O produto em questão é um suplemento de desintoxicação e limpeza do cólon, com duração de 15 dias. Sua fórmula herbal ajuda a perder peso, aliviar a constipação e aumentar a energia. Além disso, o produto promove a eliminação de toxinas de forma natural e segura. É indicado tanto para homens quanto para mulheres e vem em embalagem com 30 cápsulas.
GENTLE HERBAL COLON CLEANSE AND DETOX – Limpe e desintoxique seu cólon de forma natural e suave com nossa fórmula laxante herbal. Ajuda a aliviar a constipação, diarreia, inchaço, desconforto estomacal, excesso de gases e outros problemas digestivos. Você terá mais energia, se sentirá mais leve e saudável.
SUPORTA O GERENCIAMENTO DE PESO – Seu cólon pode acumular vários quilos de resíduos e toxinas ao longo dos anos. Ao remover o excesso de resíduos, desintoxicar seu corpo e melhorar a eficiência digestiva, nossa fórmula de desintoxicação herbal pode ajudar em seus objetivos de perda de peso. Esta é uma ótima maneira de iniciar seu programa de perda de peso.
LIMPEZA RÁPIDA DE UM DIA OU 15 DIAS – Nossa fórmula pode ser usada por apenas um ou alguns dias para aliviar a constipação ou outros problemas temporários de saúde digestiva ou intestinal. Ou, use-a em um programa de desintoxicação e limpeza mais completo por até um máximo de 15 dias por vez.
A fórmula de desintoxicação herbal PureMax Labs 15 Day Colon Cleanse é fabricada nos EUA em uma instalação certificada pela FDA, inspecionada e certificada pelas Boas Práticas de Fabricação, a partir de ingredientes premium e é testada por terceiros.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Desintoxicação suave e natural do cólon
- Apoia o gerenciamento de peso
- Pode ser usado por um dia ou até 15 dias
- Fabricado nos EUA em instalação certificada pela FDA
- Testado por terceiros para garantir qualidade e segurança
- Promove uma limpeza eficaz do cólon, eliminando toxinas acumuladas.
- Auxilia na perda de peso ao melhorar a eficiência digestiva.
- Alivia sintomas de constipação e desconforto digestivo.
- Aumenta os níveis de energia, proporcionando uma sensação de leveza.
- Fórmula segura e natural, adequada para homens e mulheres.
Para obter melhores resultados, tome 1 cápsula do 15 Day Colon Cleanse and Detox diariamente, com um copo cheio de água. Recomenda-se tomar a cápsula pela manhã, antes do café da manhã. Para um programa de desintoxicação mais completo, tome 1 cápsula por dia durante 15 dias consecutivos. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer programa de desintoxicação ou suplementação.
LaReysa Fullwood –
You definitely only need ONE for a good “cleanse” but if you’re really backed up then take 2 ! Prepare to stay home all day though. I think I went at least 3 times my first go round. Definitely DO NOT do the 15 day challenge.
Jesse Slater –
Ya es la 3ra ves que lo ordeno
Nylah –
If you take this, stay home (especially for the first couple days). Normally, will take it at night and be ready to go by 8am. I recommend taking one pill at a time because it will cause decent belly cramping in the moment but will subside until it’s time to go again.
itsjustme –
So, I took my first capsule at 8pm, figuring by the time I get up in the morning around 5 AM, things should be moving as expected based on some of the other reviews. Well, around 1 AM I will say I felt some rumbling happening, light cramps, and by 2 AM, I was in the bathroom…then again at 5 AM. The bottle says to take two capsules but, I’m not sure how anyone can take more than one capsule at a time…that’s all I’m gonna say.
Update: I was late for work. My legs became numb from sitting on the commode for so long. My stomach twisted and turned all day long. I put a banana in the fridge just to cool down my insides. My stomach turned that banana into bananas foster.
What I am thinking is that I should probably do half a capsule. Proceed with caution. But, this stuff does exactly what it says it does. It’s like a mini colonics. Good luck.
Adrianna –
I have occasional intestinal issues with chronic bloating. These pills work, but it isn’t fun. I don’t think I will use them again.
Desirae Vest –
I have been using it, one before bed, it works over night within 8 or so hours. All u need is ONE trust me. 2 and you will have to stay home lol. That’s how great it works. It will cleanse your gut and take out the bloat.
Nylah –
I take these at night no later than 10-11 pm to work in the morning around 7 or 8am maybe wakes some up sometimes around 5 to poop. Relieves constipation but if you are backed up for real take 3-4 at night. It has to be taken before bed and drink 16oz water after at least lots of water helps move bowel movements I have no gallbladder and ibs and these work a lot.very relieving if it didn’t work for you may need to increase intake and buy more than one bottle. I brought these because I was buying the nzuri meltdown detox from shop boujee hippie on Instagram but she is charging $60 for this and the bottle said “manufactured for” so I knew it was another company’s pills so I searched the ingredients and I found these and they have the exact order and amount of ingredients as well as her acv gummies so no offense to her but these are cheaper and I couldn’t afford to keep buying from her when Amazon sells exact same thing for way cheaper. These were $6 before inflation but now $8 so not too bad.
I’ve been trying to lose a little weight and I haven’t done a colon cleanse in a couple of years so I figured it was a good time to do it. These had good ratings so I figured I’d try them out but now I really regret that decision. The directions say to take one or two before bed so since I’m a large man I figured I should take two last night. This morning I woke up early with severe stomach pain, gas and a loose stool and have been on and off the toilet all morning. I’m very regular normally but I haven’t gone as much in three trips to the bathroom as I normally do in one. The other part is I feel drugged, I’m super tired and aching and I can’t seem to shake it. Imagine taking sleeping pills that give you gas and a stomach ache and have you running in and out of the bathroom all morning. I’m throwing the rest of these in the trash where they belong.