N°6 Natural Sleep Support com Melatonina 1 mg
Em um mundo onde o estresse e a agitação do dia a dia podem transformar as noites em verdadeiros desafios, o N°6 Natural Sleep Support com Melatonina 1 mg surge como uma solução eficaz e natural para aqueles que buscam um sono reparador. Imagine-se deitando na cama, sentindo a suavidade do travesseiro e, em poucos minutos, sendo envolvido por um sono profundo e tranquilo. Com a combinação perfeita de melatonina e extratos naturais, este suplemento foi desenvolvido para proporcionar um descanso de qualidade, permitindo que você acorde renovado e pronto para enfrentar o dia.
- 🌜 Adormeça Rapidamente – Com nossa mistura de sono, você adormecerá rapidamente. Repleto de 1mg de melatonina e extratos naturais, diga adeus às noites inquietas.
- 🛌 Durma Melhor – Descubra o CLAV N°6 Sleep Support, um suplemento de melatonina que garante um sono mais profundo e ininterrupto. Acorde sentindo-se revigorado e energizado. Um sono melhor significa um dia mais brilhante!
- 🌿 Solução Natural para o Sono – Chega de contar carneirinhos com nossas cápsulas de melatonina! Aproveite o poder da natureza com ingredientes como flor de maracujá, raiz de valeriana, erva-cidreira e lúpulo. Junto com L-triptofano, é a receita secreta para o seu sono.
- 😊 Apoio ao Humor e ao Estresse – Estimule um humor mais alegre! Nosso N°6 Recover não apenas promove o sono, mas também auxilia na produção de serotonina, elevando o humor e aliviando o estresse.
- ♻️ Produzido com Cuidado e Sustentabilidade – Respeitamos o presente da natureza. Produzido na Alemanha, seguindo os padrões HACCP, GMP e ISO 9001. Amigo dos veganos, livre de glúten e lactose. Embalado em um frasco de vidro âmbar reciclável e ecologicamente consciente.
Benefícios Destacados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar
1. Sono Rápido e Eficiente: A melatonina de 1 mg ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, permitindo que você adormeça mais rapidamente.
2. Qualidade do Sono: Promove um sono mais profundo e contínuo, reduzindo os despertares noturnos.
3. Ingredientes Naturais: Combinado com extratos de plantas que têm propriedades relaxantes, como valeriana e flor de maracujá.
4. Melhora do Humor: Auxilia na produção de serotonina, contribuindo para um estado emocional mais positivo.
5. Sustentabilidade: Produzido de forma responsável, respeitando o meio ambiente e a saúde dos consumidores.
The OG Elf –
I’ve been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately. Sometimes I toss and turn and can’t get to sleep and then other times I get to sleep just fine, but wake up at 2am and can’t get back to sleep. It’s super random and super annoying. When it happens, I end up feeling like a zombie all day. I’m groggy, cranky and unproductive. I’ve used melatonin in the past and it works ok, but it’s not always reliable. When I saw this product available, I figured I’d give it a shot. I’m SOOOOOO glad I did!! This stuff is amazing!! Along with melatonin, it contains herbs and natural extracts, like passion flower, valerian root, lemon balm, hops and l-tryptophan. I take it about 30-40 minutes before I want to go to bed and then I’m out within 5-10 minutes of laying down. It helps me relax, so that I can actually shut my brain off. Along with being able to get to sleep without any issues, I’m also staying asleep all night. I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. I’m thrilled with the results and love that I didn’t have to resort to using any drugs. I’ll definitely continue to use it and I highly recommend that you try it.
Kenneth –
Due to rotating shift work I have trouble sleeping. Its been five years since I have been on a rotating schedule but I still suffer the effects of it. I have to use melatonin. Usually that’s enough to get me asleep and keep me asleep. This was a great supplement. The pills are a little on the large side but they are easy to swallow. I take one a hour before I want to fall asleep. They slowly make me drowsy and then keep me asleep for the night. I only need one.
I’d go 3.5 stars. I’m glad it seems not too strong. I don’t think you need much. I used it a couple nights and I need to get used to it. Because it has valerian in it, which I didn’t immediately know until I got it. It’s important not to take it every night. So it works. It just takes me a couple days to get used to since it has several ingredients it in. I wanted just the tryptophan and the melatonin. I recommend it for those who have lots of trouble sleeping, it will work well.
Heidilyn –
I’m not sure why the supplements are causing night sweats to such a degree lately. Is it the type or form of melatonin? Something has changed in all of my favorite sleep aids. I am still new to this product and will update in a week. I am going to try one capsule instead of two and see if that helps. I feel okay the next day, but not much sleep, unfortunately. I have to get up early and need to be asleep during certain hours. This is not happening, and I’m getting only 5 hours, maybe.
The formula is amazing, looks fantastic, but seems stronger than listed on the label.
4 stars. Not bad, but has some issues I am trying to avoid. Sweats, being the big one.
Kenneth –
I got these N°6 Natural Sleep Aid – Melatonin 1 mg & L-Tryptophan – Sleep Vitamins with Passionflower, Valerian Root, Lemon Balm, Hops – Sleep Support Supplement – 60 Capsules – Insomnia Relief – Sleeping Pills in recent and tried them out the first night and they worked very well.
First you get 60 capsules per bottle and it’s two capsules per serving so you get 30 days worth or a months supply which is about standard for a sleeping supplement. It comes in a glass bottle which is a nice touch and its also sealed air tight when it arrives. I do have insomnia so when I seen that in the description I figured I might need to try these.
I took these about 15-20 minutes before trying to go to sleep. There easy to swallow. I fell asleep about 10-15 minutes after trying to go to sleep which is really good for me. It normally takes me a lot longer to fall asleep because I can’t seem to shut my brain off when I’m trying to sleep. I stayed a sleep most of the night which again is also good for me as I have a tendency to wake up.
Overall good ingredients and works very well.
I would recommend these
Snoozer –
I find these sleep vitamins possibly did help me fall asleep faster, but probably not anymore effectively then other sleep supplements I have tried. Dose is two caps. I found the caps easy to swallow.
TM –
Great night sleep without any side affects.
Utah Mom –
I liked that this had a small amount of melatonin. Unfortunately, something in this combination of meds made me feel really weird. I was dizzy and had a really bad headache when I tried to wake up in the morning. I discontinued use immediately.