Descrição do Produto: 150 Testes de Cetonas com Guia Keto Grátis eBook
Descubra a maneira mais prática e acessível de monitorar seu estado de cetose com os nossos 150 Testes de Cetonas. Se você está apenas começando sua jornada no mundo do Keto, saber se você está em cetose é fundamental para fazer os ajustes necessários na sua dieta e alcançar resultados eficazes. Com as nossas tiras de teste de urina, você pode verificar convenientemente seus níveis de cetonas em casa, no trabalho ou enquanto viaja. Quanto mais você medir, mais você saberá!
Além disso, oferecemos recursos valiosos para ajudá-lo a viver um estilo de vida Keto. Compreendemos que a transição para uma dieta de baixo carboidrato pode ser desafiadora, por isso disponibilizamos todas as informações necessárias para o seu sucesso. Desde os conceitos básicos do Keto até dicas sobre testes e alimentação, você terá acesso a centenas de artigos, vídeos e receitas GRATUITAS!
Nossas tiras de teste são fabricadas nos EUA, garantindo a mais alta qualidade do mercado. Elas são EXTRA-LONGAS, facilitando a amostragem de urina e tornando o processo menos bagunçado. Lembre-se de que as tiras têm um prazo de validade de 90 dias após a abertura.
Ao adquirir o produto, você receberá um eBook com mais de 100 páginas, o Guia Keto para Iniciantes em PDF, além de um link para baixar um aplicativo GRATUITO onde você pode inserir os resultados dos seus testes de cetonas na urina e monitorar seu nível de cetose para um acompanhamento ideal do seu progresso.
– Facilidade de Uso: As tiras de teste são simples de usar, permitindo que você monitore sua cetose em qualquer lugar.
– Apoio Educacional: O guia e os recursos adicionais ajudam a entender melhor a dieta Keto e como implementá-la com sucesso.
– Qualidade Superior: Fabricadas nos EUA, as tiras garantem precisão e confiabilidade nos resultados.
– Acompanhamento Prático: O aplicativo gratuito permite que você registre e acompanhe seu progresso de forma eficiente.
– Acessibilidade: Um produto acessível que oferece uma solução prática para quem deseja monitorar sua saúde e bem-estar.
Para utilizar as tiras de teste de cetonas, comece coletando uma amostra de urina em um recipiente limpo. Em seguida, mergulhe a tira de teste na amostra por cerca de 1 a 2 segundos. Retire a tira e aguarde aproximadamente 40 segundos para que a cor se desenvolva. Compare a cor da tira com a tabela de cores fornecida na embalagem para determinar seu nível de cetonas. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se realizar o teste pela manhã, logo após acordar, e registrar os resultados no aplicativo para um acompanhamento contínuo.
David –
As someone diving headfirst into the keto lifestyle (and trying to avoid carb-filled temptations at every turn), these test strips have been my go-to tool for staying on track. They’re super easy to use and give quick feedback, which I appreciate since patience isn’t exactly my strong suit.
The extra-long design is a nice touch—no awkward fumbling or worry about accidentally dunking too far (we’ve all been there). The color chart is clear and easy to read, so I know exactly where I stand on my ketosis journey. It’s like having a mini keto coach in my bathroom.
The free eBook and app are a great bonus. They helped me understand what’s happening in my body and gave me tips to fine-tune my diet. It’s nice to have extra guidance when I’m knee-deep in almond flour recipes and avocado everything.
If you’re serious about keto or just curious to see how your body reacts to low-carb eating, these strips are an affordable and reliable tool. Plus, they make sticking to the diet way more fun (and satisfying) when you see the results.
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I’ve been using these for years on Keto and now Carnivore. The bad reviews come from people “thinking they’re in ketosis”. I’ve been doing this for years and can tell you if you eat carbs it takes about 3 fulls days to get back into ketosis. So don’t expect to see results until day 4. Everyone is different so times may vary.
If you follow directions on how to use this product, they work great. In my photo you can see my used test strip (upon waking up) and the new strip right under it. I even used these strips compared to the hospital tests, and it’s pretty accurate.
Bottom line is don’t trust these reviews stating they don’t work. These people aren’t in ketosis and have to figure out a way to get themselves there. It’s not the product’s fault. Buy it! They work great.
Jimmy H –
Easy to follow instructions and quick results with no issues whatsoever. With that said, please read this important info from Keto Mojo’s site before making your decision to purchase: Urine strips are widely available in drug-stores and supermarkets. These work by dipping the strip in a urine sample for a few seconds and comparing the color of the strip with the colors on the package to determine the concentration of ketones in your urine (results range from no ketones to highly concentrated amounts). The darker the color, the more ketones are present in your urine.
Urine strips were designed primarily to monitor diabetic ketones in order to help prevent diabetics from unknowingly getting into ketoacidosis. Not to be confused with nutritional ketosis, ketoacidosis is a very serious metabolic state caused by insulin deficiency(2) that occurs when high ketone levels are present with very high glucose levels. As a result, urine strips are effective in helping diabetics avoid a dangerous state. However, because urine strips measure excess or excreted ketones in the urine, they are inaccurate in determining nutritional ketosis and how well your body is utilizing ketones as fuel.
When first transitioning to ketosis, sometimes the body will make excess acetoacetate ketones, which will show up in your urine and on urine-strip tests. If you get a reading for high ketones early on with a urine strip, you may excitedly think you’re getting a reading of your level of ketosis. Unfortunately, that’s not the case: the reading is simply a marker of the excess ketones you are peeing out, not an accurate account of your level of ketosis (ketones in your blood). Try the same test a few weeks later while maintaining a keto diet and your urine test may reveal no ketones, even if you are actually in ketosis. As your body becomes fat-adapted, it converts ketone bodies more efficiently and is less likely to expel them.
Accuracy can also be affected by your level of hydration; varying levels of hydration may result in inconsistent results. In addition, the readings are somewhat subjective when comparing the color on the strip to the color on the package. And the reading you get is not a reading at the moment in time, it’s the sum of ketones present since your last urination.
Strips are generally only good for 30 days from the date of opening the vial as they are very sensitive to air and humidity, so if you do purchase urine strips, only purchase what you will use in 30 days.
Bottom line: urine strips are good as a low-cost option when first starting your keto journey and for their primary medical safety purpose: to monitor urine ketones for diabetics in order to prevent diabetic ketoacidosis. However, they are not as accurate for measuring nutritional ketosis as other methods.
mckerel –
I have been using ketone strips for a a year now. They are very helpful when trying to get into ketosis after eating carbs. To guess has proven inaccurate. Sometimes when I believe I am in ketosis, it turns out I am not. So using the strips daily helps me to determine what I can or can’t eat. They are very easy to use. I will continue to purchase more when my current batch runs out.
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So when I test it mine is like in between and the color does not match exactly