Abreva 2g Tratamento para Feridas Frias – Tamanho 1 unidade – Bomba
O Abreva 2g é um tratamento eficaz para feridas causadas por herpes labial, apresentado em uma embalagem prática de bomba. Com uma fórmula que contém 10% de docosanol, este creme penetra profundamente na pele, atacando as feridas em sua origem e proporcionando alívio rápido dos sintomas. O Abreva é projetado para encurtar a duração e a gravidade das feridas, aliviando a dor, o formigamento, a queimação e a coceira que acompanham o herpes labial. Sua embalagem compacta e conveniente permite que você leve o tratamento a qualquer lugar, garantindo que você possa cuidar de sua saúde bucal sempre que necessário.
Com o Abreva, você não apenas reduz o desconforto, mas também melhora a aparência das feridas labiais de forma rápida e eficaz. Este creme é uma opção de tratamento sem prescrição médica, ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e confiável para o herpes labial. Ao aplicar o Abreva assim que os primeiros sintomas aparecerem, você pode acelerar o processo de cicatrização e voltar a se sentir confortável em sua própria pele.
- Eficácia comprovada: O creme Abreva contém 10% de docosanol, um ingrediente ativo clinicamente comprovado para encurtar a duração dos sintomas do herpes labial.
- Penetração profunda: A fórmula do creme atinge as feridas em sua origem, proporcionando um tratamento mais eficaz e rápido.
- Praticidade: A embalagem em bomba permite uma aplicação fácil e conveniente, ideal para uso em movimento.
- Alívio dos sintomas: O Abreva não só acelera a cicatrização, mas também alivia sintomas como dor, formigamento e queimação.
- Recomendado por profissionais de saúde: A eficácia e segurança do Abreva foram comprovadas em estudos clínicos, tornando-o uma escolha confiável.
Para utilizar o creme Abreva, aplique uma pequena quantidade diretamente na área afetada pelo herpes labial. Massageie suavemente até que o creme seja completamente absorvido pela pele. É recomendado repetir a aplicação cinco vezes ao dia, a cada 3-4 horas, durante um período de cinco dias para obter os melhores resultados. Inicie o tratamento assim que os primeiros sintomas do herpes labial se manifestarem. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar o produto, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas pré-existentes ou estiver utilizando outros medicamentos. Evite o contato do creme com os olhos ou a boca.
Melvyn Goldstein –
Works well.
Amazon Customer –
A product will not stop working simply because it reaches the expiration date. I generally keep a tube around for a year (infrequent use) and it never loses it’s effectiveness. So why the expiration date? Because everything has to have a shelf life for the FDA and generally that date will be 1 year. Why get stressed out over it when stress is one of the triggers for cold sores?
The pump is slightly cheaper and it does spurt out more product than you may need. Unlike the tube, it’s easier to pry apart to get leftover product. TIP: If it spurts too much out try using a bit of Saran Wrap or a tin or tiny cork/capped bottle to salvage extra product. Getting enough iron to help support your immune system will help prevent sores and clear them up if they do appear.
DESunny –
I happen to love the pump and disagree that you can’t regulate the amount! Just don’t push all the way down. Use some common sense and push a little bit to get what you need. It doesn’t take rocket science people!
Meshe –
When available in Canada they are 1/3 the price I paid for these so I won’t order them again
Juliehannah –
I have gotten cold sores since 2nd grade. In my 40s now and I have tried every product known to man:drs prescriptions every product ever made for sores etc and this prevents and heals. Only product that does it. Second I feel a cold sore itch or tingle,I dab this on for 2 days when I feel that itch and tingle and no cold sores pop out. Daily, I use the squeeze tube carmex and no lipstick it anything else etc and no cold sores. Also, every time I blow my nose I wash my lips with hand soap, dry, then swipe a little Abreva. Cold sores used to line my lips non stop and doing these things stopped it. Avoiding metal silverware and aluminum cans has also contributed to eradicating my cold sore issue. No other lip products or combination
I ever heard of has licked cold sores for me and other people whom I’ve shared this with have seen the same result as me. Hope this helps.
DF –
The dispenser is a small pump not a tube. A lot more comes out than you need. You can’t regulate the amount you dispense.
MK –
I get cold sore once in a while. Especially when I’m tired or stressed, I can feel it coming on the usual spots. I’ve tried everything to prevent it from happening and failed. For the longest time, I just assumed Abreva won’t be much different. And the fact that this product is so expensive kept me from trying. Oh I wish I tried sooner.
I bought one a few weeks ago and kept it in my drawer for the next happening.
One night, I felt the bump was coming, but I stupidly didn’t think to use it at first warning. The next day, I got a something on the area. I knew it was a matter of time before it was going to expand and become flaky. I put on the Abreva and I immediately felt it working. It tingled a bit. I applied day and night religiously for the next week. It didn’t get rid of the existing ones, but it never got bigger. I didn’t get any flaky stuff either. For the whole week, it just looked like a small bump.
Overall, I’m happy that Abreva works as advertised.
PS. I’m going to buy tube version next time. The pump version dispenses too much product with each pump. For a small area, I was wasting more than half of the product with each pump. The tube version should last me much longer.
jm –
This is a great product. I have used it for quite some time and it does a great job of lessening cold sore duration and severity. HOWEVER, I found the pump dispenser to be a bit useless. it is hard to control the amount it dispenses, which is always too much and wasteful (since it is rather costly, I don’t feature wasting product every time I use it). The simple squeeze tube version is much easier to control.
Doug and Allie –
I’ve used Abreva for years. This was the same price as in store, arrived to me in a couple days well packaged. I’ve found that using Abreva and then a half hour or so later alternating with the equate brand of oxy wipe pads (salicylic acid) dries the cold sore up a lot faster in early stages than either does alone.