O 3 Day Juice Cleanse da Raw Fountain é um detox natural e saudável que consiste em sucos prensados a frio de frutas e vegetais. Com 18 garrafas de 350ml, incluindo 3 de gengibre, esse produto é saboroso e energizante. Ele ajuda a limpar o organismo, proporcionando benefícios como aumento de energia e bem-estar. O processo de prensagem a frio da RAW FOUNTAIN preserva muito mais vitaminas e minerais do que os juicers comuns. Não apenas os sucos têm um sabor melhor, mas também são mais saudáveis. Durante uma limpeza de suco, os alimentos sólidos são temporariamente eliminados, dando um descanso ao seu sistema digestivo. Acredita-se que essa pausa ajude a reduzir a carga de trabalho nos órgãos digestivos e permita que eles se resetem. Os sucos são enviados congelados em embalagens isoladas para que você os receba gelados. Descongele 2 dias de cada vez (12 garrafas) ou simplesmente coloque-os no freezer e comece sua limpeza quando quiser. Uma vez descongelados, os sucos DEVEM ser consumidos dentro de 3-4 dias. Nós recebemos apenas feedbacks incríveis para esses sucos, todos adoram o sabor. Se houver qualquer preocupação, entre em contato conosco e faremos de tudo para alegrar o seu dia.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Aumenta a vitalidade do corpo e da mente
- Fortalece o sistema imunológico
- Aumenta os níveis de energia
- Preserva mais vitaminas e minerais do que juicers comuns
- Proporciona uma pausa para o sistema digestivo se resetar
O 3 Day Juice Cleanse oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina diária. Primeiramente, ele aumenta a vitalidade do corpo e da mente, proporcionando uma sensação de leveza e disposição. Além disso, fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças e infecções. Os níveis de energia são significativamente elevados, permitindo que você enfrente o dia com mais ânimo. A preservação de vitaminas e minerais é um diferencial importante, garantindo que você receba todos os nutrientes essenciais de forma mais eficaz. Por fim, a pausa no consumo de alimentos sólidos permite que seu sistema digestivo se recupere, promovendo uma melhor saúde intestinal e digestiva.
Para obter os melhores resultados, consuma um suco de 350ml a cada 2 horas durante o período de 3 dias. Certifique-se de agitar bem antes de beber. Armazene os sucos na geladeira e consuma dentro de 3-4 dias após o descongelamento. É recomendável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer programa de limpeza ou dieta, garantindo que essa prática seja adequada às suas necessidades individuais.
Charles Mallozzi –
Where to start with my review…..
Well here it is:
1) This is NOT for everyone. End of Story.
2) Don’t just jump into a juice fast because you heard it will remove the toxins from your body. You should prepare for something of this nature.
3) This should be a multi faceted challenge for you with multiple reasons as to WHY you are doing this (explained below). It will make this challenge much more enjoyable for you.
Before you begin your cleanse, here are my recommendations:
1) If you currently eat a whole food plant based diet, jump right in! Your stomach is ready for this.
2) If you currently eat a primarily plant based diet, take 1-2 days beforehand and eat everything raw for that time, then jump in.
3) If you eat like 99% of Americans do (meat/cheese/dairy/processed foods), your body isn’t ready for anything more than 3 days MAX. If this is you, you should really consider eating a whole food plant based diet for at least a month before you go on this journey. Odds are even someone who does a 3 day cleanse after eating a standard american diet their whole life will find this disgusting and difficult.
Now onto the Fast/Cleanse (whichever you prefer to call it)
If you are overweight, this will most certainly help you lose weight, but if you want to keep the weight off after your fast, your best bet will be to move towards a whole foods plant based diet. If you are doing this to transition off of meat and dairy, give your body at least a week or two beforehand of that way of eating. If you are going to go back to eating the standard american diet of processed garbage, don’t waste your money doing something like this. You won’t enjoy it or get any benefits from it. For everyone else who has stumbled upon this review and believe that your body is ready for this, GO FOR IT.
I am currently on day 10 of a 16 day juice fast (14 days with raw fountain juice, 2 days water fast) and I must admit, this has really been a breeze. I had a small issue with some of my juice been thawed upon arrival, but Raw Fountain remedied the situation INSTANTLY. The juices all taste absolutely incredible and fresh, never have I felt any hunger issues, and most importantly, I find myself ONLY craving juice all day (I randomly was craving a bell pepper on day 7).
My experience so far: Well, before I delve into my experience, I can say that I am a 98% raw plant based eater, and I only drink water. My gut was prepared for this, and being that I have done this before, it was not something I was worried about. 16 days is my longest up to the point of this review, with my previous longest being 7 days. With this juice, you will begin to change your taste buds even more than you expected. Everything, including the ginger shot, taste incredible. The juice is refreshing, filling, and satisfying. I find myself daily debating which one I like the most. On the first few days, I found myself having bowel movements twice a day roughly, and on day 7 I began to see some mucoid plaque come out of me. This was the one and only goal I had during this fast. Now, it has been relatively consistent for me everyday with 1 bowel movement of mucoid plaque coming out of me. I have lost a total of 7.8 pounds so far, but the weight loss part is irrelevant to me personally. For others, this may be the most attractive part of doing the cleanse.
