O 5%%%% Nutrition Shred Time Queimador de Gordura é um suplemento inovador que se destaca no mercado de nutrição esportiva, projetado para aqueles que buscam otimizar a queima de gordura e alcançar seus objetivos de emagrecimento de forma eficaz. Com uma fórmula avançada, este queimador de gordura termogênico combina ingredientes poderosos como chá verde, café, pimenta caiena, teobromina e GBB, todos conhecidos por suas propriedades que favorecem a perda de peso e a supressão do apetite. Cada embalagem contém 180 cápsulas, suficientes para 30 porções, tornando-o uma opção prática e acessível para quem deseja transformar seu corpo.
O SHRED TIME FAT BURNER atua potencializando os centros de queima de gordura do corpo, liberando energia da gordura armazenada e eliminando-a de maneira eficaz. O COMPLEXO “SWEAT IT OUT”, que contém 130 mg de ingredientes como extrato de pimenta caiena e Grãos do Paraíso, aumenta a temperatura central do corpo, acelerando o metabolismo e promovendo a eliminação de água, toxinas e gordura. Além disso, o COMPLEXO DE SUPRESSÃO DE APETITE, com 463,5 mg de Hoodia Gordonii e açafrão, ajuda a controlar os desejos alimentares, facilitando o jejum e a escolha de alimentos saudáveis.
O INCRÍVEL COMPLEXO QUEIMADOR DE GORDURA, com 1.893 mg de ingredientes como Acetil L-Carnitina HCL, extratos de chá verde, café e teobromina, não só impulsiona o metabolismo, mas também transporta a gordura para o fígado, onde é quebrada e utilizada como fonte de energia. A inclusão do GBB, um precursor termogênico de L-Carnitina, aumenta a transpiração, contribuindo ainda mais para a queima de gordura.
1. Queima de gordura avançada: O SHRED TIME FAT BURNER é um dos queimadores de gordura mais eficazes do mercado, proporcionando resultados superiores.
2. Aumento do metabolismo: Ingredientes como chá verde e café aceleram o metabolismo, facilitando a queima de calorias.
3. Supressão do apetite: O complexo de Hoodia Gordonii e açafrão ajuda a controlar a fome, tornando mais fácil resistir a tentações alimentares.
4. Energia e foco aprimorados: O produto não apenas auxilia na perda de peso, mas também melhora a energia e a concentração, essenciais para manter a motivação.
5. Qualidade superior: A 5%%%% NUTRITION é reconhecida por sua excelência em formulações, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 3 cápsulas de SHRED TIME FAT BURNER por dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio, cerca de 30 minutos antes das refeições. É fundamental seguir as instruções de uso e não exceder a dose recomendada. Para garantir a segurança e a eficácia do produto, consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer programa de suplementação.
Shaunice Dunn –
Literally love want all the products
Stal bones –
It definitely a thermogenic, I take 1/3 the dose and sweat like a pig.
Anthony Barbin –
Was reluctant after trying Hydroxycut and other fat burners in the past. These things are better than expected. It took me about a week to get use to them, but after two weeks no jitters or cramping. I started slow with two, but now i take the recommended dose. 4 preworkout (losts of energy) and two later in the day for focusing. I have set a weight loss goal for Thanksgiving, so if all goes well I will let you all know.
Everyday is Blessing –
When I requested this I knew this would work because I have tried another pill from this brand and it worked wonders even though I took a lot less dosage than recommended.
Now, I think the recommended dosage is really for at least semi professionals in fitness or sports who need to get in shape fast or pass the weigh-in, for example.
The other one I had from this brand was to help my water retention and taking 2-3 pills instead of recommended 6, worked just fine ( I dropped about 8 pounds of water weight 3-4 days). So that’s what I did for this one as well, taking 2 instead of 6 to test it out, and I was right.
Trust me, if you are new to this type of pill and have never attempted rapid weight loss before, please start out with 2 or 3 at most. I am used to dropping weight fast and still I started out with only 2.
Now my weight fluctuates really a lot between 105 (sometimes less) to 120 pounds (5’4” tall).
I just eat everything I want a lot and usually just workout intensely.
But due to my water retention issue, if I don’t workout and don’t manage the retention issue, I would gain water weight quite fast but also be able to drop it real fast when I need to (for example if I really want to get in that double zero dress for a special occasion). I am not saying this to encourage you to attempt a fast weight loss, rather I am letting you know I have been able to lose weight quite fast even before I tried this.
Again, with all that experience, I still didn’t take full dosage, this I cannot emphasize enough. Because I truly think this brand means it when it says their product works.(maybe too well).
Knowing your body is the most important thing in my opinion as everyone’s body reacts differently due to underlying conditions.
Without changing my diet from my indulge/normal week, this and intense workout routines that I usually do during what I call the weight loss week, I was able to drop 13 pounds in less than 5 days.
Again, my weight was till in the very normal range (was about 118 pounds and now less than 105), and I also took 2 pills of stage ready from the same brand together with a meal. Again, I was able to get similar weight loss without it but it was a bit more struggle and I cut the carbs, which I didn’t with these pills. So this one definitely worked. But, also it could be that my water retention was at peak due to my menstrual cycle when I started this trial.
The bottom line is that this one is powerful and probably works for you as well, but just be careful and start with 2 pills if you are new at this. Also, it worked for me, but I worked out intensely as well !
Everyday is Blessing –
I wasn’t sure if this would do much for me because I am an avid coffee drinker. Plus there is no way I can take 6 capsules at once. So I started taking 2 in the morning, and on some days I take 2 in the afternoon. They actually do give me more energy and focus. I’m not sure if I’m losing weight because I only weigh at the doctor’s office. I used to weigh daily or 3 times a week, then got depressed. But my clothes are fitting looser so something is working.
albert –
NetJunkie –
I exercise regularly and occasionally take these supplements. And I want to say that I have never received such an effect. And this is only from 4 capsules. I never start taking these supplements at the full recommended dose. So I started with two capsules but almost didn’t feel anything. Then I added 2 more capsules and realized that this is enough for me. Thus, I want to say what you need to try in order to understand if it works for you and how effective it is. I am delighted with this supplement.
Casey Clay –
I have already used 5% products such as the pre workout and pump for my gym sessions in the past. I had no doubt this stuff would be awesome. It can double as a morning dose for a daily appetite suppressant, and I have also waited and used it in the evening before the gym instead. You sweat more when taking these for sure! Energy level is wonderful. I still eat but only when I am hungry and no cravings to fight. Trying to carb cut some, and this stuff has helped SO much. I also seem to get full more easily. 10/10 would recommend 100 times over!!