Descrição do Produto: 60 Cápsulas de Suplemento de Tributirina Pós-biótica – Saúde Intestinal
O Healus Complete Biotic é um suplemento inovador que traz a potência da Tributirina em cápsulas, com 60 unidades, projetado para promover a saúde intestinal de forma eficaz. A Tributirina é uma forma altamente biodisponível e de liberação lenta de Butirato, um postbiótico essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção do equilíbrio da microbiota intestinal. Este suplemento não apenas melhora a saúde do intestino, mas também fortalece a microbiota, promovendo uma digestão saudável e contribuindo para a redução da inflamação intestinal.
Os benefícios do Healus Complete Biotic são amplos e impactantes. O Butirato, presente em sua fórmula, é conhecido por auxiliar na melhoria da saúde digestiva geral, ajudando a tratar condições como intestino permeável e Síndrome do Intestino Irritável (IBS). Além disso, ele melhora a absorção de nutrientes e fortalece o sistema imunológico, proporcionando uma defesa robusta contra patógenos. A fórmula avançada do Healus Complete Biotic, que utiliza cápsulas veganas de liberação retardada, garante que o Butirato seja entregue diretamente no intestino delgado e grosso, maximizando sua eficácia.
Cada cápsula contém 500mg de Tributirina, que é 98% pura, representando o mais alto nível de pureza e potência disponível no mercado. O produto é fabricado em um laboratório que segue as Boas Práticas de Fabricação, assegurando a qualidade e segurança do suplemento. Além disso, ao adquirir o Healus Complete Biotic, você receberá um e-book gratuito que oferece um guia completo sobre o uso do Butirato, incluindo dosagens e dicas para otimizar a saúde digestiva.
1. Avançada biodisponibilidade – O Healus Complete Biotic é o suplemento de Tributirina mais avançado e biodisponível do mercado, garantindo uma absorção eficaz e resultados superiores.
2. Benefícios para a saúde digestiva – O Butirato presente no Healus Complete Biotic ajuda a equilibrar a microbiota intestinal, melhorando a saúde digestiva geral, reduzindo a inflamação no cólon e auxiliando em condições como intestino permeável e Síndrome do Intestino Irritável (IBS).
3. Cápsulas patenteadas de liberação retardada – Diferente de outros suplementos de Butirato, o Healus Complete Biotic utiliza cápsulas veganas de liberação retardada, garantindo a entrega direta e absorção eficaz no intestino delgado e grosso.
4. E-book gratuito – Além das cápsulas, você receberá um guia completo em formato de e-book sobre Butirato, com informações valiosas sobre dosagem, uso e saúde digestiva.
5. Marca confiável – A Vitaminer Shop é uma marca confiável, fundada por médicos integrativos com vasta experiência clínica, garantindo a qualidade e eficácia do Healus Complete Biotic.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Healus Complete Biotic por dia, preferencialmente durante as refeições. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Armazene o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, e mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Alexis –
I really do think it’s helping. too soon to completely tell yet though. It definitely gives me a reaction [silent reflux & some detox symtpoms] only after one pill! that lasts a few days & then my stomach feels really good. Currently trying to take one pill daily, much less more than one! Proceed with caution if you’re super sensitive like me but it’s totally worth a try
jackie todd –
Health added benefits for your overall immunity
johnnysloane –
I’ve used colon cleansing for a long time. They work great for me. But for a long time I felt I could do better. I’ve moved into intermittent fasting to boost my covid weight gain loss more. It’s been great. Losing 20 lbs within 2 months. I’ve started taking this product as well (on my second bottle) take two at night with colon cleanse. I have to say I’ve never felt So completely cleansed and can say I feel a deeper lower effect in my morning bowels. I would recommend people to do lower doses at first say 1-1 of each if you were to try. Over all this product does what it says. Effect the lower intestines (colon). There is absolutely no taste no secondary burps of taste which is good. It works slowly but great. I didn’t feel results until towards end of first bottle. The only thing I dislike is the HIGH cost. I believe it could be a much better price. (Please note I workout 4-5 days a week between cycling 10 miles a day and or weightlifting strength training. Two months ago I was 180 now I’m 160. Fasting ( 1 big meal a day ) nothing else but these pills with colon cleanse and lotsa water.
Dnj –
This stuff is amazing. First time in a long time my tummy has been ok after years of issues. Thank you!!!
Moody’s Mood –
This is the second brand I tried and feel like the first brand worked better for me. This is a bit pricey too so I’ll probably go back Body Bio.
I like this brand because it is extended release. So you can take less. These enzymes reduce gas and aids digestion.
SmithyC –
I did a lot of research on postbiotics and the benefits and bought this for overall gut health. this seems to be the superior product with one of the highest dose of butyrate (500mg) I’ve seen. Price is on the higher end but this feels like a very premium supplement – love the look and feel of the clear capsules. Happy so far.
Linda Kearney –
Look it’s to early for me to tell I just know many people swear by this supplement and you can be tested to see if you are low in this particular substance.
Organic P. –
Rarely do I write a review, but the Healus tributyrin is worthy of my time. First of all, I did not research this for myself, but to help someone with schizophrenia. I have been testing it on myself first, and what a difference.
