Descrição do Produto: 1 Body Ashwagandha Complex com Shoden®
O 1 Body Ashwagandha Complex com Shoden® é um suplemento inovador que combina a sabedoria milenar da medicina ayurvédica com a ciência moderna, oferecendo uma solução eficaz para o estresse, a qualidade do sono e o aumento de energia. Formulado com Shoden Ashwagandha, um adaptógeno poderoso, este complexo é clinicamente comprovado para reduzir os níveis de cortisol, promovendo uma resposta saudável ao estresse. Ideal para quem busca suplementos de ashwagandha de alta qualidade, este produto é uma escolha premium para o bem-estar diário.
- Alívio do Estresse Clinicamente Comprovado: A fórmula com Shoden Ashwagandha é clinicamente demonstrada para reduzir os níveis de cortisol, ajudando a promover uma resposta saudável ao estresse.
- Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: Estudos clínicos mostram um aumento de 42% no sono restaurador, apoiando a renovação noturna e ideal para quem busca um sono reparador.
- Aumento de Energia e Performance: Aumenta a resistência e o desempenho físico geral, respaldado por pesquisas que evidenciam as capacidades energéticas do Shoden.
- Energia Sustentada e Foco: Promove clareza mental sustentada e energia duradoura ao longo do dia, tornando este suplemento uma escolha versátil para o bem-estar diário.
- Vegan e Não-OGM: Elaborado com ingredientes limpos, não-OGM e sem glúten, nosso complexo de ashwagandha apoia sua saúde com suplementação de alta qualidade e amigável ao veganismo.
1. Redução significativa do estresse e da ansiedade, promovendo um estado mental mais equilibrado.
2. Melhora na qualidade do sono, resultando em noites mais tranquilas e revigorantes.
3. Aumento da energia e resistência física, ideal para atividades diárias e exercícios.
4. Clareza mental e foco sustentados, ajudando na produtividade e concentração.
5. Formulação vegana e não-OGM, garantindo um produto ético e saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do 1 Body Ashwagandha Complex com Shoden® diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para maximizar os benefícios do suplemento. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Nicholas Reid –
I do not recommend, I had no energy after taking this, was falling asleep at work and then could not sleep at night…very strange. I stopped after a few days because I cannot be a zombie like this.
Jodi L. Stone –
I’ll give this a three as a rating. I do believe it helped me feel a little better and not have afternoon crashes. I decided to try it for two months, I am currently still on the first month. I can’t say it changed my life, but I did make some other changes at the same time. I feel like my blood sugar has been a little more stable throughout the day and energy better. It’s usually a combination of things that make the improvement. I plan on going off for a month or two and then decide if I will order again.
Kells –
I have had insomnia most of my life and developed on and off fatigue issues a couple years ago (I’m in my early 40s). I had a physical and visited a cardiologist so it appears that there are no nefarious causes to the fatigue aside from perimenopause. I have low progesterone and while progesterone creams helps a lot, I’m still very tired when I don’t take it (you only take it the last 15 days of your cycle).
This seems to be a decent product overall. I’ve been taking this for a week now. It started working pretty quickly—the first or second day. Unfortunately it appears I’m sensitive to one or more of the ingredients as it’s been giving me loose bowel issues. It doesn’t cause any gas or digestive pain, but it is dehydrating to have soft stools every day. When I stopped for a couple days and my digestive system went back to normal and the fatigue came right back. I started taking it again yesterday and slept wonderfully. Hoping to find a way to make it owrk.
When I was taking it, I had more productive sleep at night. Even if I did wake up in the middle of the night (like a couple nights ago we had a big storm), I would fall back asleep immediately. And when I am up, I actually feel awake and not tired, stressed or strung out. For this reason I’ve been reluctant to quit taking it, but I’m going to have to listen to my body if my digestive system won’t adjust (giving it one more day). Hopefully cutting down to one capsule a day will help.