I make sure to drink 3 liters of water per day MINIMUM on this fast, and while I do have to pee a lot, it is worth it. I don’t drink any coffee or tea while doing this fast, but I suppose if you felt inclined to, you could do so.
Some side notes:
1) You will NOT feel hungry during this fast. As a matter of fact, you may feel more energetic than you typically do.
2) Don’t listen to what others say. YOU WILL NOT DIE. YOU ARE NOT STARVING YOURSELF. Odds are anyone who tells you that is eating a less nutrient rich diet than you would be during your fast.
3) Make this something you do once every 6 months at minimum. I recommend that you do 3 days for your first, 5 days for your second, 7 days for your third, and 14 days for your 4th (with every subsequent juice fast being 14 days).
4) Don’t eat ANYTHING. I have seen a few people stating that they ate some small bits of foods during the fast…that defeats the purpose of this fast. Your goal should be to shut down your digestive system so your body can focus on healing other parts of your body (and not use energy to digest food).
5) Forget any other company on here. Raw Fountain is the best tasting, freshest juice you will get on amazon, and they deliver FAST (typically overnight).
Lastly, if you are planning on going down this road, have more reasons than just weight loss. Do it for your gut biome. Do it to help transition off of meat, dairy, cheese, and processed foods. Do it to lose some extra weight you have been struggling to lose, but have a plan in place afterwards to keep the weight off. Do it to boost your immune system. Do it to challenge yourself. The only way we ever grow is by stepping out of our comfort zone and challenging ourselves. Do it to improve your overall health. Do it for your family. Do it for YOU.
Great job by Raw Fountain providing a fantastic product for those who are interested in juice. I look forward to using your juice for the rest of my life. If you think you’re ready, stop shopping around. You have found the best product available.
Jesse –
Product arrived ahead of schedule. Everything in order. Products taste good. Customer service was decent. They emailed me back relatively quickly. I’m finishing up day 4 now… I highly recommend to anyone! It’s crazy because you won’t feel like you’re starving, and your stomach won’t be growling… BUT… your mind will be craving food, but really you’re not hungry. It’s all mental. Expensive, but worth it IMO. My diet routine had spiraled into oblivion and I needed to do something radical to get back on track and kick-start a new eating routine… this has been interesting. MASSIVE energy boost as well… it’s crazy.
Audrey –
I am on day 5/5 of this cleanse and I am feeling a little weak and ready to ease back into eating tomorrow! This is my second juice cleanse with this company, the first one was the 3 day cleanse and that one was great! I experienced so much mental clarity, fluid loss and it cut cravings and helped me take control of my appetite better! The 5 day one is harder so just be aware that when you don’t eat solid food for several days at a time, you start to feel a little weak and light headed (at lest I do). I had to have some raw fruit and veggies and some broth/soup and it made me feel better! I would recommend this juice cleanse since it’s easy and the juices do taste really good, but after 5 days I am sick of juice and ready to eat! I am excited to continue on my health journey and this cleanse gave me the boost and confidence that I need to get to my goal weight.
Crystal Ferguson –
As a repeat customer of the Raw Fountain 3-day juice cleanse, I can confidently say that this program continues to impress me with each cycle. Despite being shipped to my doorstep in Oklahoma during the summer months, the juices arrived mostly frozen, a testament to the company’s commitment to quality and freshness.
Having gone through this cleanse multiple times, I have come to appreciate the convenience it offers. The compact size of the juices in my freezer was a pleasant surprise, making storage a breeze. I personally take the juices for each day out of the freezer and place them in the fridge three days before I plan to consume them.
In terms of taste, the juices have consistently been a highlight for me. If you have a palate accustomed to healthy fruits and veggies, you’ll likely find the flavors refreshing and satisfying. The variety in taste helped keep things interesting throughout the cleanse, preventing monotony and ensuring a pleasant experience each day.
The cleanse never fails to leave me with a sense of rejuvenation and lightness. With each cycle, I’ve noticed increased energy levels, improved digestion, and an overall feeling of wellness. The cleanse serves as a reset for my body and mind, allowing me to start afresh and recommit to healthier habits.
In all my experiences with the Raw Fountain 3-day juice cleanse, I have only positive things to say. As a returning customer, I can attest to the consistency and effectiveness of this program. If you’re looking for a reliable way to kickstart a healthier lifestyle or simply give your body a well-deserved break, I wholeheartedly recommend giving Raw Fountain a try.
It might be a good idea for most people to consider doing this cleanse when they have the opportunity to stay home for three days. Being in a comfortable environment during the “clean out” process can enhance the overall experience and make it more manageable.