Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder do nosso complexo de magnésio líquido, uma fórmula avançada que combina cinco formas superiores de magnésio em um único produto. Com 2000 mg de Magnésio Complexo, você receberá 800 mg de Magnésio Taurato, 500 mg de Magnésio Glicinato, 400 mg de Magnésio Aspartato, 200 mg de Magnésio Malato e 100 mg de Magnésio Citrato, tudo isso pelo preço de uma única garrafa. Este suplemento é especialmente elaborado para apoiar a saúde cardiovascular e a circulação sanguínea, sendo ainda enriquecido com as vitaminas B6 e E para garantir máxima potência.
O Magnésio Taurato, um dos principais ingredientes da nossa fórmula, possui propriedades cardioprotetoras devido à sua potente atividade antioxidante. Em sinergia com o Magnésio Aspartato, ele promove eficazmente a função cardiovascular. As vitaminas B6 e E são adicionadas para oferecer um suporte adicional à saúde do coração e à circulação sanguínea.
Além disso, nosso complexo de magnésio também proporciona 500 mg de Magnésio Glicinato, que promove relaxamento e melhora a qualidade do sono, juntamente com o Magnésio Malato para aumentar a eficácia. Tanto o Magnésio Glicinato quanto o Malato desempenham papéis cruciais em várias funções corporais, especialmente em relaxamento e descanso. O Magnésio Glicinato influencia positivamente a sensação de calma, proporcionando um sono mais tranquilo, enquanto o Magnésio Malato ajuda a reduzir a fadiga e as cãibras.
A absorção do magnésio é vital para o funcionamento do corpo, e por isso nosso complexo de magnésio líquido sabor blueberry inclui cinco formas queladas de magnésio, que são altamente biodisponíveis e bem toleradas. É uma excelente escolha para quem busca uma opção suave e de fácil absorção que cuida do sistema digestivo.
A sua satisfação é nossa prioridade! Oferecemos o melhor suporte para cada compra. Se você tiver alguma dúvida, entre em contato conosco diretamente por e-mail.
– Suporte Cardiovascular: Melhora a saúde do coração e a circulação sanguínea.
– Relaxamento Aumentado: Promove um sono mais tranquilo e reduz a ansiedade.
– Alívio de Cãibras: Ajuda a diminuir a frequência e a intensidade das cãibras musculares.
– Fácil Absorção: A forma líquida e as cinco formas de magnésio garantem uma absorção eficiente.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor de blueberry torna a experiência de consumo mais prazerosa.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 30 ml do complexo de magnésio líquido uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente à noite, antes de dormir. Agite bem antes de usar e, se necessário, dilua em água ou suco para facilitar a ingestão. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Bella –
This liquid Magnesium Taurate is easy to use, just mix it with warm water and it ready to drink This is a mixture of Magnesium and Vitamin E, B6 to support health, help improve bones, immune system. Blueberries is my favorite taste so it easy to drink with me. The liquid quickly absorbed without causing discomfort to the body. I feel full of energy and sleep better. There are 2 bottles in the package, I keep one at home and one at the office so I can use it whenever it is convenient.
Jennifer Richardson –
This was an amazing product: 1) helped sooo much with sleep 2) reduced body pain. Five stars. I had used four bottles. This last shipment is different. It now has an awful taste. It was a berry-like sweet, amber- colored liquid. Now is is watery, almost clear and weird. I’m afraid to use it because such a drastic change. I’m so sad. And no way to contact or return.
Nlee23 –
This is a palatable and easy to dose magnesium suplement. I especially like that it does not have a lot of synthetic additives nor does it contain a lot of extra, unnecessary vitamins, sugar or onknown herbs like some other brands. The biggest benefit of this supplement is the multiple forms of magnesium included in one dose. Each form of magnesium has different benefits and taurate, glycinate, malate, and citrate are some of the forms that are most easily absorbed making this a very effective supplement. I take liquid vitamins due to swallowing difficulties and need to supplment magnesium due to malabsorbtion issues from chronic gastric problems so was really happy to find this magensium. The taste while not amazing (what vitamin really tastes great without a lot of added sugar and artificial flavoring) is favorable and can easily be taken in original form or mixed with other liquids if that is your preference. My only caution is to do your research, consult with your doctor, and be diligent about the dosage you are taking as the serving size is above the generally recommended daily max – average daily dose of magnesium is 320 milligrams for women and 420 milligrams for men.
Pancho –
It fills all my magnesium needs! Helps me sleep.
High potency for senior citizens especially. Taurate is good for high blood pressure. Glycinate is good for sleep. 😴 💤
Fast and on time delivery.
Beverly –
I really love this product. If anything it helps me sleep through the night; and, my blood pressure has decreased by a lot (which was high). Before trying it I wasn’t sleeping through the night. I will definitely keep using this product.
Update 07/21/24 – The product has changed without any explanation of what has actually changed. The flavor is just sugary and undesirable. I cancelled my prescription and hopefully I will find a replacement. I went from 5 stars to 3.
Dan E. –
So easy to take! I hear swallowing pills so this is a great solution. I take it right before bed for better sleep. It tastes good so no need to drink water. The dropper is a little weak so make sure you are getting the whole dose. But I’m really happy with this product
juan doe –
Would be 5 stars if the dropper had measurement markings! I can’t tell if I’m taking the recommended amount… Also would be nice to see a recommended time of day to take it. I see that it helps one sleep so I take it at night for now.
Pancho –
This is one awesome Magnesium formula. If you’re not a Magnesium fan, you soon will be.
Magnesium is an incredible mineral, and it provides excellent support for the brain, heart, bones, muscles, joints, digestive system, and immune system. It even helps you relax, sleep better, and have more (and better) dreams.
This Magnesium formula is outstanding because it contains not one, but five chelated forms of Magnesium. They are Taurate, Glycinate, Aspertate, Malate, and Citrate. That’s pretty amazing. The reason you want these chelated forms (as opposed to lesser forms) is that they are more efficient, being absorbed far more quickly, and ultimately utilized more completely.
Add to this the fact that you have all these powerful chelates in a liquid form. Liquid supplements are superior, since they don’t have to be digested prior to entering the bloodstream.
This is a super product. You get 30 servings of this incredilby powerful Magnesium (a total of 2,000mg).
I only wish it were a larger bottle. Great stuff.