I would not describe myself as a person that is sad or depressed; however after a couple of days of taking tributyrin I felt like a different person. I read about the benefits of butyric acid; specifically how tributyrin absorbs well. I wanted Healus’ capsule because it makes it through your stomach as well. Even though I eat healthy, my butyrate producing gut bacteria are low. Now at 3 weeks of taking this, having sad thoughts for no reason does not occur. Even when there is something to legitimately be sad about (a loss, a disappointment, empathy for someone else with pain, etc) it is not as hard hitting or as deep. Don’t get me wrong, you still have emotions, sorrow/sadness is just not as big of lows.
I can only imagine what a game changer this would be for someone with Bi-polar or depression issues! I am going to continue to take 1 a day; however, someone that is bipolar I would start with 1 a day and up by 1 pill a week until you are taking 2 in the morning and 2 at night (I know, expensive but it will be worth it!).
Long term for me personally, I want to have my gut produce its own butyrate.
I am have been taking GOS (glacto oligosaccarides) fiber which is derived from dairy products (if you read the research dairy has some of the best results from growing butyrate producing bacteria). I have been dairy free for ~16 years, and this has devastated those butyrate bacteria. The GOS supplement I have been taking is Natural Flow Prebiotic Fiber Supplement 5-in-1 Capsules (I started with 1 per day and have been upping it by 1 more per week until I get to 2 in the morning and 2 at night).
I have also been taking Mt. Capra Goat Milk Colostrum capsules starting with 1 per day and upping it by 1 pill per week until I get to 2 in the morning and 2 at night.
The ONLY probiotic you should be taking is Global Healing Ultimate Probiotic. Too much to type here, but they are the best hands down (the strains they use, the SBO bacteria, the prebiotic, and the bacteriophage; plus it passes the milk test with flying colors). Then add Pendulum Metabolic Daily with Akkermansia to super charge your butyric acid bacteria.
I have always been good with apple cider vinegar, sauerkraut, and the Global Healing Probiotic; my downfall has been lack of dairy for so many years; and I still am not a fan of drinking milk.
Use what I posted as a starting point. Take a microbiome test and see what your levels are. For depression, bipolar, ADHD, anxiety, schizophrenia, OCD, PTSD and anorexia nervosa look for depleted levels the bacteria: Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii, Coprococcus, and Dialister. You can NOT get these bacteria in a probiotic, so pray to God that you still have some in your gut.
If you really want to get crazy, you can try to get a fecal transplant. Limited human studies on bipolar people have been 100% successful at all but eliminating bi-polar symptoms. Mice studies on fecal transplant have also been successful for both bi-polar and schizophrenia. An alternative to fecal transplant is ThaenaBiotic Postbiotic Supplement. ThaenaBiotic is VERY expensive and you have to continue to take the supplement in order to keep getting the positive side effect (unlike a fecal transplant, which is semi permanent as long as you keep feeding the bacteria).
If you want more information about what has helped the schizophrenia is: Healthy Keto Diet (look up Dr. Berg on youtube), Grain Free (corn is a HUGE no no for schizophrenia, it destroys B3 absorption. Gluten destroys the gut), Niacin dosing (a type of vitamin B3, but watch out for the Niacin flush!), Benfotiamine (a type of vitamin B1 that is well absorbed, this is to offset the pharmaceutical drugs that depletes your B1), and methylation therapy (high levels of vitamin B12 as Methylcobalamin and TMG). They are not currently on Urolithin A, but I am looking into it.
Their schizophrenic episodes are now only ~ 1 every 2 years and we are hoping with increasing butyrate to be able to fully get off the low dose of pharmaceutical they are still on!
i hope this review helped someone!
Saladnut –
I have been battling digestive issues all my life. I’m 65 now, so that’s a long time. I’ve tried every diet there is. I’ve had candida most of my life, if not all of my life. I was vegan for 7 years, but not necessarily really healthy vegan. I’ve controlled the candida for 30+ years, but I never seemed to get over it. Over the last year, I was on the ketogenic craze, and I believed it was the right thing, but after a year, I felt too acidic. At this time, it was the perfect storm. I was working to treat a tiny mass in my breast. I was eating small amounts of meat and kefir, while not a lot, I felt the need to eat more alkaline to heal myself. At the same time, I also read about how you could heal your gut on a fruit diet. I embarked on a 3-day fruit fast (pure, organic, raw fruit only), but I only got through 2 days because fruit left me very hungry. I transitioned to a macrobiotic diet (mostly vegan for now, occasional eggs), mostly whole grains and vegetables and small amounts of fruit. I also started taking the Healus, although not necessarily on a regular basis. My gut felt overwhelmed the first 10 days, but I stuck with it. After 10 days, all of a sudden, my gut started working like clockwork. It’s now been 3 weeks, and I haven’t missed a beat, even when I cheated on some chips. I do eat only whole foods, nothing processed. I believe the Healus helped. Would it have cured me without the diet changes, I don’t think so. It was a perfect storm of Healus, diet, and a lifetime of getting back on track. I do believe it is a good product and am therefore sharing my story.
Fernando Mateus –
Confesso que achei que ia demorar meses pra chegar, mas me surpreendi! O pedido chegou em menos de 20 dias, bem embalado e com tudo certinho. Muito bom!