinced now that this is a very serious and legitimate brand.
Ace –
I like this company and believe their products work. I like the higher bioavailability of tinctures over powders as well. Not sure why some mentioned a bad taste. For me under the tongue followed by a shot of water and had almost no aftertaste.
Mhee –
Green and thick consistency. Expiration date February 2, 2026. Called company but no reply.
Heard back from company, they report formula is now unfiltered for higher potency causing the color and consistency changes.
Amazon Customer –
As far as I know, this was my first try at Ursolic Acid as a supplement
Great potential benefits though I haven’t noted any specific.
LOVE the blue glass jar – Glass is fragile yes but to me Glass is always better than plastic for health reasons if not recyclability. Small Glass jars can be reused if you find a need yourself (essential oils, perfumes..)
-The stopper is not working very well – has an air leak preventing good suction and I didn’t have an unused food grade spare at time. I have another supplement from same company without this issue so it’s probably just my bad luck
-Don’t like the taste
That’s about it except as I mentioned in pros – any potential benefits are likely more long term and not easily attributable.
Summary – I’m not currently planning to order again though I will seek capsules of Ursolic Acid to try. I may however repurchase in future as I do like the idea of the high quality liquid supplement.
Supplements are sometimes easy to attribute a positive or negative though mostly they aren’t attributable over months if ever. I will try my best to review on what I see if I do and update if I find a change. Supplements I’m generally not overjoyed with or that I have faith in the quality of as well as how economical they are to continue – I will not take past the bottle I’m using and thus won’t update unless I revisit this not likely any time soon.
I have been taking numerous supplements for decades and several more for many years. Lately I have started some new supplements mixing in with existing. I favor simple supplements with one or a few active ingredients that way I can decide how much of what I am taking. In general supplements with tons of ingredients and especially ones that are aimed at one thing yet contain numerous supplements with little to no added benefits are worrisome. I do not need (for example) to worry about getting 100 or 400 (whatever) each times the B vitamins needed in a day from five or ten or more different supplements.