Descrição do Produto: 50:50 Fuel, Electrolyte
O 50:50 Fuel, Electrolyte é a solução ideal para quem busca maximizar seu desempenho físico e manter a hidratação em níveis ideais. Este pó para mistura de bebidas combina energia, hidratação e eletrólitos em um único produto, proporcionando uma experiência completa para atletas e entusiastas de atividades físicas. Com uma fórmula de fácil mistura, você não precisa se preocupar com garrafas entupidas, garantindo que sua bebida esteja sempre pronta para consumo.
Cada porção completa oferece impressionantes 500mg de eletrólitos, essenciais para a reposição de sais minerais perdidos durante a transpiração. O 50:50 Fuel é versátil, permitindo que você escolha entre uma porção completa, que fornece 400 calorias, ou uma porção meia, com 200 calorias, adaptando-se às suas necessidades energéticas específicas. Essa flexibilidade torna o produto perfeito para treinos intensos, competições ou mesmo para o dia a dia, onde a energia e a hidratação são fundamentais.
– Hidratação Eficiente: A combinação de eletrólitos e carboidratos ajuda a manter o corpo hidratado, especialmente durante atividades prolongadas.
– Fácil Preparação: A fórmula de fácil mistura evita entupimentos, permitindo que você prepare sua bebida rapidamente, sem complicações.
– Versatilidade Energética: Com opções de porção, você pode ajustar a ingestão calórica conforme suas necessidades, seja para treinos leves ou intensos.
– Reposição de Eletrólitos: Com 500mg de eletrólitos por porção, o produto ajuda a prevenir cãibras e fadiga muscular, melhorando seu desempenho.
– Sabor Agradável: O 50:50 Fuel é desenvolvido para oferecer um sabor agradável, tornando a hidratação uma experiência prazerosa.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma porção do 50:50 Fuel, Electrolyte em 500ml de água. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para uma porção completa, utilize 2 colheres de sopa do produto, resultando em 400 calorias e 500mg de eletrólitos. Se preferir uma porção menor, utilize 1 colher de sopa para 200 calorias. Consuma antes, durante ou após atividades físicas para garantir a máxima hidratação e energia. Mantenha sempre a embalagem bem fechada e em local fresco e seco para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Tennesota –
The taste is right for me, not to Hawaiian Punch strong or washed out bottle weak. It mixes very easy. I have about 200 miles ( in a 6 rides) of using it and it works very well on the longer rides.
Jason –
Love that his has a good break down of how many scoops and how to build up to higher carb drinks. I usually put 3 scoops (300cal) in my midsize bike bottles for hard workouts or long rides or runs. I like that it includes a pretty good amount of sodium / electrolytes in that level of carb bottle. Gets most people that are ‘normal sweaters’ to near their sweat loss , for me I sweat a lot so keeps me at least close to even, still take a bit extra in gels or caps. THe flavor is good on this one, just right for me at 3 scoops and 18oz of water, much better taste then another high carb brand that I didn’t enjoy as much (still needed more citrus flavor). Used it just last night on a hard hour indoor interval ride, burned 850cal and took in 300cal bottle on top of 100cal of gummy bears. Sure helped me feel better by the end and limited cravings and hangry-ness afterwards! lol More fuel… more fast… more fit!!!
Manuela –
3.5 stars. This drink mix is okay, the recommended scoops per serving is a bit much if you aren’t using it for its intended purpose; so one scoop per 20ish ounces of water works well for me. If you are using it as intended, then using the full serving is what you need. This is great in summer when people are outside and sweating more.
Nick in MN –
My son asked me to get him some electrolyte powders or beverages, so when this became available I chose it to try. The title says it’s electrolytes, and it probably does contain them but it’s very odd that you have to build up a tolerance to this stuff.
They say to start off with two scoops a day and work your way up to train your gut. It is high in sugar and calories. It may be good for heavy exercisers, but not just the average person who’s been working and sweating and wants to replace their electrolytes.
The taste is good, with all that sugar! Technically fructose, orange juice powder, and maltodextrin. The ingredients are natural and not chemical, so that’s a plus.
This may be great for a niche group, but it’s not what I expected, needed, or wanted. If you need the calories and electrolytes that’s probably just the thing for you. Just be aware of what you’re getting. Made in the USA.
Xalderin –
Lot’s of carbs in this, maybe that’s what you’re looking for but just be aware. Flavor is OK for this type of drink, but the powder does seem extra sticky so no matter how careful I am my hands end up sticky after mixing.
Mary Dale –
I am a senior who enjoys bike riding. I also take care of my own house. The taste is great, reminds me of “orange crush”, mixes easily with brisk stirring of metal spoon or with shaker. I use 2 scoops before a bike ride or physical tasks, and it allows me to go further/accomplish more.
My Airbnb guest and her hiking mates recently scaled the Teton Mountains. They reported great taste and improved energy, easy mixability. They had no problems as with other similar products such as headache or nausea. They only needed 2 scoops and liked the fact that the product only has a few simple ingredients. They plan to order.
Tennesota –
This product is very similar in taste and texture to a familiar national brand. The serving size of “4 scoops” for a full serving of 21-26oz is way too much. I use one scoop and it tastes about right. The powder does tend to clump in water and I’ve relinquished to using a single-serve blender to mix the powder and water effectively.
Katie –
So, my biggest complaint about this, is that the “energy” it provides is a huge Sugar High. It’s pack loaded with Sugar, has a TON of carbs in it, and barely has any nutrients that you would actually need for any Energy. While I understand that Carbs can be used as Energy, to a degree, 100 Carbs is TOO much. The only thing this has going for it is the taste. That’s it. If you like a citrusy orange flavor, and don’t care for the large amount of carbs and sugar, then this may just be for you! But aside from that, I may look else where, as even Caffeine is a better choice then this.