Descrição do Produto: Gummies de Shilajit Healtionist
Descubra o poder ancestral do Shilajit com as Gummies Healtionist, uma forma inovadora e deliciosa de incorporar este superalimento em sua rotina diária. Cada embalagem contém 1000 mg de Shilajit puro, extraído das altitudes imponentes do Himalaia, entre 16.000 e 18.000 pés. Este suplemento não é apenas uma fonte rica em energia, mas também uma combinação poderosa de mais de 85 minerais essenciais, como selênio, cobre e manganês, que desempenham papéis cruciais em diversas funções corporais, promovendo uma vitalidade geral.
As Gummies Healtionist são projetadas para oferecer suporte imunológico e antioxidante, ajudando a aumentar os níveis de energia e resistência. Com uma formulação rica em ácido fúlvico, ácido húmico e elementos bioativos, essas gomas contêm adaptógenos naturais que potencializam sua resistência e ajudam a superar desafios diários, energizando cada momento da sua vida.
A absorção e biodisponibilidade são aprimoradas com a adição de extrato de pimenta preta, que melhora a eficiência de absorção dos nutrientes presentes nas gomas. Isso torna o processo de cuidar da sua saúde simples e rápido, permitindo que você aproveite todos os benefícios do Shilajit do Himalaia de forma eficaz.
A formulação avançada das Gummies Healtionist inclui 1000 mg de extrato de Shilajit, 150 mg de extrato de ashwagandha, 60 mg de óleo de semente preta, 30 mg de canela do Ceilão, 30 mg de extrato de ginseng e 10 mg de extrato de pimenta preta. Essas gomas são fáceis de consumir e adequadas para homens, mulheres, adultos e crianças. Além disso, não elevam os níveis de açúcar no sangue e são à base de pectina, permitindo que você as incorpore à sua rotina diária sem culpa ou impacto nas suas preferências alimentares.
Cada uma das nossas Gummies de Shilajit é produzida em instalações certificadas cGMP, seguindo os mais rigorosos padrões de controle de qualidade. Cada lote passa por um processo de garantia de qualidade em todas as etapas da produção. Se você tiver alguma dúvida, entre em contato conosco por e-mail e forneceremos uma solução ideal 100%.
– Aumento da Energia: Proporciona um impulso energético natural, ideal para enfrentar o dia a dia.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Melhora da Absorção de Nutrientes: A presença de pimenta preta aumenta a biodisponibilidade dos nutrientes.
– Fácil de Consumir: Gummies saborosas que podem ser facilmente integradas à rotina diária.
– Sem Açúcar Adicionado: Não eleva os níveis de açúcar no sangue, sendo uma opção saudável para todos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gummies Healtionist por dia, preferencialmente após uma refeição. Isso não apenas maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também garante que você aproveite todos os benefícios do Shilajit e dos outros ingredientes ativos. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Vi Nguyen –
This product works pretty well. It definitely helped with some blood flow and other areas for enjoyment, but I will not say that this was a game changer or some miraculous miracle vitamin it just took me From level eight to level level 8.5 didn’t make a difference. Yes, did it help yes but it was not a life-changing experience. Yes I would recommend this if that’s what you’re looking for something subtle and smooth.
T. Powers –
These gummies are quite tasty, with a mostly-blueberry flavor, and pleasant chewy consistency. “Sugar free” is a big plus, especially to someone like me, who is prone to exceeding the recommended daily dosage (these lasted me much less than one month). The gummies are sweetened with stevia and monk fruit extracts.
I am generally skeptical about “dietary supplements,” and treat these shilajet gummies more as a delicious snack than as beneficial to my health. I can attest that I have not noticed any improvement in my immunity to disease or my brain health or energy levels or heart health or the condition of my joints or my digestion or my mood (all of which are touted benefits). And, even though I understand it’s edible and safe, I’ll still never get used to seeing the carnauba wax I’ve used to polish cars as an ingredient in foods.
Beneficial to one’s health or not, these gummies pack a very impressive list of ingredients. In addition to shilajit (supposedly one gram per two-gummy serving, of which I’m genuinely skeptical), there is ashwagandha extract, plus extracts of ginseng and black pepper, black seed oil, Ceylon cinnamon, and Vitamins C, D, and B-12. I’m not sure what all those exotic ingredients supposedly do, but I am wowed by their number nonetheless.
Bottom line: I’m happy to recommend these gummies as a delicious sugar-free snack. As for their health benefits, you’ll just have to see for yourself.
Catalin G. –
Gummies are the only way I will take my Shilajit supplement now, which I take for the impressive number of trace minerals! This Healthionist brand also includes Ashwagandha extract, Black Seed Oil, Ceylon Cinnamono, Ginseng and black pepper extract. I love when a supplement includes other ingredients to boost it’s efficacy and absorption power, which in turn boosts it’s value to me!
This brand also uses Stevia and Monk fruit extracts, as the sweeteners, which I love, because they don’t raise blood sugar, making these gummies excellent for Keto diets and diabetics!
I notice a difference with my energy levels right away and the blueberry flavor is so good and different that other gummies I’ve tried!
I am very happy with my results and I highly recommend this supplement!
Robert F. –
I just finished the bottle and had no adverse reactions from taking these. I like the product but it has a couple short comings in my opinion. First one being that while it does contain ashwagandha, it is underdosed. 150mg of ashwagandha not enough from what I have studied and take personally. 500mg is a good amount for those taking ashwagandha for weight lifting. Second is the fulvic acid. Some companies list the fulvic acid % and some don’t. It would be nice to know the % of fulvic acid as I have a preferred amount in that as well. For all i know this meets or exceeds it, but I just don’t know.
I do like the flavor and the 1000mg of shilajit. The bottle is also nicely designed and easy to read. I would recommend this to someone looking for potential benefits in testosterone.
Trevor –
Was a bit hesitant ordering these as there as so many formatting errors on the listing!
Flavor tastes faintly of blue berry. Easier to take the Shilajit in the form of a gummy supplement than other methods. A bit chewy & sticks to the teeth, so be careful.
There is black pepper in it so if you’re allergic this is not the supplement for you. In addition to the shilajit extract, there’s also ashwagandha extract, black seed oil, Ceylon cinnamon, & ginseng which is great when additional extracts are included.
Al Croke –
I am happy with them and plan to order more!
RW –
I haven’t heard much about shilajit benefits but upon research, there are many and one that stood out to me was overall fitness increased. This is great as I gym daily so I need anything that can help me recover faster and increase my stamina! Also has improve cognitive function, which is always a plus. The gummies themselves are firm but easy to chew through once the saliva soften them up a bit. It tastes and smells like blueberries or grapes to me. Easy to take daily and to incorporate into daily routine!
Catalin G. –
– pleasant taste of blueberry
– easy to chew and swallow
– general fitness improvements halfway through
– contains additional ingredients and not just shilajit