As Máscaras para os Olhos de Ouro 24K, com 30 pares, são um verdadeiro tesouro para a sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Elaboradas com a pureza do ouro 24K, essas máscaras oferecem uma experiência luxuosa e eficaz, proporcionando hidratação e revitalização para a delicada área ao redor dos olhos. Com o uso regular, elas ajudam a reduzir visivelmente olheiras, inchaço e linhas finas, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem e radiante. A fórmula rica em colágeno e ingredientes naturais nutre profundamente a pele, deixando-a mais firme e luminosa.
O pacote é um excelente valor, incluindo 15 máscaras de colágeno para os lábios e 15 pares de máscaras de ouro 24K para os olhos. Essa combinação oferece um cuidado completo, permitindo que você trate lábios secos e sem brilho enquanto combate os sinais de fadiga e envelhecimento na área dos olhos. Os ingredientes nutritivos, provenientes de plantas e frutas, são cuidadosamente selecionados para acalmar e suavizar a pele, garantindo uma proteção completa.
As máscaras são rapidamente absorvidas, permitindo que os nutrientes e a umidade penetrem profundamente na pele. Com o uso contínuo, os resultados se tornam visíveis, transformando a aparência dos lábios e dos olhos. Além disso, são seguras e adequadas para todos os tipos de pele, tornando-as uma escolha ideal tanto para homens quanto para mulheres.
1. Cuidado completo para lábios e olhos, promovendo hidratação e rejuvenescimento.
2. Ingredientes naturais e eficazes que nutrem e acalmam a pele.
3. Absorção rápida, proporcionando resultados visíveis em pouco tempo.
4. Seguro para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo peles sensíveis.
5. Ótimo valor com 30 pares de máscaras, oferecendo um tratamento acessível e eficaz.
Para maximizar os benefícios das Máscaras de Olho de Ouro 24K, siga estas etapas técnicas:
1. Limpe a área dos lábios e dos olhos com água morna para remover impurezas.
2. Abra a embalagem e retire cuidadosamente a máscara de ouro 24K.
3. Posicione a máscara sob os olhos, garantindo que esteja bem ajustada à pele.
4. Relaxe e deixe a máscara agir por 15 a 20 minutos, permitindo a absorção dos nutrientes.
5. Após o tempo de aplicação, remova a máscara e massageie suavemente a área ao redor dos olhos para estimular a circulação.
6. Repita o processo regularmente para obter resultados duradouros e uma pele visivelmente mais saudável.
Kindle Customer –
Bought these as goodie bag stuffers. Girls loved them.
Customer Review –
I’m super particular about what I put on my face and in my body. The lip mask ingredients are listed on the box but the eye mask ingredients are not listed anywhere. I gave them a go anyway (fingers were crossed).
Both masks come sealed in individual packets which are full of solution. This does make them very slippery so you have to lie down for a bit or they will just slide down your face.
Regarding the lip mask… it’s huge! The photo is accurate in the listing because it covers from below my nose to the middle of my chin. Reminds of the Joker’s mouth. I could not get it to stick to the contours of my lips though so it really only had contact with about half of my lip area. I never experienced any negative effects but I also didn’t notice any positive outcomes. But everyone is different so I wouldn’t rule out giving them a try.
Eye masks have intrigued me since the real housewives are always wearing them after a night of drinking. I don’t need them for that reason but a little refreshing couldn’t hurt. Again, they’re slippery but soothing and non-irritating (despite not being clear on the ingredients). I’ll continue to use them every other day.
Overall, it’s a great value to experiment with these type of masks if you haven’t yet done so.
Rabbi Sarah Noyo –
The eye mask didn’t erase the bags under my eyes, but they did smooth it so I guess that’s a win. But the lip mask: huge & unwieldy—and it began to feel weird after a couple of minutes. I’ve only been allergic to lipstick once in my decades of wearing both high-end & low-end lipsticks, so it’s not a sensitivity issue. Definitely a thing to think about when using anything on your lips.
Outdoor Enthusiast –
I like how the eye patch feels, it’s nice and hydrating. The lip patches are hydrating too but they only stay on if you’re not moving around. I rarely have the chance to lay around to keep these on so I wish they would stay in place when I was walking around but I guess they force you to relax. 🙂
Terry Lei –
I’m giving this a 3 because the eye masks are fine. They worked as well as any eye mask I’ve used. But I was more excited to try the lip mask, since I’ve never tried one before, and I wasn’t even able to use it for the full 20 minutes. After about 5 minutes my lips and the surrounding area under the mask began to tingle and then burn a little. I decided to take it off. Really unfortunate!
Customer Review –
I bought this for my daughter. The material is of good quality, durable and the color is nice. She loves it but I think the price could be lower.
VinnyD –
I use the undereye patches and lip masks at the same time and just relax and lay down for half an hour. This is my mini spa. I will save the lip masks for the winter because that is when my lips get dry. All and all, my lips and undereyes are soft and the puffiness under my eyes is diminished.
Zoomies –
These eye and lip masks all come in individually wrapped packets and are wonderful! The lip mask is plump and fun, and the eye masks are rounded without that annoying sharp pointed end that so many other eye masks have. Both are easy to remove from the packaging and have lots of product on them. They stick easily but will slide around – you’ll have to stay still for this spa treatment. Leaves skin feeling soft and hydrated, and once dry no sticky or gummy residues left. No issues with my sensitive skin!