Update 1: 5/6/16 – I cut down to 1 capsule a day. It seems to have a positive effect, but I still have bowel issues (just not as severe). I may have to find an alternative. This may not be so much a fault of the product, but perhaps I am allergic/sensitive to one of the ingredients in it.
Update 2: 6/13/16 – Now that I’ve been taking these a while, my stomach seems to have adjusted well onto one capsule a day. I’ve come to realize after a bit of research that I had probably been experiencing low iron. I’ve always been prone to it, but it appears to have been made worse with hormones, bad diet and foot strike anemia (running a lot on pavement). Taking these regularly with my iron pills has really made a difference. I do boost the dosage up to 2 capsules a day when I get my menstrual cycle. I’m feeling like *me* again. Hoping to wean onto a multivitamin at the end of this summer, but for the time being I’m very happy to have these to help boost my energy. One thing that is important to note. It’s not a good idea to take this before bed. It will keep you up! Otherwise, they are very good supplements depending on why one is experiencing fatigue and how long one stays them (would not recommend using them indefinitely without a doctor’s okay).
Seth –
Day 1. Arrived at night. Took before sleep. Slept so deep. Even having to wake up the next day I felt much more rested despite morning grogginess.
Day 2. More clarity, calm, & energy. Feeling genuinely happier & less achy. Back & shoulder pain disappearing.
Will update as time goes on. I’ve taken a number of other Ashwaganda supplements with similar ingredients, but the purity & concentration of this one seems to be better just as their claim suggests.
Super grateful! Thank you. 🙌
shehab alhmmadi –
I only tried it for a couple of nights, but seemed to have even shallower sleep. Sadly, this didn’t help my insomnia.
Elizabeth H. –
I took these supplements for a month, as well as the thyroid ones (I’m going to leave the same review on both), with one Adrenal Support capsule in the morning and one Thyroid Support in the evening. I then stopped taking them for a month and now have started taking them regularly again. Here are my experiences:
I was always tired and had difficulty sleeping, and would wake up in the morning feeling like I hadn’t slept at all. I have also had chronic pain related to fibromyalgia for a long time. After having some tests done, my doctor told me about Adrenal Fatigue, and I did some reading about theories of how fibromyalgia is related to the body being stuck in “fight or flight” mode after a physical or psychological trauma. I had also had difficulty losing weight over the last five years, stuck on a plateau no matter what dietary changes, supplements, or excercise routines I tried. So the Adrenal Fatigue (and other hormonal problems related to the thyroid) diagnosis brought into view what could be causing or contributing to all of my problems. Reading about various natural solutions, I came across 1Body’s products and decided to give them a try.
Oh My Goodness. I wish I had found this sooner. I started sleeping better, waking up feeling rested, and that alone can fix so many health issues. I was also feeling more energetic throughout the day, not even feeling an afternoon slump or desire to nap. And to top it off, I didn’t change my diet (I already eat a “healthy” diet, I know that’s subjective, but most different dietary points of view these days agree on eating lots of vegetables, fish, and plant proteins and fats) and suddenly started steadily losing weight. I lost 10 pounds without changing anything but taking the 1Body Adrenal and Thyroid supplements, AND I started fitting comfortably into clothes that used to be too tight.
When I stopped taking them for a month, I rode the high I was on for a while, continuing to sleep well and feel full of energy. It gradually declined, and before starting to take them again a few days ago, I felt like I needed to stay in bed all day and still not feel rested enough, again. I’m not saying I think I will have to take these for the rest of my life. My suspicions are that my hormonal levels took years/decades to get as bad as they are, and so I shouldn’t expect to fix them in only one month. Hopefully, taking a month’s worth and taking a short (not another month) break and then repeating the cycle, will eventually get my body re-programmed to function on it’s own again. I’m trying to undo the physical damage of PTSD and I think this product is what I’ve been needing to do that.
Jodi L. Stone –
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Penny Hicks –
Really helps me relax. All safe ingredients, great price.