Descrição do Produto: 2 Gelos Flexíveis para Lesões Reutilizáveis com Envoltório Ajustável Extra Confortável
As 2 bolsas de gelo em gel macio da Rester’s Choice são a solução ideal para quem busca alívio eficaz e prático para lesões e dores. Com um design inovador, essas compressas são reutilizáveis e vêm acompanhadas de uma faixa ajustável que proporciona um conforto extra durante o uso. Seja para tratar uma contusão, aliviar a dor nas costas após um dia cansativo ou reduzir o inchaço pós-cirúrgico, essas bolsas de gelo se moldam perfeitamente ao corpo, oferecendo um alívio personalizado e duradouro.
Após algumas horas no freezer, as bolsas de gelo atingem temperaturas extremamente frias, proporcionando um alívio imediato. Para garantir um uso confortável, recomenda-se colocar um pano entre a pele e a bolsa, especialmente em áreas sensíveis como costas e joelhos. A versatilidade do produto permite que ele seja utilizado tanto para compressas frias quanto quentes, adaptando-se às suas necessidades de tratamento. Com alças ajustáveis, você pode fixar a bolsa em qualquer parte do corpo, seja no ombro, joelho ou cintura, garantindo uma compressão adequada e confortável.
Uma das grandes vantagens deste produto é a possibilidade de aliviar a dor sem a necessidade de segurar a bolsa manualmente. Basta colocar a bolsa de gel na envoltória, ajustar as alças e relaxar enquanto a dor e o inchaço diminuem. Com a promessa de durabilidade, as bolsas de gelo da Rester’s Choice são uma adição valiosa à sua rotina de cuidados pessoais, podendo ser armazenadas na geladeira, freezer ou até mesmo na mochila para alívio em movimento.
– Alívio eficaz da dor: Proporciona alívio rápido e eficaz, reduzindo inchaço e inflamação.
– Flexível e ajustável: Alças ajustáveis permitem fixação em qualquer parte do corpo, garantindo conforto.
– Reutilizável e durável: Feito com materiais de alta qualidade, assegurando uso repetido sem perda de eficácia.
– Versátil: Pode ser utilizado tanto para terapia de frio quanto de calor, adaptando-se às suas necessidades.
– Conveniente e portátil: Design compacto e leve, ideal para uso em casa, no trabalho ou em viagens.
Para utilizar o pacote de gelo em gel da Rester’s Choice, siga estas etapas:
1. Coloque o pacote de gelo no freezer por algumas horas para resfriá-lo.
2. Quando estiver pronto para uso, envolva o pacote de gelo em um pano para proteger sua pele.
3. Prenda o pacote de gelo na área afetada usando as alças ajustáveis.
4. Deixe o pacote de gelo agir por 15-20 minutos para obter alívio da dor e redução do inchaço.
5. Repita conforme necessário para maximizar os benefícios.
A. J. Bradley –
Well made and great for cold compress!
But a hot water bottle stays warmer for longer.
Tammy Welcher –
I have been dealing with an Achilles problem for a few months now and icing it a lot. I love this gel ice pack because I can ice both sides of my ankle at once since it wraps around. I have also used it walking around and it stays in place.
Holly Hobbs –
I ordered these for an ankle injury. They are well made, pretty soft material, easy to insert the gel packs. Keep cool a while too.
Scott Hunter –
Good price and really helpful! Straps allow for use on different areas of the body and holds pretty well. Also having two packs is very convenient. Overall very happy with my purchase!
Nereus –
I futzed around with several schemes for the (seemingly obvious, but oddly enough not well addressed among cold packs available on Amazon site) common need to cool one’s neck in response to muscle aches and cramping. The cheap “cold packs” are garbage to use, and are designed to leak internal fluids early on. Not a one of them is worth a dime. Stay away ! Then I bought a (at the time relatively more expensive) Sports Lab brand neck brace with a small (and far too insubstantial in volume and cooling effect) cold pack. Not well thought out at all (it chokes a man’s adam’s-apple badly when one tries to adjust for better thermal coupling). Thankfully, they fully refunded my costs after I reported all of the ways that it sucked.
This pair of cold packs could hardly be improved upon. The balance between physical size, cooling capacity, and flexibility when using them is really excellent ! They are capable of delivering a powerful (but not physically dangerous) wallop of cold to one’s skin quickly. If the internal volume of the cooling medium was higher (which would extend their time period of their usability, which overall is not bad as cold packs go), then they would not be as flexible (which is important when thermally coupling to various body parts). The adjustable mounting-strap assembly is also well designed, and works very well. The fact that these cold packs come as a pair allows one to rotate them between use and cooling in one’s freezer. They are built with reasonably thick and tough as well as comfortable on one’s skin (non-leaking) outer material. These cold packs are by far the best that I have ever found, they (in my opinion) represent a brilliant balance of design parameters.
The business owner who produces them is passionate and dedicated about product quality and customer satisfaction (as one can see from reading the message insert that comes with product). Have not contacted them (no need to), and have had zero problems in around one year of frequent use. These cold packs with strap assembly are worth every penny. Please note: I have received no compensation at all for this review.
Florida girl –
Stays cold and perfect size!!! Love the pouch!
J. M. C. –
Durable and easy to use.
Pamela –
After buying 2 different ones including water bottles that did not help, ( bulky, clumsy etc. )I am thankful to find this product.
I love that it comes with 2 gel packs. For some reason, I only thought of a microwave to heat the gel packs. So I got a used microwave, which I will no longer need. They give instructions on how to heat it without a microwave. Duh, not sure why I did not think of their method. Maybe concerned cause some have cheap plastic for their gel packs. This product has quality material.
It is multi-purpose as well. I have a device called a Maghealy. It fits perfectly in the sleeve to keep my device on my shoulder.
It works so well to wrap around my arm, leg, or shoulder. Holds very securely.
Yes, I would recommend this product.
mildred –
I bought 3 of the two packs. Wished I would’ve bought a couple more, as heat of surgery swelling, makes the cold time go away quickly. Getting around 20 minutes out of them, but each person will have different situations. After an hour, they sometimes feel like they just came out of microwave, so definitely doing their job of getting the heat away from the skin. Really nice temperature to set directly on the skin…haven’t needed to wrap them in a dishtowel, etc. They get cold again fairly quickly, but better to leave them in freezer for more than a couple hours….preferably a lot longer., if you want the cold to hold out longer. The size is really nice. Well made. (If need to ice in skilled nursing facility, check freezer space they have available BEFORE you go.)
David –
What a great product…stays cold, is flexible with the folds, and has a nice cover to secure it just about anywhere on the body. We got this because my husband needed to ice his leg after an allergic reaction to yellow fly bites (they are vicious and prevalent in the South). Now it stays in our freezer for whenever it is needed. Great product that is large when used uncovered flat or ices a bigger area when wrapped around inside the cover! ~David’s Wife