✅ Função Cognitiva Ótima: Eleve o desempenho do seu cérebro com os comprimidos NeuroPro+ Maximum Strength Health. A combinação única de Azul de Metileno e Vitamina C foi projetada para apoiar a função cognitiva ótima, ajudando você a se manter alerta e focado ao longo do dia.
✅ Suporte Neuro Rápido: Desbloqueie rapidamente todo o seu potencial cognitivo. Nossa fórmula é meticulosamente elaborada para fornecer suporte neuro rápido, melhorando a clareza mental e aumentando sua capacidade de concentração nas tarefas mais importantes.
✅ Foco Aumentado: Redescubra sua capacidade de se concentrar profundamente e se manter engajado. O NeuroPro+ é formulado para melhorar seu foco, tornando-o um companheiro ideal durante o trabalho, estudo ou qualquer atividade mentalmente exigente.
✅ Lembre-se com Precisão e Clareza: O NeuroPro+ não apenas ajuda você a se concentrar, mas também auxilia na melhoria da retenção de memória, garantindo que você possa lembrar informações importantes quando mais precisar.
✅ 60 Comprimidos, Benefícios Duradouros: Sua jornada de saúde cerebral é importante para nós. É por isso que fornecemos 60 comprimidos por frasco, garantindo um suprimento de dois meses de NeuroPro+. Invista no seu bem-estar cognitivo e experimente melhorias duradouras no foco, memória e desempenho mental geral. Não use se estiver grávida, amamentando ou se achar que pode estar grávida. Em caso de dúvidas, consulte seu médico. Não use se estiver grávida, amamentando ou se achar que pode estar grávida. Em caso de dúvidas, consulte seu médico.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Melhora a função cognitiva
- Suporte neuro rápido
- Aumenta o foco
- Melhora a retenção de memória
- 60 comprimidos para benefícios duradouros
The first time I ordered these, I was very pleased with the quality of the tablets and the focus they gave me. Unfortunately, my second shipment is a problem. Either it was a bad batch or the cap was not on tightly enough and moisture got inside, because the tablets inside are a much darker blue and partially dissolved in my hand when I poured a few out. The palm of my hand had a blue spot and my fingertips turned blue from picking them up out of my hand. I don’t want to touch them again. This did not happen with the first batch I had received. When I tried to return them or get a new container of them sent, there is no option to do that. So I have to write a bad review because I got a bad batch that I am unable to get replaced. That’s $49.99 down the drain. I’m not sure I want to take the chance on ordering a new congtainer of them.
Z. Elwood –
I’ve been taking these for a week and I can already feel the results. I have more metal focus and I can feel the difference in my work and other hobbies that require mental clarity. I also like the Vitamin C boost I get, I’m sure it helps my energy as well. this is now a daily supplement for me. PS: it does change the color of your urine.
This isn’t cheap and to receive only 59 pills is insulting. Not a happy customer no matter how good the product may turn out to be. Count your pills, people.
Update: Amazon did right by me regarding the pill shortage.
Regarding the actual product: Wanted to try MB and this seemed like an easy way to test the waters. Still early in the game and currently battling a relapse of EBV reactivation, two tablets in the morning seem to help with energy levels. Hoping that this will be helpful in keeping the EBV in check but only time will tell.
Pierre Barth –
Excelente opción, tengo poco de consumo pero siento q funciona muy bien, me siento con energía
Abdulla Al-shammari –
3 mgs pills should be the dosage. 10 mgs is extremely high.
Ben E. –
I have been looking for something to help me focus better during the day and friend of mine recommended NeuroPro+. The product shipped quickly and I had it in hand in just a few days. I started the recommended dosage and found that even within the first two days my mental focus has improved. I have been studying for an exam for my career and normally taking tests is not my strength. I clam up and forget everything I have studied. However, I found that NeuroPro+ helped me to feel more focused with this exam. I also appreciated that the Methylene Blue is paired with 75mg of Vitamin C to help boost my immune health. I will definitely be adding NeuroPro+ to my supplement routine and have already recommended it to others to try.
Wesley Juett –
I’ve used Methylene Blue supplements before and have been happy with the benefits, namely focus and increased mental clarity. I work in a pretty fast paced environment and have to think quickly to ensure things go smoothly, so anything that helps me with that is a plus. I generally use one tablet unless I know I have an especially hectic day, then I’ll use two for a little more “oomph.”
The biggest benefit that this has over other formulations I’ve used in the past is the lack of caffeine. I can take these tablets before I go to sleep and wake up feeling focused, no more waiting 20+ minutes for the results. Be warned though, if you’ve never used Methylene Blue before, blue-green pee is an expected side effect!
tess levos –
Who knew a supplement could make such a difference in my daily routine as a stay-at-home mom? Methylene Blue has pleasantly surprised me as a focus-enhancing sidekick.
In the whirlwind of toddlerhood, staying focused on tasks can be a challenge. Methylene Blue has become my secret weapon for those moments when I need a mental boost. A couple of tablets and I can tackle my to-do list with newfound clarity and energy.
It’s like a breath of fresh air for my brain, especially during those afternoons when fatigue sets in. I appreciate that it’s a simple and quick solution, making it perfect for busy moms like me.
Whether I’m tackling household chores or trying to catch up on personal projects, Methylene Blue has become a game-changer. If you’re a mom looking for a subtle focus boost amidst the chaos, give it a try – you might be as pleasantly surprised as I am!