Descrição do Produto:
As gotas líquidas veganas de Vitamina D3 K2 (MK7) são uma solução inovadora e 100% à base de plantas, formuladas para proporcionar uma absorção máxima. Cada dose contém 1000 IU de Vitamina D3 e 200 mcg de Vitamina K2, potencializando a saúde óssea e cardiovascular. Enriquecidas com óleo de coco, essas gotas garantem uma melhor biodisponibilidade, permitindo que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo os nutrientes essenciais. Ideal para veganos e vegetarianos, este produto é livre de ingredientes de origem animal, conservantes e aditivos artificiais, tornando-se uma escolha saudável e consciente. Com um sabor neutro, as gotas podem ser facilmente adicionadas a bebidas ou consumidas diretamente, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
1. Saúde Óssea: A combinação de Vitamina D3 e K2 ajuda na absorção de cálcio, promovendo ossos mais fortes e saudáveis.
2. Suporte Imunológico: A Vitamina D3 é conhecida por fortalecer o sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra infecções.
3. Saúde Cardiovascular: A Vitamina K2 contribui para a saúde do coração, ajudando a regular a calcificação arterial.
4. Fácil Absorção: A presença de óleo de coco melhora a absorção dos nutrientes, garantindo que seu corpo utilize efetivamente as vitaminas.
5. Praticidade: A forma líquida permite dosagens personalizadas e é fácil de incorporar na rotina, ideal para quem tem dificuldade com comprimidos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 ml (equivalente a uma dose) diariamente. As gotas podem ser administradas diretamente na boca ou misturadas em bebidas, como água ou sucos. Agite bem antes de usar e armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
CottonCandy86 –
It’s ok. The formula is very thick. I’m not sure how you would mix it with any liquid because it’s just straight up coconut oil and doesn’t blend well. It tastes like nothing so that’s good at least. I can’t speak to the quality of ingredients. It’s an easy way to get vitamin k2 and d3. Better than taking big pills.
Tikiyogini –
After just 2 days of taking this product as directed I developed epigastric pain. I didn’t take it for a day afterwards, and as it was beginning to settle I took it again the day after and got severe pain again which has so far lasted a couple of days. I won’t be taking this again.
Raz –
I’ve been taking D3 tablets for several years based on its help towards increased immunity, better sun damage resistance, and improved mood. I never noticed much of a difference but I figured it couldn’t hurt!
Fast forward to a month ago when my holistic doctor explained the damage that can be done by taking D3 only. She explained that my D3 supplement must also contain K2 to prevent calcium to build-up on joints, arteries or kidneys.
I found this vegan-friendly, MCT-oil suspended blend and my results have been hugely improved — less anxiety and better sleep and smoother dosage! I will be getting another bottle so my husband can experience the same benefits with his own bottle!
CB –
I have problems with finding meds that I can take due to allergies and to me this is no taste. I have to take this due to a genetic deficiency and of all the ones I have tried this one is the best tate and zero allergy issues. I can see for some it might be a problem if you hate coconut but if not this one is good.
Shopper #? –
Easy to use, tastes good, . I believe drops are the fastest, easiest and best absorbed
J. J. Greer –
I wanted to add Vitamin D3 to my daily intake to help boost my immune system. I decided to try drops instead of pills because of potentially better absorption. The drops itself does not have any after taste or flavorings, so adding it to any beverage or water works fine. Taking the drops by themselves produces a slight oily feeling in the mouth for a while but goes away shortly. Added benefit is a feeling of extra energy boost. Overall, I am happy with this product and I would definitely purchase this product once this runs out.
Ionut –
I absolutely love this is all Vegan, I’ve been looking for a long time for vegan liquid D3K2.
It’s also important to me that there is no soy in this and no added unnecessary nonsense!
Vitamins K2 and D3 work in harmony to make sure that calcium is deposited in your bones, rather than your arteries.
This combination is the right dose and it’s handy to take this supplement which makes my overall supplement regime easier.
Raz –
The fact that this supplement is completely vegan is FANTASTIC!
It’s also the very first vitamin D3 supplement I’ve been able to use without an adverse reaction in years! I assume lanolin was the culprit, and this particular brand is lanolin-free and plant-based. Been taking these drops for about 5 weeks now. They absorb really well since they’re not in capsule form and they have a neutral taste.
In June my Vit. D level was 24 and I was feeling sluggish and tired with other few symptoms.
Since taking these I had my blood work retested. I am now at 73! I’m amazed at how well it’s working. Interestingly enough I’ve been sleeping better, and have experienced reduced joint pain during exercise. Will make sure I never run out of it.
zorrotzu –
I researched and love this product. Just two drops under the tongue.