10X Health – GABA L-theanine Calmante Líquido – 100mg L Theanine – Gotas
O 10X Health Calm GABA L-theanine é um suplemento inovador em gotas que combina a potência de 100mg de L-teanina com GABA e Huperzine A, oferecendo uma solução eficaz para quem busca promover a calma, reduzir o estresse e melhorar a qualidade do sono. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que enfrentam a ansiedade do dia a dia, proporcionando um alívio natural e eficaz. A fórmula avançada de calmante atua diretamente no sistema nervoso, ajudando a controlar a hiperatividade das células nervosas, o que resulta em um estado de relaxamento profundo e melhora do humor.
As gotas líquidas 10X Calm são especialmente formuladas para oferecer suporte natural ao sono. A combinação de L-teanina e GABA não apenas promove a calma, mas também facilita um sono reparador, sendo uma excelente opção para quem sofre de insônia ou tem rotinas irregulares. Além disso, a presença de Huperzine A contribui para a função cognitiva, aumentando a capacidade de foco e retenção de informações, tornando este suplemento perfeito para profissionais, estudantes e atletas que necessitam de um desempenho mental elevado.
A praticidade das gotas líquidas 10X Calm é um dos seus grandes atrativos. Com uma absorção rápida, elas podem ser facilmente incorporadas à rotina diária, podendo ser consumidas antes de dormir ou sempre que necessário. A embalagem portátil permite que você leve o produto para qualquer lugar, garantindo que o suporte ao estresse e à concentração esteja sempre à mão. A qualidade e segurança do 10X Calm são garantidas, pois os ingredientes são de alta qualidade e passam por rigorosos testes de pureza e potência, sendo produzidos em uma instalação certificada nos EUA.
– Efeito Calmante Avançado: Reduz a ansiedade e promove um estado de relaxamento profundo.
– Suporte Natural ao Sono: Facilita um sono reparador e combate a insônia.
– Aprimora a Função Cognitiva: Melhora a concentração e a retenção de informações.
– Fácil e Prático de Usar: Fórmula líquida que pode ser consumida a qualquer momento.
– Garantia de Qualidade e Segurança: Ingredientes premium com testes rigorosos de pureza.
Agite bem antes de usar. A dosagem recomendada é de 1 ml (20 gotas) por dia, que pode ser administrada diretamente na boca ou misturada com água ou suco, conforme necessário. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada para garantir a eficácia e segurança do produto.
amhs_monkey –
I love this Health Calm liquid supplement blend. It tastes really good, like sweet grapes and its super convenient. It contains three different ingredients: theanine, GABA and huperzine A. All three are really good for both the brain and have an overall calming effect on the body. I find that huperzine really helps me with some of my bothersome symptoms when I take it regularly and GABA and theanine really help me stay calm and get a good night’s sleep. This 2oz bottle has a 30 day supply inside and the dose is 2mL daily with food. It is less concentrated when compared to many capsule formulations but since it is a liquid, they are likely absorbed more efficiently, so efficacy is improved with reduced amounts of each ingredient. I take this both during the day when I feel a bit of stress or at night before bed and it works great for both purposes. They advertise several celebrities that use their products which, I suppose, is beneficial for their brand as a whole. I, personally, like to make a judgement based on my own experience as well as the current scientific literature, both of which support this as a beneficial option for stress and relaxation.
Victor Greenlee –
Not a cure all, but certainly takes the edge off.
Susan T. –
I am a big fan of these drops. I have been sleeping very well since I got them. I have been taking them a few hours before bed and seem to just slowly feel a little more relaxed. I don’t have any sort of high or grogginess from them. I just feel ready to go to sleep.
I have been taking melatonin for many years and have been taking both most nights, but even when I skipped the melatonin for a few nights I slept just fine. I think my body has grown a tolerance to melatonin since I have taken it so long, so I am not sure it is doing much anymore.
The biggest problem I see with these is the price. $40 seems quite steep, but that is subjective. Overall I am pleased though.
Nancy Ellmore –
Good quality Ingredients. Has a nice Lemony taste.
This is Non-GMO product, which I appreciate very much.
This supplement contains an ingredient called Huperzine A which is used for many beneficial benefits including it may help with sleep and memory.
Since taken this I have felt more relaxed and sleeping through the night. Has been easy on my stomach with no side effects.
Alex ♔ –
I’ve started taking the 10X Health Calm GABA L-theanine supplement for over a week now. While I haven’t noticed major effects yet, the product arrived in a nicely sealed bottle. The liquid drops are easy to take, and I prefer them over another capsule.
I plan to continue taking it until I finish the bottle to see if it helps improve my quality of sleep. I usually have no issues with falling asleep quickly, but I tend to dream a lot, unlike my partner who hardly dreams at all. I’ve noticed it keeps me calmer before bed. The product is made in the USA, and the brand offers a variety of supplements.
Ms. Bee –
I ordered this because I have had very good results in the past with both L-theanine (which I ordinarily take daily) and Gaba, so I thought the combination would be just great! However, I hadn’t realized that there is a third ingredient, the Huperzine A. So, I did some reading and research on it, and from what I can see it’s ordinarily used for, I honestly don’t understand why it’s included in this mixture that is called “Calm”. And quite frankly, the side effects that some people said they had experienced from it (Huperzine A) really frightened me, so the truth is that now that I know that it has this Huperzine A in it I’m afraid to try it because of how other people have reacted to it, and also I in particular tend to be very very sensitive, so I’m just too afraid to risk it.
On top of everything else, it doesn’t help that there is no mention of any kind of quality control on the bottle, nothing about it having been manufactured in a GMP facility, nothing about third-party testing. That certainly does not increase my confidence. I think I will just have to pass.
Flower –
Noticeably helped me manage stress. The liquid form makes it really easy to take, and the natural flavor is mild, so it doesn’t leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Has helped a bit for sleep too, great liquid drops.
Susan T. –
It’s the seller. Not the product. Please do not buy from this seller-however the product oneself from a reputable seller is wonderful