Descrição do Produto: Mullein Drops para Pulmões
Descubra o poder do extrato de folha de mullein com o nosso Mullein Drops para Pulmões, uma solução líquida que combina eficácia e praticidade. Cada dose contém 2000 mg de extrato orgânico de folha de mullein, proporcionando resultados impactantes em cada gota. Graças aos efeitos calmantes do extrato de mullein, essas gotas podem atuar como uma limpeza personalizada dos pulmões e relaxamento das vias aéreas, eliminando obstruções no seu sistema respiratório. Além disso, podem ser utilizadas como gomas de limpeza pulmonar sem açúcar, oferecendo uma alternativa saborosa e saudável. As gotas de extrato de mullein da Healtionist são suaves para o estômago e não possuem sabor amargo, tornando-as uma escolha ideal para quem busca um suporte respiratório eficaz.
Renove sua respiração com o extrato natural de folha de mullein, que ajuda a relaxar os pulmões, facilitando a respiração e aliviando o desconforto. Este extrato é eficaz na eliminação do excesso de muco dos pulmões, tornando suas tosses mais produtivas e ajudando a expelir o muco que pode estar se acumulando no peito ou na garganta, permitindo que você respire de forma mais fácil e confortável.
Fortaleça suas defesas contra invasores externos com o extrato de mullein para os pulmões. Em combinação com o mullein orgânico, ele atua como um poderoso suplemento imunológico. Rico em minerais e antioxidantes, o extrato de mullein também ajuda a potencializar a resposta imunológica, coletada a partir das flores de mullein.
A formulação avançada das gotas líquidas de mullein da Healtionist, contendo 2000 mg de folha de mullein orgânica, é absorvida mais rapidamente pelo corpo em comparação com cápsulas, oferecendo uma absorção mais rápida de todos os benefícios do extrato de folha de mullein. Você pode incorporá-las à sua rotina diária sem culpa ou impacto nas suas preferências alimentares.
Cada um de nossos extratos líquidos de mullein é produzido em instalações certificadas cGMP, seguindo os mais rigorosos padrões de controle de qualidade. Todos os lotes passam por garantias de qualidade em cada etapa da produção. Se você tiver alguma dúvida, entre em contato conosco por e-mail e forneceremos uma solução ideal 100%.
– Limpeza Pulmonar Eficaz: Ajuda a eliminar obstruções e excesso de muco, promovendo uma respiração mais livre.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas do corpo contra agentes patogênicos, melhorando a resposta imunológica.
– Fácil Absorção: A formulação líquida permite uma absorção mais rápida dos nutrientes, garantindo resultados mais imediatos.
– Gentil para o Estômago: Não causa desconforto gastrointestinal, sendo uma opção segura para todos.
– Sem Sabor Amargo: A experiência de uso é agradável, facilitando a adesão ao produto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 a 2 doses (equivalente a 1 a 2 ml) de Mullein Drops para Pulmões, duas vezes ao dia. As gotas podem ser administradas diretamente na boca ou diluídas em um copo de água ou suco. Agite bem antes de usar e mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Timothy M. Schultz –
Double sealed against tampering. The box is sealed with plastic and the dropper bottle is also sealed.
Liquid is slightly thick, like a thick oil. Brown liquid is slightly sweet, not offensive at all, unlike some other supplements I have taken. I took it straight under tongue and I definitely don’t need to put it in anything to mask the flavor. It’s allergy season here, so hopefully I’ll see some beneficial effects.
Spaul –
I have these to a water bottle and just on them and it just adds a little pleasant sweetness to the water. It definitely works. Especially if you have a chronic problem adding these to your daily routine just makes sense. I was a little nervous about trying but I was pleasantly surprised by the sweet taste. I would take this straight up no problem I just like adding it to my water bottle.
Jessica –
The taste of this product is pretty sharply sweet, but if something is helpful, I can get past a less pleasing taste. I tried this on two occasions, two weeks apart, as directed holding it under my tongue for about half a minute before swallowing. Within a couple of hours of taking this supplement I began to feel mucus moving around. Then, a couple of hours after that I started to feel achy and had a very slight fever. Perhaps I had a mild bad reaction. Since no other reviewers or online information* seemed to mention this sort of reaction, I have decided it is best for me to discontinue its use.
*Some versions of Mullein are known to cause irritation like itching. I did not experience this, my experience was like a 12 hour cold.
Soli Deo Gloria –
This is a 2oz tincture bottle of organic mullein leaf extract. The serving size is 200mL which delivers 200mg of mullein. The current price comes to about $8 per ounce or about $0.60 per serving size. Personally, I think the price is fair considering the benefits of mullein leaf, plus it isn’t as commonly available as I’d like.
We typically get mullein leaf in 2 forms, natural cough syrup or dried tea bags/loose leaf. So having the extract in a liquid tincture really gives us new options for application. Side of the bottle shows it also contains Purified water & Organic Fruity Extraction. I assume the water is there to dilute it slightly so it’s easier to take in the tincture. And the fruity extraction must be there for flavor if taking this straight. I’m fine with both of these ingredients, and I’m especially happy that there’s nothing more.
I’ll point out this is specifically from the mullein leaf which is good for cough and inflammation in the throat. But if you’re needing to treat the ear then I recommend looking for mullein flower extract instead.
Please note: My review is part of Amazon’s Vine Program which provides products at a reduced cost in exchange for honest, accurate reviews. Not all products are fully gratis, as the value is taxed as income. I try, use, and test all reviewed products and the above statements are my own and will not be influenced by others’ experiences or feedback by sellers. Thank you for reading and I hope you find this review helpful in making a purchasing decision.
Jessica –
Easy to use with built in dropper. Nice flavor! Great size for the price.
FrenJen –
I’ve only been taking this form of Mullein for about a week and have had no ill side effects. For some reason the Mullein with the Alcohol seems to cause me itching, which is a common side effect of Mullein. This one does not, and I can breathe better. While Mullein tea is a great idea this is nice because I don’t have to worry about straining out the nettles. Just a simple relief product that is all natural and hassle free.
Nancy Ellmore –
Love That this is organic and alcohol free. I take it first thing in the morning with just 2 ounces of water on an empty stomach. I found taking like a shot has not much of a taste or aftertaste easy on the stomach.
I think this is a high-quality supplement. Very happy with the results of my well-being since taken this Mullen supplement.
Soli Deo Gloria –
The Mullein Drops have been a simple addition to the morning routine. The flavor on its own is subtly sweet and completely undetectable when added to fresh hot coffee. Adding the tincture with the dropper is simple enough. Wipe after each use to keep it from clogging, as the drops have a syrupy consistency. My significant other has a significant smoker’s cough and, while the drops over time have not eliminated his cough, he has an easier time clearing his lungs and throat. The duration of his cough has been shortened a little, as well. For me, the drops do seem to cause me to cough in the morning, when I didn’t use to. But the coughing is brief, and my lungs are clear the rest of the day. We have been using the Mullein Drops about a month now. They certainly don’t hurt, and they possibly do help, but I can’t really tell if it’s a supplement we’ll be taking long term.