Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals Serene Science 5-HTP, 100 mg – 120 Cápsulas
O Source Naturals Serene Science 5-HTP é um suplemento inovador que se destaca por sua formulação única, derivada das sementes da planta Griffonia simplicifolia. Este produto é uma excelente opção para aqueles que buscam um suporte natural para o bem-estar emocional e a qualidade do sono. Cada cápsula contém 100 mg de 5-HTP, um precursor da serotonina, neurotransmissor fundamental que desempenha um papel crucial na regulação do humor, apetite e sono.
A recomendação de uso é simples e prática: tomar 1 cápsula uma ou duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. O Source Naturals Serene Science 5-HTP é um suplemento bem elaborado, livre de levedura, laticínios, ovos, glúten, milho, soja e trigo. Além disso, não contém açúcar, amido, conservantes ou corantes, sabores ou fragrâncias artificiais, garantindo uma opção saudável e segura para o consumo diário.
Com mais de 40 anos de confiança, a Source Naturals foi fundada em 1982 por Ira Goldberg, com a missão de apoiar o potencial de todos para desfrutar de uma saúde ideal. O produto é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, em Scotts Valley, CA, sob as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMPs) estabelecidas pela FDA, assegurando a qualidade e a eficácia do suplemento.
– Suporte ao Humor: O 5-HTP é conhecido por ajudar a aumentar os níveis de serotonina, promovendo um estado emocional mais equilibrado.
– Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: Contribui para um sono mais profundo e reparador, essencial para a recuperação física e mental.
– Redução da Ansiedade: Pode auxiliar na diminuição dos sintomas de ansiedade, proporcionando uma sensação de calma e relaxamento.
– Controle do Apetite: Ajuda a regular o apetite, o que pode ser benéfico para quem busca manter um peso saudável.
– Fórmula Limpa e Segura: Com ingredientes de alta qualidade e sem aditivos prejudiciais, é uma escolha confiável para o bem-estar diário.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Source Naturals Serene Science 5-HTP, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula uma ou duas vezes ao dia, sempre acompanhada de uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e fora do alcance de crianças.
Nickel –
I luckily found an amazing nutritionist that told me HOW to use these supplements.
5htp can raise cortisol, so if sleep is your issue, you may not want to take in the evening. She recommends taking am throughout day and not in evening.
(I got a headache from another brand, switched to this one and no problem. Great brand)
Tryptophan does not raise cortisol, so that is great for before bedtime. Helps sleep!
together they work well, raise serotonin and help sleep.
The quantities can vary based on what different people need. These supplements can be enormously helpful for depression and sleep! getting good advice is worth it.
(The folks who wrote The Mood Cure can recommend people…fabulous help!)
Bh –
My wife and I tried 2 other brands of 5-HTP and feel that this one is the best. The other brands we used didn’t seem to be as potent and the ingredient list was questionable. It might be a little more expensive but we feel it is worth it.
It seems like everyone has different results from this drug but my experience is as follows.
I take 1x100mg in the morning and 1x100mg at dinner. (that’s the 3rd meal for those who refer to lunch as dinner).
Effects: I sleep deeper through the night and have lots of dreams.
I used to wake up frequently during the night and couldn’t get back to sleep. 5-HTP fixed that.
I used to have a hard time falling asleep. 5-HTP fixed that.
Ambien works but that made me do silly things and it didn’t feel natural.
Melatonin sort of worked but gave me nightmares.
I’ve tried the over the counter concoctions with hundreds of natural sleep aids and those were hit and miss.
I don’t have depression so I don’t know if it’s helped my mood or anything, just sleeping.
I’ve been on it for 6 months now but I took a hiatus on the 5th month to see if it was really doing any good. Within 2 days I was back to having a hard time sleeping and slept terribly for 2 weeks. Now that I’m back on it my sleeping soundly has resumed.
I recommend 5-HTP and this brand.
Lu and Lulu –
I bought this for the sleep improving effects, but man did it improve my mood. I did not expect that at all. I have an issue with sleep, and sometimes I get wakeful. Stress, activity, whatever builds up and I go through these insomnia jags. Sleep is really important for me. Without it I get cranky, eat too much, don’t accomplish as much and feel rotten. So, after a bit of research I thought I’d try 5-HTP. I know Source Naturals makes a great product. I’ve tried many other supplements and this is my favorite brand. Great value, great quality and it works.
The 5-HTP is fantastic. I take it at night along with a very small dose of melatonin from the same company. The 1, 2 punch is a killer to my insomnia. Sweet sleep, and the side benefit of a cheerful mood. Not bad for such a little capsule.
B. Short –
I purchasesd this product about 3 weeks ago and take it 2X a day.(Upon waking and about one hour before bed.) I love that it does not make me feel “groggy”, but I fall asleep faster and sleep better once I go to bed. I also do not wake up in a fog. Other sleep aides leave me feeling unrested the next day. I feel rested and energized. My teenage son has noticed that I am calmer and less stressed. This alone speaks volumes. I feel good and less anxious. It gives me the same feeling that Effexor did but without the terrible side effects. So far I have not experienced any side effects and just set up Auto Ship so that I am never without it. Dr. Oz featured 5-HTP on his show a few weeks ago as a tool to help curb carb cravings. I have not experienced a decreased craving, but I know it can take several weeks before you get the full benefits. It is definitely worth a try to help with sleep and anxiety!
AJ Nielsen –
My massage therapist turned me on to this product and I am forever in her debt! I have always been a light sleeper and have always had a difficult time falling to sleep and then falling back to sleep after awakening during the night. This would result in fatigue the next day (and all that goes with that). I tried this product and the results are noteworthy on two points: 1) I’m still awakening during the night, but now I can fall back to sleep more quickly, and 2) I’m sleeping more deeply. I awaken feeling rested and have more energy than I did before. I like the Source Naturals because of the pure ingredients. I have not suffered any side effects. 5-HTP has really made a difference for me and I would recommend it for others who are light sleepers or are looking for a little extra help getting and staying asleep.
SouthernBelle –
I saw this product on Dr. Oz and decided to try it for my PMS cravings and cravings in general. I have been using it for about 3-4 weeks and I immediatley noticed that I dont feel hungry in between meals anymore and I dont crave junk food or candy like I use to. I have dinner around 5-6pm and I am full, which was not the case before I started taking this. I dont notice any changes with my sleep and I do have bouts of insomnia, but maybe I will notice a better sleep pattern after taking it longer. Also, my mood seems to be better and I am not as cranky as I use to be with hormonal fluctuations. I think its a great product to regulate PMS mood swings and cravings. I will continue to take this product for about 3 months and see how it goes. Its recommended to be used for about 3 months.
V –
I really like this 5-HTP because it does NOT contain Valerian. I find that taken daily, Valerian contributes to my depression. Not to say that I don’t like Valerian for high stress situations, or overworked muscles, just that I don’t want a constant dose of it. I take 5-HTP instead of antidepressants, so I take 3, 3 times a day. I find that it also helps with carb cravings. I thought this Source One was a good value for the amount I take.
Lois Payne –
I just bought a bigger bottle after trying these for two weeks. This is a supplement that I will add to my daily pills and supplements. The 5HTP is working for me.