O produto 21st Century Cal Mag Zinc D Tablets, 90 Count (Pacote de 2) é um suplemento alimentar que combina cálcio, magnésio, zinco e vitamina D. Ele oferece uma fórmula completa para promover a saúde óssea e muscular, além de fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Com 90 comprimidos em cada embalagem, é uma opção conveniente e eficaz para suprir as necessidades diárias desses nutrientes essenciais.
As Tablets de Cal Mag Zinc D do século XXI são uma combinação tripla de minerais que promovem ossos saudáveis. Essas tablets são formuladas para ajudar a construir ossos e dentes fortes, fornecendo os nutrientes essenciais necessários para a saúde óssea. Além disso, elas são fortificadas com vitamina D, que desempenha um papel crucial na absorção de cálcio e no fortalecimento dos ossos.
A combinação única de cálcio, magnésio e zinco presente nessas tablets é especialmente formulada para fornecer os nutrientes necessários para manter a saúde óssea ideal. O cálcio é essencial para a formação e manutenção dos ossos, enquanto o magnésio desempenha um papel importante na absorção e utilização do cálcio pelo corpo. O zinco, por sua vez, é necessário para a síntese de proteínas e para a saúde geral dos ossos.
Além de promover ossos saudáveis, as Tablets de Cal Mag Zinc D também oferecem outros benefícios para a saúde. A vitamina D presente nessas tablets ajuda a fortalecer os ossos, aumentando a absorção de cálcio pelo corpo. Além disso, a vitamina D desempenha um papel importante na função imunológica e na saúde cardiovascular.
Com as Tablets de Cal Mag Zinc D do século XXI, você pode ter a certeza de estar fornecendo ao seu corpo os nutrientes essenciais necessários para manter ossos fortes e saudáveis. Essas tablets são uma opção conveniente e eficaz para garantir a saúde óssea, especialmente para aqueles que têm uma dieta pobre em cálcio e vitamina D.
- Promove ossos saudáveis e fortes.
- Ajuda a construir e manter dentes saudáveis.
- Fortificado com vitamina D para melhor absorção de cálcio.
- Combinação única de cálcio, magnésio e zinco para suporte nutricional completo.
- Contribui para a saúde imunológica e cardiovascular, melhorando o bem-estar geral.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 tablet duas vezes ao dia, de preferência com as refeições, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Fiona Carotenuto –
husband prefers to other supplements
Donna Harvey –
This company makes excellent vitamins and supplements at a very reasonable price.
diamondstarproducer –
I’ve began using Century 21 Calcium, Magnesium & Zinc about 2 years ago, when my favorite brand was no longer available at pharmacies. Three tablets contain 1,000 mg of Calcium; 400 mg of Magnesium oxide; 15 mg of Zinc oxide;10 mcg of D3. Recently, I stopped my daily doses of this brand so I could test another brand of Calcium. Oops, I won’t do that again! I noticed the difference in my digestion immediately, and it was not kind. After a week of misery, I abandoned the exclusive use of the other Calcium brand, and returned to my Century 21 Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc. After 4 days, I was back to normal. There really is a difference in calcium products.
KatyKatMidwest –
While it is too soon to know the overall impact of this supplement, I can at least
tell everyone about the pills themselves. For some reason, most manufacturers never show
the actual pill. Considering how important that is to most people, it is pretty strange that
they don’t show them.
First off, I am lactose-sensitive (not full blown allergic, but milk and I don’t agree at all).
So after many, many years of not even thinking about the impact that would eventually have on my
bones and teeth, I finally woke up and started supplementing what I was missing from not drinking
milk. I also don’t get outside very much (and am NOT an outdoors person), so I wasn’t getting the
sunshine source either.
I was taking just vitamin D supplements, and did notice an increase in feeling better overall. Most
likely, like many women, I was not getting enough. However, after reading many articles about women’s
health, Vit D and such, I did a head-slap realization that my vit D supplements were still not helping
on the calcium. I looked through a lot of supplements that had both Vitamin D AND Calcium. There are
several out there, but not a lot that had enough to really do any good without taking several a day.
This one actually had more than I was looking for, but nothing that would be harmful in my case, so I tried it.
I am not really sure about the added value of the magnesium and zinc. However, since
I don’t regularly take anything else with those two things in it, I figured it would be hard to get more
than I needed.
The container is GREAT! Truly, I appreciate it when something is thought out and well-designed.
The bottle is easy to handle and easy to open. There are no push-down lids that you need pliers to remove,
or doohickeys to line up to get them open. With this one, the lid stays on, and it has a pop-up half lid.
It makes it very easy to get your pill out. For all adult households or older people, this is a really nice
thing. I don’t know about you, but I hate fiddling with some of those lids that offer a whole lot more
“protection” than I need from my own vitamins! Either I can’t get the lids off, or they roll away after they
finally pop off. The lid here stays on all the time, and I think that is a huge benefit. It makes my day easier!
To households with little children, it might make a difference, but all medications should be out of reach any way.
The pills themselves are a little less than an inch long. They are very compressed, and coated somehow that makes
them very slick. I have a hard time with swallowing pills. I still can’t take this one alone, but it goes down
very easily with a bite of bread or fruit. I’ve never had one stick to my tongue like some other pills! That’s
a benefit too.
So, the overall effect hasn’t been quantified yet – no bloodwork, nothing special, no numbers to quote.
But I can say that I haven’t had leg cramps since taking this, probably due to the combination of calcium
and magnesium. As with anything, don’t take more than you need, but I could say that this supplement would be
a benefit to adult females of any age, and possibly males.
So far, very happy with my purchase.
marksports –
I take this on my doctor’s recommendation. They provide the right amount of the 3 vitamins. The best thing is they are not too big to swallow! They have a smooth, glossy finish which helps them go down.
Katheryn escobar –
La empeze a usar con mi mamá, es una señora con problemas nerviosos y articulaciones, ojo, no sustituye la medicina convencional pero es un excelente apoyo.
Paul H. –
Actually, the phrase that I used in my headline was the slogan for Wonder Bread. But Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc are supposed to strengthen your bones in a plethora of ways. That is why I take it. Paul H.
D –
I had to go on vitamin D due to being so low in it. Taking these has raised my D level to a more acceptable number and keeping me from having to get shots. So I would say the are affective. The pills are large and do not have much if any taste. But considering they include magnesium, good buy