Descrição do Produto: Natures Plus Simply Natural SPIRU-TEIN Shake – Chocolate Sem Açúcar – 0,82 lb
O Natures Plus Simply Natural SPIRU-TEIN Shake em sabor Chocolate Sem Açúcar é uma opção de proteína em pó que combina nutrição de alta qualidade com um sabor delicioso. Com 0,82 lb, este shake é ideal como substituto de refeição, proporcionando uma fonte rica de proteínas vegetais, perfeita para quem busca uma alimentação equilibrada e saudável. Formulado com ingredientes naturais, este produto é especialmente desenvolvido para apoiar um estilo de vida diabético, oferecendo uma alternativa nutritiva sem adição de açúcares. Além disso, é vegetariano, tornando-se uma escolha acessível para aqueles que seguem dietas baseadas em plantas. O SPIRU-TEIN Shake também é uma excelente fonte de energia natural, ajudando a manter a disposição ao longo do dia, sem comprometer a saúde.
1. Substituto de Refeição Prático: Ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada e precisa de uma refeição rápida e nutritiva.
2. Apoio ao Estilo de Vida Diabético: Sem açúcares adicionados, é uma opção segura para pessoas que controlam a glicose.
3. Fonte de Proteínas Vegetais: Contribui para a ingestão diária de proteínas, essencial para a manutenção da massa muscular.
4. Energia Natural: Proporciona um impulso de energia sem os picos de açúcar, ajudando a manter a vitalidade ao longo do dia.
5. Versatilidade na Preparação: Pode ser facilmente misturado em smoothies, iogurtes ou até mesmo em receitas, adaptando-se ao seu estilo de vida.
Para preparar o Natures Plus Simply Natural SPIRU-TEIN Shake, adicione 2 colheres de sopa (aproximadamente 30g) do pó em 240ml de água, leite ou bebida vegetal de sua preferência. Misture bem até obter uma consistência homogênea. Para um shake mais cremoso, utilize um liquidificador ou shaker. Este produto pode ser consumido como um substituto de refeição ou como um lanche nutritivo entre as refeições. Recomenda-se o uso diário para maximizar os benefícios nutricionais e energéticos.
Kathleen –
I especially like that this is unsweetened and the chocolate flavor is excellent and I just throw in some berries or banana and a sweet enough for me and it keeps me going most of the day!!
Jeff Nasta –
Did not meet our expectations especially the taste.
karen cuthbertson –
Great taste, nutrition and I love that I can add my own sweetener because I can’t use stevia which seems to be in everything.
A customer –
This formula has a nice blend of a variety of nutrients. The taste is a little less pleasant as some orhers.
Amazon Customer –
I’ve been using this product for several years and like very much.
The Anonymous Buyer –
Long ago, I worked in a nutrition shop where I first became acquainted with Spirutein powders – they’re all delicious – the Nature’s Plus company produces quality products and third-party tests for accuracy. I was reluctant about trying the unsweetened powders but I’m doing low-carb for weight-loss and also attempting to cut out inflammatory foods from my diet due to arthritis / chronic pain. The chocolate unsweetened powder has a very light chocolate flavor, and true to the lable, it is not sweet- don’t except chocolate milk! I added my powder to unsweetened coconut milk made by the So Delicious brand, which only adds one gram of carbs and only 45 calories (zero fiber). I also added about ten teaspoons of stevia and a half cup water. This seems to be the magic combination of making my shake drinkable, though if you’re sensitive to textures, you may not care for my recipe… its kinda like drinking watery pudding, or thick gel-like porridge. I drink mouthfuls over the course of an hour, and usually with my daily supplements, so for me, it works. I’ll stick with my odd-texture shakes because its a clean source of protein and contains quality ingredients. If I want a richer chocolate flavor, I can always add a teaspoon of plain chocolate powder. This is expensive, but worth it because I’m not drinking all the artificial sweeteners that are in most protein shakes.
Amazon Customer –
Use it daily in a fruit smoothie with almond milk
Judith L. Lewis –
I have kept Spiru-tein on hand and used it as a quick meal and energy drink for almost 30 years. I have in the past, liked the taste and consistency; it filled me for about four hours and gave me energy. I have read the comments posted on your site about the change in formula and criticisms about the change. I decided to try the natural chocolate without any sweetener since I don’t like sweet products anyway. I have used this product and found it very different from the Spiru-Tein I have used in the past. When a scoop is mixed with 8 ounces of milk, the mixture is quite thick , almost like pudding. I then reduced the powder next time to half a scoop and the mixture was still thicker than the original Spiru-Teen. I also tried mixing a scoop with 8 ounces of milk, half a banana and ice in a blender, my usual choice. There was a strong vanilla smell but it did not taste of chocolate. The texture was different and taste inferior. Two sips and I was full from an air bubble. Because of the discomfort from air or gas after drinking this new version of Spiru-Teen, I won’t use it again unless the company goes back to the original formula. An expensive waste of money.