Descrição do Produto: 2 Pack Calcium Gummies 1000mg com Vitamina D3 K2
Descubra a revolução na suplementação com as nossas gomas de cálcio! Cada embalagem contém um poderoso combo de 1000mg de Cálcio Citrato, uma forma altamente biodisponível de cálcio que é facilmente absorvida pelo seu corpo. Essas gomas são formuladas para oferecer um suporte excepcional à saúde óssea, combinando o cálcio com a Vitamina D3, que potencializa a absorção e utilização do cálcio, e a Vitamina K2, que direciona o cálcio para os locais onde ele é mais necessário, fortalecendo assim o seu sistema esquelético.
Além de promover a saúde óssea, as nossas gomas também são enriquecidas com Magnésio, um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na recuperação e função muscular. O Magnésio ajuda a aliviar a tensão muscular após os treinos e melhora o desempenho atlético geral. Se você é um entusiasta do fitness ou simplesmente deseja manter músculos saudáveis, essas gomas são a escolha ideal.
A saúde mental também é uma prioridade com a nossa fórmula. O Zinco, um mineral essencial para a saúde mental, contribui para a regulação do humor e das emoções. Junto com as Vitaminas do Complexo B, que apoiam a função neurológica e reduzem o estresse, essas gomas ajudam a manter uma perspectiva positiva, uma mente clara e um bem-estar geral.
Para completar, a combinação potente de Vitaminas D3, Complexo B e Zinco fortalece o seu sistema imunológico. Mantenha-se saudável e forte durante todo o ano com essas gomas que apoiam a imunidade.
E o melhor de tudo: você pode desfrutar do delicioso sabor de laranja dessas gomas, feitas com ingredientes naturais e livres de adoçantes artificiais. Elas são perfeitas para uma nutrição prática, cabendo facilmente na sua bolsa, mochila de academia ou gaveta do escritório.
– Fortalecimento Ósseo: A combinação de Cálcio, Vitamina D3 e K2 promove a saúde e densidade óssea.
– Recuperação Muscular: O Magnésio ajuda na recuperação muscular e melhora o desempenho atlético.
– Equilíbrio Emocional: O Zinco e as Vitaminas do Complexo B contribuem para a regulação do humor e redução do estresse.
– Apoio Imunológico: A fórmula rica em vitaminas fortalece o sistema imunológico, mantendo você saudável.
– Sabor Agradável e Praticidade: O sabor de laranja torna a suplementação prazerosa e fácil de incorporar na rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gomas por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e garante que seu corpo receba o suporte necessário para a saúde óssea, muscular e mental. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e sempre consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
laurie –
I like the ease of taking this, my other meds are pills and tend to make me have a hard time swallowing them. These gummies are way too easy and it keeps me from missing a single day. I have a lot of muscle cramps and I believe this to help with that. Oh, btw they taste pretty good too.
Boss Ross –
These gummy vitamins are great! The orange flavor is really pleasant—not too strong or artificial—and they’re sugar-free. They’re just the right size, making them easy to chew without being too sticky or tough. They include calcium and magnesium, providing great support for overall health. Definitely a great choice for anyone looking for tasty and convenient supplements!
CB1269 –
I got these mostly for the magnesium, zinc, and B-12 content (full daily recommended value of each) but these supplements also have three quarters of your daily requirement of calcium and the full amount of vitamins D and K as well.
The biggest selling point, in my opinion though, is the taste and texture. The supplements have a very pleasant orange flavor without being overpowering or fake. I also really like the texture. I am not always a fan of gummie vitamins but these are really well made.
The gummies are also vegan and sugar free if you are dealing with either of those dietary restrictions. It may be helpful to note that there are a variety of sugar alcohols used to make these – some people can be very sensitive to these compounds.
One final note of caution. While these taste really good, they are not candy. They contain a full daily amount of vitamins D and K which are fat soluble vs water soluble vitamins. Basically, this means your body won’t excrete any excess through your urine like water soluble vitamins. The vitamin D is used to help with the body’s calcium absorption, but if you have too much vitamin D it can lead to the absorption of too much calcium which can cause a variety of issues. Vitamin K can also interfere with other medications, especially blood thinners, so it is always best to consult with your physician before taking any new supplements.
If you are already taking these supplements or have been encouraged to do so by a medical professional, I would highly recommend these gummies.
Michael P. –
These supplement gummies are very enjoyable to take. They have a nice soft but chewey texture, a pleasant orange drink taste, and there’s no hint of either vitamin or artificial sweetener taste. Basically, I don’t notice any difference between these and a gummy bear candy with sugar. If you are looking for a supplement with the vitamins listed, then this is a really good option.
August Orion –
I’ve been pleased with my order of this 2 pack gummy vitamin set. The taste is very pleasant (just like candy – beware!) and easy to consume.
I’m confident to say that I’ve noticed some muscle and bone relief. Immune system seems to be doing pretty well.
The downside I would note is that you have to take two gummies daily, which means the bottle will just last a month. Personal preference to decide if (at the time of this review), $27.99 price point every two months will work for you.
Fly –
I’m not a fan of chalky pills or anything that tastes like “vitamin.” When I saw these orange-flavored calcium gummies with all the added goodies, I thought, “Why not? Maybe this one will finally be enjoyable enough that I’ll actually remember to take it.” First taste test? Not bad at all! They have this zesty, orange flavor that’s kind of like those old-school orange candies. Honestly, it’s hard to believe these have calcium in them because they don’t have that gritty texture at all. I pop them in the morning after breakfast, and they’re tasty enough that I actually look forward to it. After about a week, I started noticing small changes—my mood seemed a bit more even, which I think is partly thanks to the B vitamins. It was one of those “wait, I actually feel kind of energized” moments. No caffeine, no afternoon slump, just a little boost that kept me feeling steady throughout the day. The magnesium probably helped too, since I noticed that my muscles felt a bit less tight and achy after my usual workouts. Two weeks in, I realized I was actually sticking to this habit daily because the gummies were such an easy add-on to my morning routine. My nails and hair seemed to be growing faster too, which I’ll credit to the calcium and the vitamins all working together. I also felt a little more confident that my bones were getting some love—especially since I don’t get a ton of dairy in my diet. One thing I didn’t expect? My immune system seems to be holding up better. Usually, I catch a cold here or there, but I’ve been feeling pretty solid, even with the weather changes. I think it’s the combo of vitamins plus the extra minerals like zinc and potassium keeping me in better balance. The only downside? I have to take two gummies to get the full dose, so this 2-pack will last about two months. But honestly, that’s a small price to pay for a supplement that’s easy to take, enjoyable, and actually makes me feel healthier all-around. I’ve tried a lot of calcium supplements, and this one is hands-down my favorite for both taste and benefits.
Eilanthe –
These are small, orange flavored gummy bears. The consistency is slightly firm, not too sticky but they do stick together in the bottle. They are easy to chew and swallow and quite tasty. They provide good supplemental amounts of calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D. The bottle has a child proof cap which is a definite plus as these are very like candy. They have not caused any stomach upset or digestive issues.
Michael P. –
This has calcium and magnesium in it which I considered to be very important essential minerals. Your body Burns these up very quickly in the course of doing daily activities and if you exercise regularly, even more so. So these are tasty gummies that make a good snack and also fulfill nutritional needs. Keep in mind I am not a healthcare practitioner trying to recommend or cure anyone of anything. These are my own opinions from my own experiences and your results May Vary